[Guide] Esamir Snowman spawn map.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sladuog, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. vsae

    All I see is loads of people are cruising Esamir and killing each other with harassers sunderers and lightings.
    Everything just to kill stupid snowmen. Is it really worth it lol?
    I mean come on, are you really that bored of the core game mechanics so you are willingly resort to this weird arcade?
  2. Solo59486

    Well it is pretty much the only knew content we had in a few months.
  3. KiRRA

    Just a heads up for those that did not know this and are lucky enough to witness it:

    If your mini-map is displaying a Snowman spawn point when one does spawn, you will be given a signal via a large white sonar pulse (the animation similar to the Recon Darts, except fuzzy and white) on the mini-map. This effect only last 1-2 seconds maximum but displays itself on the minimap REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE to spawn point.

    I was sitting near Mani Fortress when I saw a huge white dot and pulse appear on my mini-map under the bridge. I didn't know what the hell it was so I drove over to it and what do ya know, under the bridge was a Snowman. So yeah, not saying this helps MOST....but if you see a huge white dot appear on your minimap, you might want to drive to it ASAP.

    I do not know if a Golden Snowman gives off the same effect nor the same color marker as I have only found 1 Snowman and it was normal.
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  4. GravityJohnson

    Quick question:
    You get the 'snowblower' title after 10 snowman kills, and you get the Golden Snowman hood ornament after a Golden Snowman is killed. Are there any goodies to be had beyond these? Anything for 20, 30 or 40 snowmen slaughterings for example?
  5. TKBoom

    I haven't heard of anything beyond the first title. I had upwards of 20 kills before I got found a gold one but can't remember the exact number so I may have been just short of 20.
  6. deggy

    Hunt in a Galaxy, guys.

    It makes the ESF boys cry when they try to gank you and you just land and Walker them to death.
  7. ZeroErrorz

    jeez just do a cease fire, all you need to do is just to tell them not to shoot u,i got 2 friendly scythe following me around today after telling them i got a snowman map
  8. John_Aitc

    The snowman hunt has been a really fun event. Thanks, SOE! I dedicate an hour to it until I get down to doing useful things in game.

    Yesterday, I was in a hex adjacent to the NC Warp gate, about 3 hexes away from anywhere I should be. As I climbed a hill, I came across some VS on foot a tremendous distance away from any useful fight for them. We looked at each other, no shots were fired, and we all just went off to continue our snowman search. It was an Auraxmas miracle.
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  9. Vaphell

    i haven't managed to flip it for an hour, though it was half damaged when it got finally halberded (with 9 snowmen found at that point), and it's not like hacking a terminal at the nearest base to get new wheels, should the need arise, was not an option. I simply preferred not to deal with dozen scythes flying back and forth above the vanu owned continent so cloaking for 20s was a good deal even if i wasn't able to blitz through the terrain.
  10. Halo572

    Actually - yes and the state of what is left of this 'game' as it is the best objective they have put in so far since the pyro achievement which I also have.

    Not playing since the 8th August might indicate an end to the interest in the game and I thought I would see what the snowman thing was after 4 months.

    I haven't looked at the map as I am not a cheat, but it worries me that all the 3p33n buffers would seem to be being attracted by the snowman thing and a reason I may just log in to Esamir and then log straight out. I don't need an 3p33n as I have a life.

    Although, as you would expect even after 4 months away, you go to log in and the servers are down for patching.

    And well done all of you that have used this map to pwn, knowing where everything already is in a 1337 MLG pro ubersoldat style that suits this 'game' right down to the ground.
  11. sladuog

    Sorry about that. I found that map on reddit and didn't inquire as to the source. I can't edit my post, but I would like to express thanks to 3AtomicSheep for the larger image and several previously unmarked locations.
  12. sladuog

    Just save the image, open MSPaint, and add in the locations by matching your minimap to the real map, then post it back in this thread.

    Ideally we could create a google document that everyone could edit themselves somehow, but for now this is an okay solution.
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  13. sladuog

    troll rating 0/10
  14. sladuog

    I do not think so.

    Shaql posted changed and new strings on reddit from a previous PTS patch, these contained only the "snowblower" and "snowballer" titles. It's quite safe to say that there are no further titles in the game right now that are linked with snowmen. A reward for the people who kill the most snowmen, most gold snowmen, and who achieve the most kills with the Deep Freeze gun over the full 8-day or longer event might be given out, but there are no guarantees. I can't remember if the player who got the highest number of kills with the flare guns got anything. I think it might have been torokokill.
  15. sladuog

    That is very interesting. I wonder how many infiltrators with maximum map size it would take to cover the entire map.
  16. KiRRA

    The effect/dot disappears rather quickly tho, so unless you catch the animation taking place you'd never know it even happened. I do not think they show up on radar even if you're standing on top of them either. But atleast if gives you a quick hint as to where it's at....if you catch the animation....otherwise just keep hunting.

    But yeah, you get a group of friendlies and scatter across a Hex with maxed mini-maps open....you could find em rather easily if paying attention.
  17. TKBoom

    Ok. I added several spots that weren't on here yet. Happy Hunting.

    Thanks for the 411, sladuog! My first time EVER putting a picture on a forum.

  18. KoS-1

    Interesting. I saw the same white ring on my mini map last night. But the twist is, it was on Indar at saurven biolab during the biolab alert.

    It was pinging on the map at one of wall towers. It lasted as long as a recon dart would.
  19. KiRRA

    Hmmmm, that's odd. Maybe it's something completely unrelated and it was just a coincidence that the white ping I saw took place near a Snowman spawn point. OR Saurva had a sudden drop in temp and a Snowman spawned? Santa crash landed on Indar....HAHAHA!
  20. MrMurdok

    *Loads SR-7*

    Hmm? Snowmen you say? Yes, of course, I love snowmen.