Explosives are getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlCohonez, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    Only if you play it in an objective based way, but why should you? Territory doesn't matter in PS2
  2. vsae

    Blame soe for grenade directives.
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  3. Frostiken

    Explosive spam is never good in ANY game. The mere PRESENCE of something like Flak Armor in the game outright suggests a design flaw. You shouldn't have to rely on hard-counter gimmicks like that to 'fix' your broken design.

    However, as much as I loved Planetside 1, this is one area where PS1 was actually even worse. Between those ******* radiation grenades, being able to pack half a dozen plasma grenades in any loadout, rocklet rifles, and literally everyone having a Decimator...
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  4. Aragato

    Fully certed out grenade bandoleer for all my classes because everyone wants to just chuck grenades all the time so why not join the explosion of certs party?
  5. Scorponok

    oh yes plz nerf the rockets their aoe range is to high... 0.35meters is to big of a area..only direct damage!
  6. LibertyRevolution

    I don't understand.. I am always at 750 cap. I throw a grenade and I'm still at 750 cap...
    To me, not throwing a grenade each life would be wasting resources, as I'm always at cap.
  7. Axehilt

    Personally I find PS2 has far less AI splash thrown around than most games. Most games there ends up being an interesting balance of direct-fired and splash weapons, but in PS2 even the underbarrel grenades are "direct hit or nuthin'".

    So I'd actually love to see more AOE damage options, so long as they're balanced and counterable.
  8. Astriania

    Since the resource update, every point hold is broken by a full squad of enemies chucking grenades into the room. There's no way you can hold a point if there are 20 grenades in the room, all you can do is cede it and then spam it back again, which is boring.

    Hopefully resource revamp part 2 will solve this but I wish they wouldn't release half-finished stuff when the preceding version was actually fine.
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  9. ColonelChingles

    For me, when I hit cap that's when I think about pulling a tank or Sunderer. Hence I don't throw grenades because I'm saving up for a vehicle, or the possibility that I might need a vehicle.

    Nothing worse than having your assault pewter out because the only Sunderer exploded and you spent your nanites on grenades. :(
  10. Ronin Oni

    Holy hell, really???

    Splash damage has seen NOTHING but nerfs since launch and yet here people are, crying for MORE.


    How about we just completely remove every explosive from the game. Would that make people happy????

    FFS. This is getting out of hand.
  11. Ronin Oni

    They already can't even kill, giving Rocket Primaries a slower TTK than even the bloody beamer FFS.
  12. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, I rarely use consumables anymore since the resource merge.

    I'd rather pull an aircraft or tank with those resources. If I'm full, then what the hell am I doing with my boots on the ground???

    If I get full into an infantry fight and I don't want to pull a vhiecle because they're segmented off from the fight and currently useless, that's the ONLY time I'll use consumables, and then sparingly never to drop below 600 Nanites because when I'm done with the inf fight I need to be ready to go again.

    I've barely touched MAX since the merger. 450 nanites into an Inf fight? ug, no thanks.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    You can make a sunderer every 4 mins and still stay at cap as a F2P, they only cost 200..
    If you can't even keep 200, I have no idea what your doing to blow through all your resources..

    If you are using a force multiplier as a playstyle then I consider you bad at FPS, and you should go back to world of tanks/planes.
    If the thought ever runs through your head that you can't throw a grenade as you may not be able to pull a tank..:rolleyes:
    This is an MMOFPS, you are meant to be to be playing mostly infantry.
  14. IrishPride

    I think more than half of the weapons are explosives lol, even the banshee and lasher.
  15. ColonelChingles

    My faction dies a lot and requires lots of revive grenades? :p

    Revive grenades are 75 nanites a piece... out of my 750 if I toss 7-8 then I can't afford a Sunderer.

    If I throw 5-6 then I can't pull a Lightning.

    And if I expend more than 4 I can't pull a MAX.

    Now in any old Biolab meatgrinder, even throwing out 7-8 revive grenades isn't unheard of. Much less if I also laid a few blocks of C4.

    The biggest impact though is psychological. Before I could have 40 revive grenades in storage plus 4 on my belt, and still have full infantry resources that could create another 16 grenades. So in the old system I had essentially 60 revive grenades that I could use (without affecting my ability to play as a tank or aircraft).

    Under the new system I can have 4 in reserve, and my 5th revive grenade is going to cost me. In total that's only 14 I can have... which is a 75% reduction in how many revive grenades I can have at one time.

    When I have 75% less of something, you can bet that I'm going to use less of them. ;)
  16. DramaticExit

    I noticed this as well. It's pretty annoying when it's not even stuff exploding all that near to you, but your vision is lurching about like someone put your strapped your face to a pneumatic drill. This is even more annoying if it's something spammy and rhymical, like fractures or ravens.
  17. Simferion

    I think the psychological impact is on the opposite behaviour.
    The former system made you store your consumables, so you had to keep an eye on them, spend the resources when you could, keep them filled, etc.
    Even because the amount of each kind of resources depended on the territories you owned in the particular continent you were playing in.

    Now you don't have to store the grenades, you just lob them and when you respawn or resupply you got them again provided you have the resources and, unless you use them for tanks or MAXes you'll have them maxed most of the time or so.