Explain to me why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Devrailis

    Okay. I'm seeing this so often now that I just have to know.

    I must know.

    I NEED to know.

    Especially from you NC folks. You freedom loving, herp-derping, bonus cheque bouncing NC folks.

    Why is it that:

    1) When you're assaulting a facility from an outpost, and that outpost control point starts to flash, why do you run everywhere BUT towards the control point?

    Congrats, you've now lost your outpost, your assault has failed!

    and related to #1

    2) Why is it that when a generator is compromised, you, and your buddy, and the other half squad with you, all decide, all at once, to run right past it without giving it a second glance? Invariably, the only one who does respond to the generator's moanin 'n' groanin is the BR5 newb who gets blown to pieces because he arrived too late.

    Congrats, you've now lost your base shields, your defence has failed!

    Why, oh why is it that so many of you completely fail to understand or read the tactical situation in your immediate vicinity? This isn't rocket science. Your control points and generators are your #1 priority, you lose them, you LOSE.

    So tell me, all you genius derpity-derps out there.

    Why is securing the objective so low on your list of priorities?
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  2. Badname3073

    because shotguns
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  3. Devrailis

    The suits should cut you a bonus cheque.
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  4. DuckSauce

    My favorite is when TR is attacking Peris and the zerg gets so caught up fighting over the watch tower that they let the enemy roll into the facility itself basically unopposed.
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  5. khai

    Well the reasons are simple

    1. The NC is always on the attack the philosophy is you do not need defense, someone else will take care of unimportant things like guarding the base, you should go for the xp and you get more of that from killing the enemy then securing the base. Unfortunately since this is so universally the mindset of the troops the someone else securing the outpost are usually TR or VS troopers.

    2. The reason the newbie is the only one that goes for the compromised generator is what you hinted at, the complex task of holding E is too complicated for your average NC trooper and they will always be blown up so why risk it, only the newbies who haven't learned that responding equals death still try.

    I blame the education system in the NC being corporate owned they are substandard looking to maximize profits at the expense of unnecessary things like reading and basic reasoning skills.
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  6. Codeak

    because thats BORING. and unrewarding.
  7. VanuSovereignty

    Sounds like mattherson VS. We should team up and be the ultimate force of stupidity against the TR!
  8. Devrailis

    And that pretty much sums up PS2's #1 problem.
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  9. Cl1mh4224rd


    Another thing I notice is that a lot of players seem to be completely unaware of the minimap. I didn't park my Flash with Scout Radar near the control point so that everyone there can get shot in the back by that differently-colored dot.

    Very few of the people around me even react to my spotting of an enemy. They often just keep running right by...
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  10. Dave Mercer

    Kill death ratio man, thats what this game is all about, didnt ya know?
  11. Alarox

    Because there are 3 types of players:

    1.) Clueless. Either are new, have no awareness whatsoever, or are satisfied with being ignorant.

    2.) Farmers. Really don't care about what happens as long as they get their certs. People who only care about K/D fall into this category.

    3.) Rest of us. Flashing generator? Save that.
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  12. Alarox

    Never before has so much ******** been shoved through the neurons of a human's brain.
  13. Devrailis

    It's almost as if most players are not even aware there even is a mini-map.

    200 meter scout radar and its like people still run around blind.
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  14. Konstantinn

    Trust me, the more you play on any faction on any server, the more stupid things you will see your teammates do.

    Most of the time it isn't even stupid, it's usually you not realizing why those people do what they do. They try to stay on point, run out there, dodge bullets get there with 2 bars of health left only to get shot in the face. Do that 10 times in a row, and suddenly they don't want to do that anymore. That's normal, but you don't see that at all. All you notice is that nobody is going to the point for some reason. You get mad and frustrated and feel that everyone around you is doing something wrong and stupid.

    I see that all the time too, why isn't everyone rushing to that point? Why is everyone doing the wrong thing? Even though I just got there myself and didn't see them run out there time and again trying to do the right thing and dying. That's how bases are lost and how assaults fail. People get frustrated and stop trying, fall back, or go elsewhere.

    Do realize however that on average they are as smart as you are, understand that they have good reasons that you may not see. It's not just the game, a lot of times anywhere in life people get mad at others because they just don't see or understand motivations of others.
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  15. EliteEskimo

    Because Space Merica;s lack luster ejimication?
  16. rocket1615

    Im VS on cobalt and i can't say we have a big of a problem as you do with this but what i tend to notice is that BR10 or less/ BR60 or more tend to ignore flashing generators/SCUs/control points, destroyed turrets, that turret i repaired for you (AA) when we are under attack by mossies, hacked terminals or destroyed terminals. For the BR10s and under i can understand the mentality of either "I need to get better gear so i can fight the rest of these peoplez" or "Ive never seen this flashing thingy before, i wonder what it does? is it a bomb? not going near it." To be honest SCU/Generator/Turret repair/stabilisation/hacking should be given a XP increase so people will start to do it more. I even think you should get XP for defending a base (maybe 50% of what you get for attacking) as that will probally help switch people's minds to defense mode.
  17. vastaitku

    Well you see, you blow up the generators by shooting them, right? Then you probably gotta stabilize them with the healing tool, right, and nobody in the squad has rolled medic so they gotta leave it to somebody else.
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  18. Bape

    To be honest it the players that are in a "OUTFIT" that are the clueless one really. I noticed that a lot of solo players are the more Wiser and smarter ones that notices every little thing. For me example I am always that person that kills that sneaky infiltrator or LA that running around killing people and no one notices him but me. Im always checking my map constantly and always press Q when i shoot at an enemy but it seems it useless because half the dam NC don't look at the mini map lol. I am always the one that sees the satelite base being taken and no NC pays attention beside a few which are mostly the solo rambo players. Not trying to bash outfit players or anything it just in my playing experience and it my opinion.
  19. datfluttershy

    A funny way to write SMG

    @Topic: Some VS Player just recently told everyone in the Forums - because you cant fix stupid
  20. Patrician

    Because we're freedom loving hippies. We do our own thing!