Equinox burst

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by patrykK1028, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Noktaj

    NS11A (or P variant) is an amazing weapon, super accurate, very predictable recoil and with 5 MORE BULLETS per magazine than any VS assault rifle.
    I've auraxium on NS11A and NS11P already simply because it's the most versatile weapon you can get as a VS (which tells you a lot about VS choice when in comes down to ARs).

    CME is SOE idea of a joke weapon. You can do much better with a Corvus or with a NS11 if you need range.
    If you are going for the AR directive I suggest you to auraxium, in order

    1) Pulsar (because it's the standard one, and a decent weapon)
    2) HV45 (probably the best AR for VS, lackluster for those pesky range encounters though)
    3) NS11A (or P)

    4) Corvus (you get it for free with the Medic quiz reward)
    5) Terminus

    Equinox, honestly it's worth only if you are going to use that Under Barrel attachment for smoke nades / shotgun.
    Otherwise skip it. Other VS AR are simply better.
  2. patrykK1028

    NS11P doesnt count...Anyway, I dont like it. IMO its just Pulsar lacking 50rpm and with 0.75ADS. From quiz I got Ghost. I tried Corvus in VR and it sucks even there (that TTK...). I bought Equinox, but I feel like GL has no splash dmg at all. I will also have to play Equinox Burst more because I dont remember how it was xd
    I think my auraxiums would be:
    1)HV 45
    2)Terminus (I would buy it after HV auraxium)
    4)Equinox (if I learn that GL) or Equinox Burst
    5)NS11... I dont like but I would probably have to
    Anyway, thats far future. I have 500 kills on HV45, 160 on Pulsar, 120 on Equinox Burst and like 60 on Equinox :/
    • Up x 1
  3. SharkSpider

    If you're going to suffer the Equinox you may as well go with the CME instead since it's all around better. I was really skeptical when I picked it up but surprisingly I found it more potent than the Pulsar despite the lower RPM.
  4. patrykK1028

    I quote myself here: "But could anyone tell me whats
    the point of CME? It looks like
    Equinox auto without the most
    of attachments and worse
    horizontal recoil. And its for
    1000 certs. Wat?
    Edit: it has also worse reload.... "
  5. SharkSpider

    On the attachment front the CME has an advanced forward grip which lets you make the recoil almost nonexistent. You do lose out on soft point but for either AR you really want to be outside of 15 meters anyways. For the stats overall the CME has much higher bullet velocity, substantially lower vertical recoil, and a smaller range of possible angles (meaning that there's less randomness, ie. it's more predictable). It also has a lower first shot multiplier (less kick). The downsides are a miniscule increase in reload time and higher horizontal recoil, but the latter is made up for by the advanced forward grip.

    Really the comparison you should be making is the Pulsar VS1 vs. the Equinox, because the Equinox is has similar accuracy traits at 50 lower RPM. With the CME you actually get something for the lower damage output that isn't an underbarrel attachment (that causes you to lose your forward grip).