[Suggestion] Epic! Award 1 DBC for alert victory (5 for subscribers)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HAXTIME, Jun 10, 2017.


    I know, snowballing and 4th factioners. But not if we have some restrictions in place:
    • The winner faction, on average, must not have a continent population greater than 35% during the alert
    • A player must be present for at least 60 minutes during the alert (except for an earlier victory, in which case the player must be present for 60 minutes minus remaining alert duration)
    • A player must be actively playing during the alert for at least 50 minutes, and on the continent the alert takes place (active play would mean activity which also lets you passively receive Nanites)
    I would be fragging hyped if this would happen. Additionally, I believe this would greatly encourage multi-faction players to switch to an underpopulated faction for the duration of an alert.
  2. Campagne

    As a primarily NC player, getting one or two DBC every couple of weeks wouldn't go very far.

    Because that's how often the NC win alerts while I'm playing under those restrictions, if that.
    • Up x 1
  3. Okjoek

    I really like the idea, but then you gotta think everyone would start hopping characters nearing the end of alerts to try and farm DBC.
  4. velie12

    then just make a rule that they should be playing the alert/continent for a certain period of time

    Guys, read the post, this is exactly what I'm discussing there. :D
  6. Liewec123

    i'm not a fan of awarding winners, it makes it borderline inevitable that everyone will flock to whatever faction is best on the server.

    hell, i've never been a 4th factioner but even i might consider it for free DBC! :eek:
  7. LordKrelas

    Wouldn't that be non-profitable?
    Whatever side has enough people, is likely to just zerg rush the continent or Hive it till it caps.
    Which would grant people enough DB over time, to not want to buy from DB any, would it not?

    IE, They'd lose the ability to sell DBC after a dozen or so alerts.
    Subscribers would need even less time, to have enough DBC to not purchase additional or keep the subscription.
  8. Cyropaedia

    In place of DBC, they could award 25 ISO-4 for each alert victory.

    It won't if you restrict the award to average population percentage, as I've written in the post. :D
    You guys are only reading the title? :eek:

    But then wouldn't it encourage players to risk going to the low pop faction for the possible win?
  11. Liewec123

    nope i read the post, but relying on the players to not flock to a faction (which they all would) isn't a viable option.

    it is like when the world domination series was going on and the faction that won received a really strong booster each week,
    everyone flocked to TR and overpopped everything, TR ended up winning with a much higher score than NC and VS combined,
    i bet if you'd told them that they would only get awarded if they don't have overpop...nothing would change.
    the whole "why should i leave so you can get the award?" mentality would naturally take over,
    if some BR10 has been camping in the spawn room and i've been holding the A point solo,
    why should i leave so he can be rewarded!?
    infact why don't we kill low BR players on sight so they log off! they're jeopardising our reward and won't really contribute!
    see how it could get messy? :p
  12. Campagne

    Eh, I doubt it. DBC is presumably account-locked, so it wouldn't really matter which faction one was playing as when they win as they could spend it on any faction. It would be easiest to just hop onto whatever side was winning. And unfortunately, that's usually not the NC.

    It would be nice, but it would be quite uneven methinks.
  13. LordKrelas

    Thought I removed that bit, sorry.
    But the Hive bit is accurate; You can have 13% people, and hive to a win, while being warp-gated.
    As well, You make Hives the best way to get DBC which reduces DBC sales, as it's the one way to win that doesn't care about Numbers.

    Doesn't matter what the other side does, unless all they do is go on Hive patrol & defense.
    While the majority attacks hives to kill them, which still grants VP during the Siege, the Hivers can swarm the Lattice to mop up the VPs.
    If the majority doesn't, the Hivers can simply defend only the Hives, and win assuming the 3rd side doesn't stop attacking the other.
  14. stalkish

    Its all the normal forum warriors are capable of.
  15. stalkish