Well... Idk why this is happening to my game but somehow the server ping is a bit weird today. Everytzhign is glitching around; Player, vehicles... everything. Someone know if this is my pcs fault or the servers? [Btw the server ping is about 56000]
yeah idk what is happening but its the same for me...earlier today everything was fine...and now i get dced everytime i try to redeploy from the sanctuary..and when i cheese it and go to the vr training room first and then redeploy...i join the battle and everything is like u say "glitching around"
Miller server. Extreme ping, going beyond 50k sometimes for 3 days in a row. Playing not possible. Sometimes getting disconnected after login. I read somewhere else it might by a routing problem in Germany. No official statement here, bad thing. Is there anything done about? And what about the loss of premium time?
Are you sure it's the same issue? ALL people I spoke to now that have this problem live in germany and use the Telecom as their ISP. Every single one, no exception. Both EU servers don't work in the evening, right now, but other servers (US) work for me. I used a VPN to connect via France, and this works as a temporary solution (Use Windscribe VPN. It's free for up to 10GB a month or 2$ for unlimited traffic). It must be something about the server everyone in Germany, who's ISP Telecom is, connects to. Nothing we as players can do, just upvote this thread and use a VPN in the meantime.
I'm not sure about anything anymore. But, I know that yesterday I saw a lot of latency including me getting a kill second after I killed him. I think it has to do with something leading to what is going on today.
Hey Mithril, this routing problem is happening again, i have awful latency since thursday (and yeah, my ISP is Telecom).
Noted, let's bring the conversation over to this new thread. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/latency-increased-again.261881/