Esamir & Tanking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Touchmaballs, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. Touchmaballs


    For a refreshing change It would be nice to have mbt's availabe for all factions by default on Esamir. Capping the tech plant could give you 100 nanite discount in mbt purchases or give your tank auto repair in addition. Esamir is probably the best continent for tanking.
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  2. Johannes Kaiser

    Given the fact that Esamit is relatively tank-friendly and has only one Tech Plant, second this. But then the TP needs to have a seperate bonus applied (like you proposed the discount), and that might be a bit difficult to manage, because so far they all simply have the same ownership property.
  3. iller

    The thing is though... Esamir already is basically a much smaller playing Space than the other 3 Conts.
    So not only is the Drive distance from each Warpgate relatively Negligible, there's no winding Valleys or Passes to "snake" around, you just go straight as the crow flies AS A SQUAD and reach just about Any fight in less than 4 minutes unless that fight is all the way on the other side of the map at NC or TR's warpgate .... which I'd point out, if that's happening TOO OFTEN, and it usually is, then the real Culprit here is NOT the map itself but the fact that 2 of the factions is constantly ignoring the 3rd faction who own MOST of the territory as well as the Tech Plant 85% plus percent of the Time.

    IE: It's not a Logistics problem, it's a COMMUNITY and leadership problem
  4. Liewec123

    I quite like the uniqueness of having only one tech plant, it actually gives something strategic to fight over,

    Plus it gives you a chance to cut down the number of magriders clinging to the sides of mountains
    lobbing HE over the walls of bases (walls designed to makes the bases infantry orientated fights!)
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