ESF Controls messed up

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Discostoff2, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. MasterTater

    Well maybe they will work on it - they just started with the implementation of PS4 compatibility and have to get it running.
  2. MasterTater

    But the good thing, all factions and players have to deal with it.


    And we get new players from PS4 paying for the new content which the old PC players did not continue to pay for as they are already certed out.
  3. MahouFairy

    Why can't they just give us the option to use the old controls? That way, people fine with the current system can use it for all I care.
  4. MahouFairy

    You think you'll do better in this system? Then let us have the old system back so we can thrash you. Let's see how much of an advantage the new system gives you.
  5. MasterTater

    Thats exactly the point - actually it is good that they change some mechanics:

    1rst to adapt it to the console controls and make it at least possible to maneuver with a controller

    2nd to change the flight controls to create equal chances for new players.

    But hey - you can spit poison as much as you want either:

    You Love it

    You Change it - and adapt to the new flight mechanic - OR

    You leave it - I poison spitting bytch less in this game.

    OR you download a cheat as so many other players these days.
  6. Bacardie

    YOUR not getting the picture here. Many of us CANT.. C A N T, use the keyboard keys AT ALL to fly now. I can't use my A and D keys anymore as they DO NOT WORK to turn left of right, as they DID before the last update. Why, who the hell knows, but from what I gather, we have tried EVERYTHING to fix it on our end, but it's NOT working.

    I don't understand what you mean by "adapt to new flight mechanics" as they are NOT working right. To hell with console players, why screw PC users over, as many have PAID for this game or some of it's content and have been here since beta.
    • Up x 1
  7. Teshrrar

    Try this:

    Theres an option in UserOptions.ini called "GamepadEasyFlight", set it to "=0". I fly with a joystick and had to disable this to use the yaw too. Idk why.
  8. MahouFairy

    Ok so right now we change the controls to give new players an equal chance with veterans. But even newbies become veterans over time. So maybe we'll change it again in another 3 years or so? And so on?

    Looking forward to seeing your tears in 3 years time. Who knows? They may force players to use inverted controls or something.
  9. Bacardie

    Just checked.. it is set to 0
  10. Bacardie

    This is the area that seems screwed up, at least for me. Maybe someone has something different?


    <ActionSet name="Aircraft" radialMenuNavigation="Right">
    <Action name="MoveForward">
    <Action name="MoveBackward">
    <Action name="MoveLeft"> <---------- this is not working
    <Action name="MoveRight"> <-------- this is not working
    <Action name="MoveUp">
    <Action name="MoveDown">
  11. Czarinov

    EDIT: it doesn't work because it's supposed to look like this:

    <Action name="YawLeft">
    <Action name="YawRight">
  12. Teshrrar

    My general part (made for joystick, I didn't find a good sensivity yet):


    I had to change some of "Gamepad" options to make the Yaw back to work.
  13. Sh4n4yn4y

    I've found one major problem with the new flight controls is that Coyotes are getting spammed again, because people are still struggling to adjust. I'm not sure what's more annoying, the new handling, or the coyotes.
  14. Bacardie

    Well, I looked at that as well and I edited the wording to what you have.. DID NOT WORK. Each time I loaded the game, it re wrote the wording BACK to MoveRight and MoveLeft.

    I've also tried deleting the file, and letting the game rebuild it, still no change to wording so I'm not sure where you got yours from but it's not changing mine for some reason.
  15. Schizomatic

    It's amusing how a slight changes to air controls causes such a ****storm, but the top gunner vehicle bug is playing absolute Hell on ground vehicle play, and the gunners seem to be bearing it rather stoically and working through the hardships with nary a complaint save this one.
  16. Czarinov

    I got it from my own InputProfile...

    well when you edit it you should use XML oriented program. I think I had similar problem... But why are you even editing it thru a file? Set it ingame...
  17. Sh4n4yn4y

    Note, the GUNNER. It's a pain in the ***, but it's manageable. With flight controls that don't work properly, or that stop working entirely at really bad times, you smash into buildings or platforms. Your ESF takes a moment longer than usual to turn, and you miss your chance to return fire on an enemy ESF, and die.

    Flying is a high speed (sort of), twitch reflex game play style. You need to be able to respond effectively to survive, be it flying through an AMP station hangar, a canyon, underneath a biolab, or simply to dogfight. Dodgy controls will result in your death. Which is incredibly irritating.
  18. Bacardie

    Ok, there is something really wrong here. I have this game installed on wifes PC as well but haven't used it for months. Last night I went and updated it to current. Her game plays perfect, no issues with flight controls at all. I looked at her InputProfile_User file and under Flight, it shows YawLeft and YawRight whereas mine does NOT.

    I've tried, like I said, to delete the file and have the game scan the files and set up a new file. That did not work
    I've tried to edit the file using Excel and notepad to reflect the correct wording. When I launch the game, the GAME CHANGES the wording FROM Yaw to Move, which is preventing me from using the A and D keys to turn.

    1. Why would the game NOT update MY file correctly, but will on another PC?
    2. Why would deleting that file, and having the game replace it, yet with the wrong file?

    No one at Daybreak can answer this and seems no one here can either.
  19. MasterTater

    3 years - the game will be long dead and burried by then.

    Maybe PS1 lasted so long due to the unique game mechanics.

    SOE / DAYBREAK decided to make this game a cheap pay to win shooter clone on a massive scale.

    This trash to which it was developed controversial to initial promises wont last any longer than another 1,5 years to go as long as they go on promoting massive faction imbalance of weapons, gear and vehicles and completely refuse to put in money and resources for the development of interesting mechanincs and actually teamplay enforcing and interesting content.
  20. MasterTater

    I get you pretty damn down to the point dude - practise. its a new system and everyone has to deal with it.

    If you dont want it - just leave the game as most others which are unable to adapt to sth new.