Explain to me why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. NeoGenesis

    And 3)

    There should be a flashing neon arrow at Amp station tunnels. Because I rarely see anyone using them.
    The average player runs accross the yard and gets ganked along the way --> repeats :)
  2. Zan_Aus

    Spending some of your career working for a Federal government department responsible for some aspect of citizen/consumer protection/law enforcement is quite instructional in this regard. It will make you flat out despair of there being any hope for the future.

    Essentially, around 70% of the human race couldn't find their own butts with both hands and a roadmap.
  3. Llaf

    Because none of the objectives matter if you blow up their sundy.
  4. Rown

    There’s an immobile, crouching friendly MAX firing full auto with dual cosmos. Do you…
    a)Not step in front of him
    b)Step in front of him

    The enemy is assaulting the biolab using the jump pads. There’s a huge firing line shooting at them. Do you…
    a)Join the firing line and shoot from a safe position
    b)Run in front of the pad with your pump action and get teamkilled enough times to give everyone weapons lock

    The enemy is assaulting the biolab using the teleporter rooms. Do you…
    a)Camp them from outside the room’s line of sight
    b)Keep moving inside the teleporter room shields line of fire and fire at the shields to check if they continue to be invulnerable or if there’s been a secret hotfix the last 30 seconds.

    A team of 3 friendly MAXes is advancing slowly firing full auto dual cosmos towards the enemy’s position, backed up by engineers. Do you…
    a) Walk behind them and watch out for LAs
    b)Run in front of the MAXes and try to get some certs before they farm anything.

    You’re fighting to defend a small outpost. The attackers’ forces aren’t overwhelming and they’re not camping the spawn bunker. Do you…
    a)Search for their sunderer and destroy it.
    b)Stay inside the bunker, trying to farm the attackers.

    You’re capping Amerish at 4:00 in the morning. Do you…
    a)Tell everyone to get a scythe or a flash and ghostcap everything. Keep a galaxy with a squad ready to intervene for when there’s any opposition.
    b)Move the whole platoon from empty facility to empty facility.

    You’re trying to warpgate the TR. Do you…
    a)Get territories as far away to the NC as possible so your forces don’t collide
    b)Cap territories so the NC can only fight you. Try to get caught between the NC and TR for bonus strategy points.

    You want to farm certs. Do you…
    a)Defend a biolab, Vanu Archives, Scarred Mesa or the Crown, or any other territory with terrain advantage
    b)Defend the Stronghold, the only place where the attacker can’t possibly have the lower ground, is possible to shoot the whole base with artillery from various angles and aircraft is protected from AA fire by the cliffs.

    Most A answers: Congratulations, you have enough intelligence to be considered a member of the primate order.
    Most B answers: You are Mattherson Vanu.
    • Up x 5
  5. KodanBlack

    I would throw farmers into a sub-category of "clueless". [Heh]
  6. Bodaciuos

    Not just NC.

    It's all about player awareness. Many lack in this skill.
    • Up x 1
  7. KodanBlack

    Adding to the above quiz:

    You're inside of a spawn room. Three friendly heavy assaults are crowding the door, throwing enough ammunition down range to run the sun out of energy. Do you...

    A) switch to engineer and supply them with ammunition so they can clear a path to finally exit that spawn room and continue the fight.
    B) attempt to squeeze in front of them to get a shot on an enemy running past, and get a few plasma bolts through your skull.
  8. Llaf

    There’s an immobile, crouching friendly MAX firing full auto with dual cosmos. Do you…
    a)Not step in front of him
    b)Step in front of him

    C: sprint by him regardless of angle because lag will keep him from hitting me regardless.

    The enemy is assaulting the biolab using the jump pads. There’s a huge firing line shooting at them. Do you…
    a)Join the firing line and shoot from a safe position
    b)Run in front of the pad with your pump action and get teamkilled enough times to give everyone weapons lock

    depends how many, a few at a time? C, dance around the landing pad with my auto-shottie and don't get FF'd anyway because I'm not standing in the line of fire. A platoon or two? A.

    The enemy is assaulting the biolab using the teleporter rooms. Do you…
    a)Camp them from outside the room’s line of sight
    b)Keep moving inside the teleporter room shields line of fire and fire at the shields to check if they continue to be invulnerable or if there’s been a secret hotfix the last 30 seconds.

    C, pop out every now and again(otherwise A) to check things out, general lag + reaction time of the enemy keeps me safe

    A team of 3 friendly MAXes is advancing slowly firing full auto dual cosmos towards the enemy’s position, backed up by engineers. Do you…
    a) Walk behind them and watch out for LAs
    b)Run in front of the MAXes and try to get some certs before they farm anything.

    C, ignore and avoid them, because attacking that way, they are going to get blown to bits at some point

    You’re fighting to defend a small outpost. The attackers’ forces aren’t overwhelming and they’re not camping the spawn bunker. Do you…
    a)Search for their sunderer and destroy it.
    b)Stay inside the bunker, trying to farm the attackers.


    You’re capping Amerish at 4:00 in the morning. Do you…
    a)Tell everyone to get a scythe or a flash and ghostcap everything. Keep a galaxy with a squad ready to intervene for when there’s any opposition.
    b)Move the whole platoon from empty facility to empty facility.


    You’re trying to warpgate the TR. Do you…
    a)Get territories as far away to the NC as possible so your forces don’t collide
    b)Cap territories so the NC can only fight you. Try to get caught between the NC and TR for bonus strategy points.

    C, do nothing, because that would be treason and I would be executed :eek:

    You want to farm certs. Do you…
    a)Defend a biolab, Vanu Archives, Scarred Mesa or the Crown, or any other territory with terrain advantage
    b)Defend the Stronghold, the only place where the attacker can’t possibly have the lower ground, is possible to shoot the whole base with artillery from various angles and aircraft is protected from AA fire by the cliffs.


    I just thought I'd fill it out, I like questionnaires, lol
  9. NinjaKirby

    I wish it mattered, OP.

    I tend to hunt out the lone wolf/lingering players after an epic battle that are trying to trip Generators and what not.

    I can understand why a lot of people don't though, as others have stated it's down to Certs or it isn't fun for them.

    But I play casually, don't care about my K/D and basically "do the dirty work" that other people can't be arsed about - and because I play casually, I personally find it fulfilling to put a stop to what that the lone wolf thinks could be an "epic inside sabotage" job.
  10. khai

    I take it you do not follow fox news, politics or anything said by north korea by comparison this is just an amusing forum post.
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    I'd accept that if I haven't also frequently experienced people ignoring my spotting of, and shooting at, a deployed enemy Sunderer. They have to be ignoring it, because it's not possible that I'm the only Heavy Assault in the area.
  12. DashRendar

    Amp Station defense is one of my favorite in game activities. I've single handedly toppled TR advances for a good while in an amp station as an engineer ninja. I'm usually alone in the pursuit, and even if I set up a sunderer in the base shields, help rarely comes, but it's a fun fight while it lasts, and getting those sunderer kills is very satisfying. As is locking an enemy in the SCU room and then repairing the rest of the facility XD
  13. SpcFarlen

    Well lets be honest, who needs teamwork to kill a sundy when a couple of tank mines or guys with C4 can suicide run to it? People have just gotten that "someone else will take care of it" mentality. Usually when im HA and see a sundy, theres already a few LA running at it with C4 and i get no points for even firing one rocket at it. So after having that happen a few times, i can see why people just think someone else will deal with it.

    Same goes for bases. Usually its an infiltrator or some enemy strangler that gets on point again, causing it to flash back. 100 people dont need to rush point to stop one person. So a majority leave the area, "oh someone else will get that". Sometimes, someone else does and they zerglings go on their merry way. Sometimes it doesnt, and the base gets flipped back. People go back to resecure, get points, and the cycle continues again.

    Bases just dont really man a whole lot when you can flip them in a mater of mere minutes. Oh we lost adjacency, send two squads to resecure X, the rest stay at Y to attack. Its pretty much how base capture has boiled down to now.
  14. smoke eater

    Most times I notice that it is the zerg mentality, like lemmings. The worst part is right after a base has flipped. The gens and scu get repaired and every runs to the next base to be captured, even if a satellite base is being flipped. I`ve been in platoons where the leader is saying where to go next before we even finished capping the base. There is never an order of `wait, make sure all the enemy are gone and everything is fixed and lets move out as a unified group`. It is just `squads A and B go to (location) and C and D go to (location). It is usually the engineers who are staying behind to repair everything that have to secure the base.

    As for the quiz above, here is another question:
    An engineer has set up a turret with a line of sight to where the enemy is massing, do you
    A) stay to the side of him and shoot at the enemy
    B) wait till he starts to fire, then jump right in front of him blocking his view and take shots to the back of the skull

    There are not many tactics being used in this game. The one tactic is to rush a place with a zerg and keep rolling until you meet a greater force. It would be nice to have really organized plans, but it is hard enough to get enough people to sit on a point to speed up the base flip.