Ever since Victory points where introduced, there is stalemate most of the time?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Radioactive Bomba, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Radioactive Bomba

    So ever since the victory points got introduced, i feel like no one is really ever going anywhere. Most of the time, the battles are just grinded to a halt. When you when make some advancements you're beaten those two regions back again, and we're back where we started.

    Don't get me wrong, i like the new victory points, finally locking a continent means something, instead of just changing hand every few hours.

    But since the fights rarely gets anywhere, i would suggest that the victory conditions are tweaked.

    I would come up with some ideas myself, but as im typing this while im playing it will have to wait :)

    I play on Miller, and the map basically haven't changed much as it used to.
    I find that kind of odd still, just because alerts are no longer the deciding factor for locking the continent, that shouldn't really change anything on the progression. Or result in a stalemate for all three factions.
    It feels like World War 1 in space :O

    Maybe it's just me. I would love to hear your thoughts about it :)
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  2. Caydn

    its **** and I hope the muppets that said it was a great idea are stuck on briggs and suffering with the rest of us
  3. Taemien

    Conditions don't need to be tweaked too much. But the rewards do. Alerts do not award exp anymore.

    Stalemate isn't a bad thing. It means fights are happening. People are maneuvering and countering. This is a good thing. The funny part is, Indar or whatever people's favorite continent is, gets fought over. Some are trying to cap it, others want to keep it going. Even those who want to keep it open will push towards a victory condition to draw in a fight. So everyone gets what they want. A fight.

    Well except for ghost cappers. But who the hell cares about them?
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  4. DeadlyPeanutt

    yes, stalemate is a bad thing

    a two hour tank battle over open ground is boring as heck and makes me log out... fighting for the second point in a three point cap for hours is boring too (this happened today... I was on miller in the only large battle in the server, fighting over some three point cap. I got bored, took a nap, woke up, logged back in and they were still at the same base... fighting back and forth over the same two points)

    oh i'm sure some forumsider will say how much they love it... but long stalemates are crap for gaming
  5. Taemien

    If you're fighting as a lonewolf, what would you expect?

    I've been fighting in a squad all day and have taken almost a dozen bases. The zerg isn't smart enough to capture bases normally. Doesn't matter how talented a developer is, they can't code out stupid (not calling you stupid, just the mob mentality of the zerg).
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  6. Rellenar

    I am wondering if the alerts are bugged somehow. On Briggs there have been almost none of them and it's probably why it's getting stuck for so long.
  7. TheKaiksTrainspotter

    What has it been? Indar for 2 days now?
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  8. elkikko92

    The problem is not the victory points, but the structure of the lattice capture system.
    They have to introduce conquest mode to fix that; OR keep lattice system but make a deployble item (based on resources of construction system): if deployed around an outpost, that can be captured!

    Why? Becouse with actual capture system its impossible to take 3 same facility (you can but you always have to take all the continent: the same condition). We need alternatives system to CUT-OFF a territory.

    With lattice but no cut-off system, the gameplay is boring (they can also add more lattice link =) ).
  9. Reclaimer77

    Gameplay is more boring. Fighting at the same bases on the same cont for way too long now.

    Can we just finally admit the Lattice was a crap idea, and all these changes are doing is a bandaid instead of addressing the core problem?
  10. Scr1nRusher

    The problem is that..........well there is problems with the map-flow.


    • Towers with A point inside the tower(really bad point placement/base design aspect)
    • Bio-labs.(which wouldn't be so bad if we could either bring down the shield or enter through another way such as the top)
  11. cbplayer

  12. Scr1nRusher

    I did like your post & agree with it.
  13. JustBoo

    This thread...

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  14. No_STG

    Hmm. Hopped on for a couple of hours on Emerald and I was in nothing but zergs the whole time and I tried to avoid them. Guess we aren't allowed fun anymore?
  15. OldMaster80

    This has been discussed to many times I almost want to cry. Biolabs also were redesigned on PTS and guess what? Another features devs abandoned. They were probably not happy with the result.
    But it's true: one thing is making bases more defensible, one thing is frustratring players forcing attackers to pass through idiot bottlenecks where they get farmed. This is what Biolabs and Towers with A in the small room are.
  16. FieldMarshall

    The new VP system shows how broken Indar actually is.
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  17. Eternaloptimist

    Umm. I actually like the effect the new VP system has had. I play the EU servers and I have seen frantic fights in all sorts of places that never saw any action before. I've seen NC leading the VP table with not one, but two separate VPs for capping all Tech Plants and capping all Amp Stations. And I been in more 24-48 and 48-96 battles since I can't remember when. Whatever the cause of this, it's enjoyable for me (and the continents that were open longest were Esamir and Amerish although Indar did get a look in on Saturday). Just my personal observations.
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  18. Littleman

    Actually... the victory point system might justify removing the lattice as victory can be denied and assured through more methods than simply taking majority territory, though the victory thresholds might also need to change slightly to fit in with the greater level of freedom. I mean... little point in trying to capture every bio lab right now if you're going to have to capture 90% of the continent in the process anyway to do it because the lattice forces your army to move through so many extra little $#!% holes first. But likewise, to capture 90% territory, you'll pretty much need to have every base on the continent on lock down and probably have direct links to both hostile WGs.

    Though I'd still keep larger bases (bio, amp, tech, maybe towers) on the lattice and let everything else fall to the hex since the zerg needs some guidance or else they'll all just migrate back to the Crown, and I know y'all that hate the lattice would hate that outcome even more. At least the Indar T offers around 6 different exciting locations to fight over!

    Seriously though, the game relies on their being some predictability in enemy force movements so that an opposing force can rally appropriately and expect a fight. The old hex was so open opposing forces missed each other not because they were intentionally doing so (puh-leez, they were no where near that coordinated) but because they just sauntered off to the nearest location in eye shot/was easiest to navigate to and the rest of the herd followed.
  19. Taemien

    The following players in this thread do not know how to play PS2:

    Radioactive Bomba

    They might be decent at certain aspects(shooting, killing, maybe vehicle play). But they don't know how the game works (when it comes to objectives). All they have to do is press P in game and join a squad or platoon. Maybe spend some certs and start one of their own. But their posts about the VP system displays how clueless about this game many players are.

    If you login and intend to solo or lonewolf.. don't expect to change the flow of battle. Don't expect to make a dent. Expect to lose. Expect to be farmed. Expect to be simply content for other players to enjoy while you sit at a respawn screen more often than not. Know your place.

    If you want a higher standing than that. You have to group and follow directions and planning. If you don't wish to do this, then have the leadership, charisma, and gumption to lead your own.

    One thing the VP system has done is made fights happen in bases that prior didn't have fights in them. It gave a purpose to objective oriented players and groups during non-alert periods. If you're running into stalemates, is because your side and the enemy don't wish to actually move in on each other. They just want to farm. There's NO way to code that out.

    The only reason that didn't happen before is because it required 100% of the continent to cap. And the occasional alert would lock out a continent to the faction with the highest percentage, even if it was only 34%, 19 times out of 20, somebody was going to win. Now wins have to be earned through a bit more effort.

    If you're not willing to do the effort, sit in your derpy stalemate YOU ALL have created for yourselves. Meanwhile I'll continue to lock continents. In the last two days I've taken Indar twice, seen it switch hands about 4 times.
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  20. Reclaimer77

    I know that sounds good on paper, but it's missing one small detail:

    The game was objectively better and more fun then.