ESF Controls messed up

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Discostoff2, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Tar

    how is something we didn't ask for, and don't like, an "upgrade"?
    How can someone call an upside-down change "unperceivable"?

    Some things change(the owner) but some never do (the competence of maintenance dev teams).
  2. Schizomatic

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  3. Yuki10

    Flight Controls Changes
    • The bounded inputs (keyboard,gamepad) now respond in a more predictable and controllable fashion (MISERABLE fail)
    • The mouse (unbounded) input is applied overtime to as-closely-as possible match what previously existed (MISERABLE fail)
    • There will be subtle differences but they should be mostly unperceivable (MISERABLE fail)
    • This does mean controller support for our PC flyers just got an upgrade and you should give it a try! (MISERABLE fail. .) But as you know - we don't give an excrement
  4. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Not unless we really let them know how detrimental it is for the PC-version of the game. If we say nothing they will do nothing.
  5. Jake the Dog

    True enough sadly ;/
  6. willowstyle

    or maybe they just dont have ppl/money to implement separate control for pad and mouse/keyboard (maybe too difficult), and they are forced to mix a balanced bad ctrl for both..

    my opinion:
    ps2 is in middle life losing players, they just bet on next ps4 wave, no more interest in old pc gamer with tons of certs, cammo, weapon, goodies, no need of boost or premium, they dont care, or they care but after ps4 priorities.
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  7. Yuki10

    I think you may be right. PS2 on PC was nothing but an ALPHA release version for the PS4. Plus PS4 people dont get on forum and actually expect anyone from the company to talk or listen to them.
  8. entrailsgalore

    I just launched in a Scythe and jesus....I couldn't aim worth anything. Readjusted my mouse sens, but clearly it does not feel the same as it did before. The pixel precision is worse, and it is VERY noticeable. There is a lot of pixel jumping. From a competitive standpoint, on an FPS on PC, this is very bad. In the air, this is even worse, as you are fighting in a 3D plane rather than a 2D plane. I managed to kill 3 Reavers within the first 5 mins, but I think that is because of how slow analog pitch up and down are now and all pilots are trying to readjust. You can't just hold your mouse thumb buttons (razer Naga for me) down and pitch at max rate to help with a reverse maneuver anymore. Bad imo.

    I understand why they made this change. They needed to tailor this game to two different crowds, PC and PS4. They had to pick 1 control scheme system, and they picked the console system. This means that this game is now a Console port in my eyes, rather than a PC FPS.

    I know that this is just a new learning curve, and I am sure after a week I will fine tune my mouse sense, and "re-learn" how to fly. The problem is, this change slows down the pace of air combat, for the sole purpose of tailoring to the PS4 crowd. I also undertand that some people may really like this change, especially those who fly with a gamepad. And that is great. And I know that PS2 isn't a big "MLG/ESL/Esports" competitive to begin with, but with this change, it put nails in the coffin of any hopes to reach any level of competitiveness, at least for the PC.

    Being someone that plays a lot of Planetside 2, CSGO, Tribes, and being a HOTAS enthusiast with games like Elite:Dangerous and Star Citizen, I find aiming precision and control are the most important things, aside from movement and map strats, when playing at a competitive level. I have no motivation to take a game seriously when something as important as aim, can't be fine tuned to minimize error, and increase your advantage against other players. The main problem with Planetside 2 now, is that even if you spend a month fine tuning your Windows Mouse sense, Hardware mouse sense, and In game mouse sense, the cross-hair will still jump pixels instead of slide across them, and you waste ms of time trying to correct when you overshoot. That is a fail imo.

    TLDR: I know that aiming precision on consoles is different, as it has to compensate for analog thumb-sticks which have threshold points. The fact that Mouse and Keyboard users now have to downgrade to the same handicaps leads me to believe that DBG is going to put PS4's PS2 focus above the PC version. I don't own a console because I don't want to play a console game, I play nothing but PC games. As a PC gamer who plays at a semi competitive level in games like CSGO, this change is almost a deal breaker for me. This is not a " I am going to quit unless DBG rollsback!" post, as I never quit games, I just spend more time playing other games. Planetside 2 is still a unique game (for the time being) and I will play the game more this month, and try to re-learn how to fly. I will probably do OK after a week. But I just don't see how I will be able to enjoy flying anymore after this, and flying is 50% of what I do. By the way, for those who don't know what I am talking about, just search google or youtube for "mouse pixel jumping".
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  9. Dowlphin

    Nothing compared to what they just did with tank turret controls. The same crappy lag as aircraft pitch on mouse buttons. First no movement at all and then the intended input.
  10. McToast

    This is the core of the whole problem. The change in flight controls is not a big dealbreaker per se, every decent pilot should be able to adjust. The problem is the implication of this change. If they can come through with this, they will change other parts of the PC game to make the port to console easier. And if they start catering to the typical console crowd we'll NEVER see deeper gameplay, competitive play or even a proper metagame.

    I didn't stop playing only because of this change. It's just the last straw in a long line of wrong decisions in my opinion.
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  11. entrailsgalore

    Pixel jumping is a tough hurdle for competitive players in an FPS.
  12. Nasher

    Welcome to the consolization of PS2. It will only get worse as they make "improvements" to other parts of the game :(

    As they are 2 seperate clients, I don't get why they can't keep the control setups seperate. Lazyness I guess.

    Console control schemes never translate well to PC, because KB+mouse is far more accurate. You always end up with clumsy feeling controls.
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  13. Dj Gus

    What's worrying, and the people here are failing to understand is that this whole situation opens a really bad precedent.
    Nevermind the fact that half the playerbase is beeing extremely selfish by just putting down and making fun of people that invested hundreds if not thousands of hours flying.

    Remember this: They dramatically changed a system that was working for over 2 years, what's stopping them from "streamlining aka dumbing down" other parts of the game, like infantry play?

    It's unfair, no matter HOW much you dislike pilots.
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  14. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    I did include changes to tank turret controls in my list. :)
  15. Celeris

    This new "control" scheme is flat out a downgrade in every respect from the original FOR ALL VEHICLES. I put control in quotes because there's not much that is controllable. It like a drunk simulator. Way to piss off your loyal playerbase just for the sake of making a few console plebs happier, *** that for a sick joke. I've been playing so little of PS2 lately and it's solely because of this ill-thought out and ****tily implemented code changes. The funniest thing about them is how the tried to describe them in the patch notes. Not one thing they claimed about this control scheme downgrade was remotely accurate, much like trying to control and aim ESFs and vehicles, what a disgrace.
  16. FieldMarshall

    The TLDR version of the EULA that you agreed to says "We can do what we want and you just have to deal with it"

    1.3 Software and Gameplay
    You dont get anything because you already said you agree to get nothing.
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  17. Bacardie

    WOW.. glad I'm not the only one who thought my keybindings were screwed. A and D no long work for turning aircraft.. Joystick binds don't stay either. I've submitted a ticket, was told it would be sent to devs to view.. doubt that though. I only fly to get to a spot I want but sorry to those who fly 90% of the time and can't now.
  18. Czarinov

    A, D work fine... until they don't. It's not completely broken, but they get occasionally disabled when analogue mouse input screws them somehow.
  19. Bacardie

    You got a fix for it??
  20. Czarinov

    only applicable during the bug itself. When this happens to me I think hitting ADAD fixes the problem. BTW same stuff would happen to my pitch up / down keybinds. Same fix too.

    Also, it feels like not everyone has this problem. I'm thinking, maybe it has to do with Gamepad / Joystick sensitivity settings etc. Because there is a bug associated with disabling those settings (putting them to 0) and it's a downwards stuck turret when in 1st person mode in tank or AV/AA turrets.