Every time I pull SMG infil I just get wrecked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wentonfeydon, Nov 28, 2014.

  1. Wentonfeydon

    PDW w/ext mags, 2x scope, soft point, compensator
    Nanoweave 1

    Trying to keep decent distance, attacking from flank, aiming for heads, etc.

    I'm fragile, cloak feels like it only randomly works and I get shot through it constantly at unreasonable ranges, and my weapon's TTK and range are pretty limited.

    Is this just a "for fun" class/loadout? It seems like 99% of the time I'd be better off just brute forcing things with HA which I can kill multiple enemies at the same time with and 1vs1s are a cakewalk most of the time.
  2. Kociboss

    Every time I pull SMG infil, I pad my k/d.

    Just look for 1-12 and 12-24 engagements.
  3. Jac70

    The cloak is more visible now, at least it is more visible than it was at distance. You are quite easy to see when moving so don't run across open fields when there are enemies around because they will see you. The SMG is a peashooter, it's most effective at close ranges where you can get a lot of bullets on your target - practice using hip fire when you in real close, the time it tales to ADS will get you killed so the quicker you start firing the better.

    The trick is getting the drop on targets because if it comes down to one on one you are at a disadvantage to most other players. Using the cloak and your recon tools allows you to close the distance or keep out of the way of enemies.
  4. _itg

    The PDW is your problem. It's not bad, per se, but it's not a weapon for beginners, since you HAVE to get lots of headshots to compensate for its awful DPS. Its strength lies in the 15-20m range (assuming you have soft point ammo), where your opponent is just feeling the effects of damage dropoff, but you aren't yet. Of course, flanking can compensate for the weapon's shortcomings, but it's not like using the Cyclone, where you can just charge in and mow down three guys at once.

    Also, I'd recommend against using the compensator. Hipfire is a strength of the weapon, so you don't want to hurt it, and the vertical recoil is pretty minimal in any case.
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  5. St0mpy

    ah, compensator doubles your spotted distance when you fire, so when enemy+dog descends on you after you try and shoot someone all you have is a peashooter to defend yourself, yeah i can see how that might suck
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  6. cykael

    Compensator is garbage on PDW, drop ex-mags and pick up ALS and 1x. Seek small fights/defenses up to 48 or fights in AMP stations. AMP station defenses are the ones where I can go up to 10 KDR in a session because of there being lots of space to hide around and pick off people. Especially checking the towers for freekills in turrets/engies/snipers. It's a playstyle that definitely isn't viable in most of PS2 fights unless you really know your way around bases and you shouldn't really try to force yourself to play it if the base simply doesn't lend itself to it. Another great way to get easy kills is to find a deployed sunderer that is behind some cover and go dashing around from cover to cover while picking off unsuspecting people.

    But yeah, it's a playstyle that scales a lot with game and base knowledge. If you know bases in and out and how to abuse the terrain you'll do very well.
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  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    you dont need compensator, remove it, or use suppressor, this gun has good hip accuracy, and you need to get close enough.
    watch some videos on youtube, you can cloak and making circles around enemy, while reloading.
  8. Call-Me-Kenneth

    2x scope, first mistake.
    compensator, second.
    keping distance, third.
    not having a silencer, fourth.

    as a SMG infil, your only defense is confusion. forget the cloak, its only good to move from cover to cover only when people don't already know you are there. it will keep you from getting spotted at a distance, and that's all.

    hip fire is your friend, and clipping through people your best tactic. and your most powerful skill is to use players as shield. storming a sunderer filled with hostiles is surprisingly easy,once you master the art of strafing and clipping through people. always prioritize the people shooting at you, the rest are too worried about team kills and that will give you the time you need.

    for scopes, forget them. 1x if you really must, otherwise iron sights are just fine. hip fire, hip fire, hip fire. if you play NC, a gun like the cyclone is beast mode, all you need is 3 - 4 bullets to the head and they drop.

    you will die a lot, but once you get good, you can easily get 4 - 5 kills per death.

    i played SMG infil, for about a month only to farm certs, and never played it again. almost a year later, smg kills are still at the top of my board. (currently when i play infil i go SAS infil, another fun set up)


    forget people claiming you are not helping your faction, that's long range snipers. SMG infils are fantastic for disrupting pushes, and for defending when outnumbered 2:1. as an infil i have solo defended bases against 15+ people on a regular basis. you can grief and piss them off to the point they just redeploy.

    for the armor slot, i have maxed NW, but i often run either with maxed flak (on towers when against the TR this is a must), or extra clips. (the standard clip count is WAY too low, when you go on extended safaris.) if you are just starting 4/5 hunter cloak is nice, but max the armor cloak ASAP. once you get really good at it, you can start moving around with no cloak and abusing the cloak toggle to lose the spots. (and if you DON'T want to use a silencer, mastering this is a must to hide your sound auto spot)

    your play stile is to flank, and hit from an odd angle. flank with cloak when in the open, gat some cloak pwr back up before engagin, peek in, get a kill, then toggle cloak to lose the spot, relocate w/cloak, and open again.

    as far as implants go, T1 battle hardened is still the ONLY implant that actually gives you a gameplay advantage. it will get nerfed down to nothing next patch... once it does, the choice is between T1 fall. or T1 regen. higher tiers only if you can afford them. and if you can, then use T3 - T4 Battle hardened once they are released.
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  9. cykael

    You shouldn't put a silencer on PDW. The advantage of that weapon is it has mid-long range combat capabilities, silencer only hurts this. You don't really need one for doing well on SMG infil, it all comes more down to your movement.
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  10. LT_Latency

    I agree with this. The PDW is like a baby carbine IMO.

    You will get into trouble with you get to close. Dpn't go for HA until you can drop the other classes with ease
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  11. MarkAntony

    I beg to differ.
    The PDW shines because of it's better range. These upgrades help it become better at that role.
    1. The scope: Take whatever you want . There is no mistake to be made here. (2x is a personal favorite of mine on most weapons)
    2. having comp instead of silencer doesn't matter. People won't be able to tell if you are enemy form the sound and nobody checks their minimap anyways.
    3. this weapon is ideal for keeping some distance. Use it like an Automatic Scout Rifle. ( I want an NS version of that gun)
  12. Dualice

    Same as what the others are saying. I'd definitely ditch the compensator as it's not useful for an infiltrator in this role.

    For an SMG the NS-7 is a very accurate and far-reaching weapon. However this is balanced out by a sub-par time to kill. So to balance that out you need an advanced laser sight to close up your cone of fire, prioritise shooting from the hip, and most importantly, headshots. It's all about the headshots.

    Nanoweave is a great suit slot for giving that margin for error, but if you're feeling tactical you could try EMP grenades with a grenade bandolier. Nano armour cloaking is also quite useful (at max rank, 35% small arms resistance when cloaked).
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  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    you're using the wrong weapon. the NS7 PDW hasn't got the high dps output like the empire-specific submachine guns do. as a closerange infiltrator, you want to have as much striking power as possible within the timeframe of being uncloaked. thus, you need to use a weapon that has low TTK and finishes off enemies quickly. that would be my advice to you
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  14. _itg

    If all you want to do is stomp noobs, you can tell yourself, "nobody checks their minimap." However, you'd ideally want to kill good players, too, and not be killed by them.

    That said, the compensator's noise drawback is mitigated by the fact your minimap dot goes away when you cloak, so people will be less likely to notice it at all and have a harder time tracking you if they do notice it. I still don't recommend the compensator due to the hipfire penalty and minimal benefit on a gun with easy recoil, but fair is fair.
  15. MetalCotton

    Never keep your distance as an SMG infiltrator. Your gun is designed to fight up close, stick some soft point ammo and a silencer on it and raise hell indoors. Forget cloak if the enemy already knows where you are. Unless you're keeping absolutely still in a spot that isn't a corner or in the open, you're just giving the enemy more time to shoot you with their bigger guns while you decloak.
  16. SenEvason

    The ADS is already accurate enough without comp, so just drop that. At ranges where it may be useful, you really don't want to be engaging with an SMG.
  17. Dieter Perras

    That compensators what's screwing you, go with a suppressor instead and try to get on the flank of a group of hostiles who are distracted.

    As far as smg infiltratoring, it really depends on the player, some people it just won't work for others it will. My advice would be that if you find yourself getting wrecked in this game with ANY load-out take the opportunity to swap load-outs and strategies until something sticks. Rarely is there a fight where nothing works.
  18. radrussian2

    one problem is you are keeping your distance. another is you are using nanoweave. personally i think even adrenaline pump or whatever is better since you can abuse the net code just that little bit more.
  19. KnightCole

    SMGs seem like a weapon you equip

    x1 optic/Adv Laser/silencer or nothing.

    Rush in, hipfire, cloak and run.

    Ofc, ive not tried SMG infil much, but when I did for a very short time...I got rekt.
  20. doombro

    Never use a silencer. Ever. If you rolled purely the adv laser, you might have some success.