Extended downtime 2x XP weekend

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. SquattingPig

    Wasn't there 3x XP for 2 weeks last year?
  2. Ketadine

    Seeing that most patch days are taking a lot and modify a lot of things, wouldn't it be better to patch the game more often in smaller bits ? I would really like to know why as I'm seeing other MMOs do this, but not PS 2.
  3. Siani

    Thanks for all of your efforts to bring the game back up (and for the little mini update you did for us) :D

    Now, I need to go find me some snowmen to disassemble...
  4. Phazaar

    Double XP? On the weekend I'm due to see the Hobbit? Who the hell do you think you are?! -_-

  5. Jeltz

    So why is nobody on Vanu allowed on to Briggs Esamir? Population is low and we are stuck in queue while TR and NC kill all those lovely snowmen we hear so much about, but are not allowed to actually see! Queue never goes to completion. (19/12/2013 19:37 UCT+10)
  6. dp_nox

    Too bad, no time this weekend :(
    I'd love some extended double XP in the time between Christmas and New Years, so everybody got a chance to catch some of that in between all that lovely exhausting family time :rolleyes:
  7. Takoita

    I don't believe the double xp was really necessary, but I certainly won't complain :) I just hope I'll be able to try out the massive list of changes during primetime with my buddies sometime this week.
  8. Liquid23

    thank you very much

    we need more 2x weekends so I can get maximum use out of all those boosts I have sitting on my characters which I got from not actually participating in but simply logging on during the WDS!
  9. PLooschacK

    I have no idea how did you fix the servers but the game craps again. Yesterday I was all happy, as I could participate in those huge fights (48+ vs 48+) like the one at Mekala Tech... Today I woke up, did some chores, cheered a bit for running servers, logged in, dropped into some fray... and hello again flying tanks and subterreanan, teleporting infantry... Can I at least get some kind of memorial One-Year-Of-Unresolved-Ticket-At-Tech-Support Decal?
  10. CL4p2p

    Nice that's a cool compensation.

    Too late, I got it on Connery
  11. Pikachu

    Double XP makes more sells of XP boosts.
  12. RomulusX

    I have a half day on Friday...this should start Thursday at midnight :)
  13. IamDH

    Thank you king of planetside
  14. Nocturnal7x

    Well thats nice but the game is super broken...how about you undo this crappy patch and revisit this silliness after you guys get back in jan?

    Hell Id rather get farmed by ZOEs than play this crappy broken game...
  15. Jaeger41

    It says "Friday at Midnight". It isn't clear if that means Friday is included or not. It could refer to the beginning of Friday, or it could refer to the end of Friday.

    In the past, "weekend" specials have included Friday.
    • Up x 1
  16. Shubniggurath

    Only half your bullets are registering? Don't worry guys. We'll give you twice the XP!
    • Up x 1
  17. kadney

    You ask Higby what faction he is playing? :eek: Seriously? He's a freedom fighter!:D
  18. Vanu Rebirth

    Thanks a lot. I know there are haters out there, but with these big updates your doing, on such a big game, some server issues are to be expected (All big MMO's have them). In the end you guys always solve the issues, some people just don't always have the patience and take to the forums. Thanks for the 2x XP as well!!!
  19. Blarg20011

    You never know with those types, they're sneaky.
  20. Fredfred

    That snowman doesn't have a :eek: face on it.