European Server merge details

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Noktaj

    Honestly I was surpised to see Woodman merged with Miller, I think those are the two most popolous EU servers right now, so I thought they were to merge Woodman with Cobalt or Ceres... but hey... they are the ones with the monkeys cracking the numbers right?

    Might have to do with empires population balance, and with the fact that Miller's TRs are very good, while TR's on Woodman are having an hard time lately.

    So as I'm surprised, I'm also happy for it, it will mean more epic fights with very good outfits from Miller.
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  2. Longasc

    P.S. I am always amazed how intrinsically detailed people seem to know EVERY PS2 server by outfit, population and by their own experience rather than by word of mouth. :p
  3. DJStacy

    TR on Woodman have some stand out outfits actually. Maybe when we merge with a server where the NC actually push the faction leading an alert instead of always double teaming the TR with the VS we will stand out more. But considering the numbers we have and what we are up against we actually do rather well ............
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  4. sucoon

    seems legit!
  5. MasterOhh

    Cobalt + Ceres?

    Yo dawg, I heard you like NC overpop! So we put some NC overpop on your NC overpop!
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  6. omfgweeee

    well for Miller i can say - TR are the zerg and they usualy win because of the num ers. Only outfits i feel mentioning for TR are INI, GOON and MileniumMarines(MM)

    For VS i think its the lowest pop fraction. Outfits worth go mention - imortalkillers (i feel like if i die by vs its always imortalkillers tag) and DIGT.

    But i play only NC maybe there are other good outfits that i dont meet alot.

    For NC we are in the middle of pop, our outfits worth to mention are 252v, Mercenarys, JNJ and WASP. I feel like when this outfits are active we never loose, problem comes from "when they are active" which is not much.

    I dont know sh*t about woodman tho
  7. Demetrios

    Should name them Werner and Jackson.
  8. Pacster

    I just don't get why people make such a big deal out of the name of some freaking server. Seriously, that's not going to kill the game for anyone...
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  9. jaktrobot

    Yeah they should had merged Miller+ Cobalt highest pop and lowest pop servers.

    TR miller high pop , cobalt miller low pop
    Vs miller low pop, cobalt vs high pop
    nc miller decent pop, cobalt nc very high pop.
  10. Demetrios

    We just got Emerald back for east coast and Werner/Jackson were the EU PS1 servers, mitebcool
  11. Strikejk

    For discussions about PS2 contet visit /r/planetside, also I hate that they want to merge Miller with Woodman..
    The last time I had the "awesome" experience of merging servers I played on Lithcorp. 2 Weeks later I switched to Miller, guess why.
  12. Hicksimus

    I like to beat up on SoE but seriously...names? They could call them Lalapalalaza and Ron Jeremy's Palace and I still wouldn't care.
  13. Bonom Denej

    Source on that ?

    I'm all for more players I'm honestly concerned about actually having too much player for only two continents...
  14. Liam23490

    Ok cool, now for the ability to sign in, and join any server you like...
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  15. Noktaj

    I never stated the contrary! ;) Never talked about outfit, just about global performance.
    I just remember couple of months ago TRs were winning their fair share of Alerts, then suddenly stopped and VS started to win the prime times again. I've won at least the last 10 alerts I played with VS on Woodman, but I must admit those winnings are not like half an year ago when VS zergs ended up in dominations most times (the times when there were 4 kotv platoons running :p). So kudos to Woodman TRs for their persistance.

    From my small experience on Miller I imagine the TRs will recieve a big boost in performance with the merge. Maybe the NCs too, since now they, unfortunately ain't much of a force on Woodman.
    So, again, I'm surprised about SOE decision Woodman + Miller, but I can imagine us VS will have an hard time in the future, which is a good thing, I like challenges and honest fighting.
  16. SynaptixBrainstorm

    i think the russian server is called WERNER already
  17. DJStacy

    Yeah we had a great command structure a while ago and most of the top outfits were working together on a command TS channel. But there was some infighting and dirt thrown about after the last Woodman server smash which killed most of the cooperation.

    Mostly its just 2CA, EDT, Ybus, MOO and occasionally ELME that generally rally for each other on command in alerts and that isn't enough TR, but as I said before we do have some inspiring moments. Its made harder because the VS dont get as much attention off the NC as they should.

    But yeah your right Woodman / Miller merge will bring new challenges, but I like it to be reasonably hard going otherwise its no fun.
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  18. volth

    Ceres + woodman and cobalt + Miller should be better then too merg two low pop servers (Ceres + cobalt)
  19. Plunutsud pls

    Ceres + Cobalt means the VS will keep getting zerged hard.

    Should have been Ceres + Woodman.
  20. vsae

    Would be sweet. So I can ram darkelfdruid for luls.
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