[EVENT] Community Pickup games!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Dotz0r, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Dotz0r

    Hi planetside forums!

    [LAST PICKUP : FRIDAY 22:00GMT 17:00 EST - 29/11/2013]
    [NEXT PICKUP : TONIGHT 22:00GMT 17:00 EAST - 01/12/2013]

    Last night several members of the PS2 community from various servers and outfits came together to play pickup games on the PTS. Keeping momentum going we are going to host a few more. Tomorrow night will hopefully be the prelude for more to come. If the epicness of last night is to happen again. One of the concerns is that the Pilot was too short notice, fair one - but it did have a good attendence - spread the word. We are hoping to beat last nights numbers.
    You are more than welcome to join ANY team even if the match is on-going. Pop in and ask for an invite to the playing teams ingames squad.
    Do not be afraid to speak, yes its public - but if there is any questions then feel free to ask. Its not scripted so things may change.
    There is no "Rule set" except the agreed terms prior to the match. For example "no maxes". This is not a league, nor do i have the power to enforce any set rules - or anybody else for that matter.


    For those who did not see yesterdays post (Link below) Sunday there will be another PTS Pickup event.

    Time conversion : http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=8,5,0&h=5&date=2013-11-29&sln=17-19

    Team Speak deets
    ts3.planetside-universe.com (Not a PSU event, just using a neutral ts)

    Stream of Last nights pickup : <This will give you a good insight - many thanks to **sErh0 for streaming / YT >

    For those unaware of what a "pick up" is - then its generally a platform for the public to get together, normally using external and neutral VOIP and playing in mix Hybrid teams in a compet atmosphere / style. The whole purpose of a pickup, is to have the compet play - but without the outfit/clan in a situation where it could loose credible reputation. It bolsters the public response to competitive play and is generally an open door into that arena. It allows players of all level of skill to play and actively seek new teams.
    More images : Channel on TS - Teams shuffled / teams then enter faction channels.

    P.S - Sorry for horrid thread colours, copying and pasting to dozens of sites/forums and i am getting lazy on the whole adjust-to-forum-formats.

    P.SS - Yes i am aware that it is short notice, however i hope for it to become more mainstream and hopefully we wont have to have set times to get people involved. - Trying to get EU/US outfits involved so time zones are not going to be perfect for all.

    Thanks for reading!
    • Up x 2
  2. Ness_54_FR

    Thanks again it was amazing ,cant wait until the next appointment.
  3. Ness_54_FR

    because it's currently running
    06/12/13 40 people

    second weeks on going and still growing

    same place same hour
  4. Dotz0r

    UPDATE: Weekend 3 this weeked!

    Next game this friday saturday and sunday.


    Using ps2.pickups new ts!
  5. Dotz0r

    UPDATE : Weekend 4 this weekend!

    Next game this Friday! 20th!

    PS2.pickup TS3
  6. Dotz0r

    Update : Weekend 6 this weekend!

    Friday 3rd Jan! / Saturday 4th Jan


    And here is our updated FAQ - (Dont suppose a mod could edit it into the OP?)

    Q: What is PS2.pickup?

    A: PS2.Pickup is similar to pickups in other games, such as Call Of Duty and
    Counterstrike. Members of the community would meet on a neutral Teamspeak or
    other VOIP. Teams are randomly picked, each player will be assigned a number
    and that number determines what faction he/she will be playing for
    depending on if you've gotten an odd or an even number.

    Q: Why do people do Pickups? What do the players get out of it?

    A: Pickups are normally used in other games by competitive individuals or
    teams. It is normally done in a similar concept / atmosphere as a regularly
    run competition. However, a win or loss cannot be attributed to any sinlge
    person and/or team/clan/outfit. Most people use pickup to either practice,
    or try to simulate what a scrim / match / tournament would be like, without
    the stress of course. The average user would experience a different level of
    play compared to Live - as every other player would play to practice and
    somewhat show skill. Even though games are full of randomly selected
    players, everyone involved is there for the same reason.

    Q: What do i need in order to partake in public scrims?

    A: Well firstly, we use the current Planetside Test server client.
    SOE: http://launch.soe.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe
    PRO7: http://launch.soe.com/installer/PS2_PSG-Livetest_setup.exe
    You will also require VOIP, Ps2.Pickup uses Teamspeak.
    (TS3) http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

    Q: How do I join?

    A: Load up teamspeak, join our Voip , the TS3 server address is:
    There you will be assigned a team via a shuffler. You will recieve an odd or even number that represents a faction. You will then move down into that faction channel on our teamspeak. Load up the PTS and make that faction character, join the faction - specific squad.

    Q: When do matches play?

    A: At the current stage of our project, we are only doing weekend public games. The games generally start around 22:00 GMT / 17:00 EST / 14:00 PST.
    We are, however, aiming to do matches during the week and at different region-friendly timezones.

    Q: I want to get involved, and / or help out - who, what, where, and how?

    A: If you would like to join our community and partake in our future community events such as public nexus, then join our website at http://ps2-pickup.enjin.com.
    If you would like to record or advertise your team - whether that be Twich or YT - feel free to message Dotz0r or Furiosus. Same applies if you would like to shoutcast or stream an event!

    Q: Why this? Why everything? What do you hope to achieve in the long run?

    A: As a new iniative for PlanetSide 2 and its general community at large, we are still growing. For what we hope to achieve, which is a "place to go" for community events and scrims in general, we still have a long way to go.

    In the future we hope to be self sufficient, with regular matches going and generally being the go to place for outfit scrims and/or matches. As players who wants more than what PS2 currently offers, going to rival outfits websites and asking for a game, to finally play them 3 weeks later wasn’t convinient. One of our many goals of Pickup is to be a convinient place to arrange matches and seek-out like minded individuals or teams.

    As ps2.pickup sees it, there was / is no "gap" or "bridge" between Live and the competitive scene. As a site, we hope to help mold the future of PlanetSide 2 in that arena. With Tournaments such as the PAL (Pro Arena League) and who knows what else is around the corner, we hope to be there now and after these tournaments as a place to train and help develop the atmosphere and scene.

    If you have any more questions, please make a post below and we will answer them as soon as possible.
  7. Dotz0r

    French FAQ Translation, many thanks to [INI] Ness54FR

    Pour tous les francophones.

    Question: PS2.pickup ,qu'est ce que c’est?

    Réponse: PS2.Pickup est identique aux pickup d'autres jeux, comme Call Of Duty et Counterstrike. Les Membres de la communauté se rencontreront sur un Teamspeak neutre ou tout autre serveur de VOIP. Les équipes sont construites de manière aléatoire, chaque joueur aura un numéro attribué qui déterminera quelle faction il/elle jouera selon si le numéro est pair ou impair.


    Question: Pourquoi certains joueurs font-ils des sessions Pickups? Qu'est ce que les joueurs y trouvent ?

    Réponse: Les Pickups sont utilisés dans d'autres jeux par des joueurs/équipes dans un but compétitif.
    Cela se déroule dans les mêmes conditions qu'une compétition . Toutefois, une victoire ou une défaite ne peut pas être attribué à une personne /une équipe /clan /Outfit. La plupart des gens utilisent les Pickups comme un entrainement ou une occasion d'essayer une formation pour un match / tournoi , sans le stress bien sur. Un joueur moyennement expérimenté fera face à un niveau de gameplay plus exigeant que sur le serveur Live et comme tous les autres joueurs c'est le moment de montrer se dont vous êtes capables . Même si les équipes sont construites de manière aléatoire nous sommes tous là avec le même objectif ; des combats de qualité.


    Question:De quoi ai-je besoin pour participer à une session Publique de Scrims (Match d'entrainement)?

    Réponse: Et bien premièrement , nous utilisons la version courante du client du serveur de Test.
    SOE: http://launch.soe.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe
    PRO7: http://launch.soe.com/installer/PS2_PSG-Livetest_setup.exe
    Vous aurez aussi besoin d'un client VOIP, Ps2.Pickup utilise Teamspeak 3.
    (TS3) http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads


    Question:Comment nous rejoindre?

    Réponse: Installer teamspeak 3,rejoignez nous à l'adresses
    Il vous sera attribué une équipe via un brassage.Vous recevrez un numéro pair ou impair qui représentera votre faction. Vous devrez alors descendre dans le canal de la faction attribué dans notre TS 3. Charger le PTS muni d'un personnage de la faction attribué et rejoindre l'équipe spécifique du Scrim en cour.


    Question: Quand les matchs se jouent-ils?

    Réponse: Dans l'état actuel du projet , nous pouvons seulement assurer des session que durant les week-ends.
    Les match commencent généralement à 22:00 GMT / 17:00 EST / 14:00 PST.(La France c'est GMT+1 [IMG] )
    Nous sommes cependant prêt à organiser des matchs en milieu de semaine et à différents fuseaux horaires.


    Question: Je veux m'investir, et/ ou aider - Qui, Quoi, Où, et comment?

    Réponse: Si vous voulez rejoindre la communauté et participer à nos prochains événements tel que la session publique sur nexus, inscrivez vous sur http://ps2-pickup.enjin.com.
    Si vous voulez filmer ou promouvoir votre équipe que ce soit sur Twitch ou Youtube - n'hésitez pas a envoyer un message à Dotz0r ou Furiosus. Il en va de même si vous souhaitez streamer lors d'un événement!


    Question: Pourquoi tout cela, que pensez-vous réaliser sur le long terme?

    Réponse: Tout comme la communauté de Planetside 2 nous ne cesserons de grandir. Nous espérons devenir "l'endroit où aller" pour des événements communautaires et des scrim en général, il nous reste encore un long chemin à parcourir .


    Dans un futur proche nous espérons avoir des matchs réguliers et plus généralement devenir l’endroit où les Outfits viennent s'affronter. Pour les joueurs qui souhaiteraient plus que ce que SOE propose à l'heure actuelle, allez sur le site web d'un outfit adverse et leur demander un match , pour finalement jouer 3 semaines plus ****.
    Un de nos nombreux objectif a PS2.Pickup est d'être un lieu facilitant le mise en œuvre des matches et faire émerger l'esprit d'équipe chez tous les participants.

    On perçoit ps2.pickup comme un pont entre le "Live" et la scène compétitive. En tant que site, nous espérons contribuer à façonner l'avenir de PlanetSide 2 dans cette optique de compétition.
    Avec des tournois tels que le PAL (Pro Arena League) ou tout autre initiative à venir, nous espérons être présent maintenant et après ces tournois comme un lieu où se construit et se développe la scène compétitive.

    Si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous vous répondrons dès que possible.