Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UnrealGaz, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. UnrealGaz

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  2. Teegeeack

    I guess the TR have to be bad at something.
  3. Sebyos

    They have such different roles it's hard to judge on stats alone. I guess the role of the Lancer gives it more points, but I'm not sure it's the best.

    Striker can destroy every vehicle inside lock range.
    Lancers can deter long range.
    Phoenix can hit stuff from behind cover or stuff that is behind cover.

    Personally despite the stats I find the Phoenix to be the best. It's crazy how NC can just annihilate sundies everywhere now especially on Esamir.
  4. UnrealGaz

    This is true yet all the whiners cry for a nerf on something that's clearly inferior.Remember when every one said its the Anni 2.0?(aka Strikernator) Its showing its ugly head, We paid the price for an unimaginative launcher that does nothing the other factions cant do. I use my SKEP launcher now why?

    1)It can be dumbfired usefull for popping in and out of rocks to get a sly shot on tanks.

    2)For some reason striker missles don't seem to "arm" until a minimum distance has been travelled since this last update meaning half the time if a tanks closeish you do 0 damage.

    3) Did I mention dumbfire yet?

    4)can take sly potshots at aircraft trying to hoverspam and scare them off

    5)1 missle does decent damage, miss 1 shot with the striker and you do less damage than an anni's 1 missle.

    All in the all the striker is ok but compared to the other ESRL's the TR got bent over
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  5. Frosty The Pyro

    lancer being on the top is not suprising, its a beast with a lot of potential. Though the striker is outscoring the pheonix dispite lower kills/vehicle kills. This implies that the striker is getting more high value target kills (aircraft, tanks, sundies), or a great deal of assists (which translates to score but not kills), while the pheonix is getting more lower value targets (likely engy turrets, they are prime pheonix targets).
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  6. Morpholine

    Of all the launchers, the Lancer is the best at grabbing assist xp, which is showed by its top score but bottom kill position. This benefit also apparently comes at the cost of highest deaths per hour.

    The Striker's a great weapon, if uninspired. If all the missiles connect, it's two Annihilators strapped together. If only the ~65% that the statistical average says connect hit a target, it's still out-damaging the Annihilator. The only real complaint I see about it, is it's basically a tweaked version of a launcher we already had.

    Now, the only recent change, of which I am aware, for the Striker is the removal of the ability to lock onto base turrets. I'd personally like to see a pre-change and post-change comparison for the Striker alone, to see if this one thing is making the (or any) difference in performance.

    Personally, I highly doubt it's made much difference at all.
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  7. Kaktwox

    It has the lowest vehicle kills in an hour and has no way of killing infantry including maxes. It has the lowest average damage output of all the ESRL's.

    Gee I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact it is the only one that can be countered? Not just one way to counter it but multiple ways. Oh, and rather then fix the bug that prevented lockons from targeting turrets properly, they just took away that ability all together. Great game design and wonderful balancing. With the recent buff to VS and the favoritism towards the NC, I can't wait to see the TR numbers plummet. Unfortunately this won't have anything to do with the 4th faction but rather longtime players being fed up with this sort of nonsense and leaving the game for good.
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  8. Enter Name Here

    I don't think those stats are particularly reliable. Lancer has less kills and vehicle kills than the Phoenix but higher score/hr? Striker has lowest kills and vehicle kills but 30 more score/hr than the Pheonix? That makes it seem like there's extra data involved that isn't shown there. It could be assist experience since they buffed it, it could be the xp bonus for lower population, could be it doesn't separate from other xp gains in that window(though that'd be pretty sloppy), perhaps it counts the entire time while equipped not just used and people swap out the lancer for other rockets when they don't need it for a specific purpose since it's more situational? It's hard to say with the information provided.

    I would also say just looking at the population sizes that with the way the data is collected(used it for at least 60 minutes and landed at least 1 hit) it's possible with the Lancer being half as common as the Phoenix and the Striker having 35% more than the Phoenix, that there is a difference in average skill or at least competence with the weapons among the people that have them. That's totally a guess since again, that sort of thing isn't shown(average overall player score/hr and/or k/d/a instead of only with the rocket launcher would add some extra context for example as would time with the weapon, shots fired, etc).

    Basically these things while interesting, generally lack pretty vital information to make even close to definitive "this sucks" or "this is too strong" comments, especially when the score difference is what, 8% with a smaller sample size for the lancer and essentially the same for striker/pheonix.

    *edit*: Apparently I missed the avg. time stat. The lancer has a noticeably lower time so my earlier comment about people swapping it out more often than the other 2 when it's not needed is probably true and easily explains the extra score/hr without it having to be "better".
  9. Chiss

    Not surprising at all. Lancer was clearly the best from the get go, even pre-buff. Just no one used it.
  10. Giggily

    Don't call the Lancer deterring. The other day my outfit, while we had less than a Platoon on, were able to stop multi-platoon advances of NC by killing all of their vehicles from 800-700 meters away with Lancers. If you're in the right position for it it creates a solid no vehicle doom zone. We've actually done this tons of times, to the point where I don't even see the point of getting in Magriders anymore just because HA is so much better at killing vehicles than it is.
  11. Zaik

    i ******* called it.

    like a dozen ******* times.

    nobody believed me, and yet here we are. good old zaik's right again, and i rub it in all your faces.
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  12. gigastar

    Yeah when the Lancer was introduced after the Striker and Pheonix it was pretty clear that it would do well in this world.

    Except that due to some absurd association to some piece of **** that the Lancer replaced, nobody seems to be picking it up.
  13. ShayeUK

    this isn't surprising, we all know it was just the lolpodders being whiny lil *******, the stats reflect what I always knew, striker sucks, phoenix is OP
  14. CupBoy

    Your guess is as good as mine as to what exactly causes the differences in score and kills.

    I'd say the sample size is large enough that any such differences are evened out. However, I did run the same numbers for only higher level characters and it didn't change the relative difference much.

    Yeah, that's pretty much why I included the avg. time as it might give a hint at the usage pattern. In avg. score per player, the Lancer is actually a bit behind the Striker and the Phoenix.

    Balance is hard, especially since no one bothers to actually define what balance means.
  15. Zotamedu

    Unless there's a mountain or hill even remotely near or in the case of ground vehicles, a small bump in the road. Then there's all the smoke and flares. Lock on launchers are not very useful in the real world. I rarely use my Annihilator any more. I tried the Striker and really didn't like it. It has the same downsides as the Annihilator but with a potential for higher damage. There are a couple of specific situations where it would be better but I really do not see why I would spend the SC on one. If it had been dumb fire only, then I might have bought it to replace my Decimator. As a dumb fire, it would have more potential damage than a Decimator if you could aim properly. That would be great. It would still be better than the Decimaotr at AA, at least for hunting hover spammers since it's more likely that one of five rockets will hit if you launch them at the general direction of the ESF. I am really disappointed at SOE for giving us yet another lock on launcher.
  16. Bape

    Lol phoenix is OP? lmao i hate the phoenix ill gladly trade it for a striker and you can have the phoenix standing still like an idiot while I shoot you in the back.
  17. Xae

    It is also dead simple to use. It has a stupidly low skill cap to use. The Lancer and the Phoenix are much more difficult to use. A poor player using one will be much less effective than a poor player using a Striker.
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  18. Zenanii

    Eh, the lancer can instantly ping any vehicle (or aircraft) that is about to die for assist xp, basically if you can see it you can hit it which would explain the greater score/hr.
    The Lancer can hit from massive range. The Phoenix can hit targets in cover. The Striker seems kinda meh.
  19. Tobax

    Can you really say what's best or worst based on average figures? I mean yes they can help give indications of what people are doing with them but the fact the lancer avg score has gone up could of been that it took people time to get good with them, or any number of reasons.
  20. Izriul

    6 shots, hit an ESF once, there's a whack of assist
    Hit infantry? lots of assists

    The main thing though, is it's ability to destroy turrets. I wouldn't be surprised if this made a huge amount of points and would explain why striker dropped down in points too.