[Vehicle] ESF flight controls feedback

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Czarinov, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Czarinov

    Alright, so I had some flying today and I got to realize a couple of things. Also I will be only speaking for Mossi. I don't know what they did to reaver and scythe.

    Bad things first:

    1) people still got screwed by MISINFORMATION. GIVE US the damn comprehensive notes about flight changes.

    2) esfs got nerfed in general. All rates (yaw, roll, pitch) have lower top speed. Which may be viewed positively as a better challenge and negatively as "was that needed?"

    3) keyboard pitch delay is nonsensical. Though I didn't seem to handicap me much today.

    4) why change something when it worked well... doesn't make sense.

    Good things (depends on how strongly you're addicted to your grip and finger muscle memory):

    1) yawing seems linear. Before it had more momentum. Right now it's "chopy" but at the same time I felt like easier time making precise adjustments.

    2) old positive acceleration for roll / pitch is gone. It seems "linear", more like infantry aiming. What this does is two things:

    a) Aiming with ESF seems more precise after I lowered my sens from 0.5 to 0.4 at 800 DPI. I advice you all to lower it too.


    b) Using keyboard / mouse keys for pitching is a must now. Unless you have high sense. Before one could make use of acceleration and turn at max. pitch rate easily with mouse. Now pitch rate is slower and aiming is more linear, so impossible to turn like before. This is kinda of neutral thing.

    3) I thinking newbies will have easier time getting into airgame now. Or maybe not. Gotta ask a newbie.

    Had a talk with a friend, he said it just doesn't seem fun to him anymore and that he needs to learn all over again. The thing is we all have put hours in flying and we all created hardcoded muscle memory into our brain, some more than the others. However we are not starting over. Your leading judge skills are still there. Though arm muscle memory will need tweaking.

    Currently I see flying as a bit of new challenge and I think we can adapt. Please fellow aces, don't hate gank on me. I am pissed at "devs" or "IT staff", tho seeing how they behave I understand that it's probably either LEAVE or ADAPT. I'm a realist. Also I did pretty good today.

    EDIT: Dont forgrt to turn off joystick support and sens into zero. i feel like it made a difference, maybe wrong tho.

    That doesn't clear that today's patch notes are ABSOLUTE trash.