Eod Xp :(

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by isilyan, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. isilyan

    Finally found a mine i did not (step on/drove over) shot it with my weapon, and my reward 5xp:(
  2. Fiatsu

  3. DLJord

  4. isilyan

    Thx m8:)
    SOE need to lower the Eod xp to 1 imho, or else you gonna have ppl doing Eod farming :p
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  5. Chiss

    They cost resources. Wouldnt be viable.
    Theres already really good ways to AFK farm exp.
  6. Eyeklops

    Good point. Should probably be worth 50xp at least.
  7. Silver Pepper

    How is hunting mines EXP farming? Doesn't work against friendly mines, and unless you can get a friend to poop out mines for you to farm, you're unlikely to be reliably finding enough to get you certs.
  8. Takoita

    Spawn beacons grant 25 xp. Ad they are much easier to find too.
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  9. isilyan

    Plz Devs:p in the next patch increase the EoD Xp Reward, when you destroy Mines:)
    I feel that 5Xp is a bit to low:(
  10. Frosty The Pyro

    The reward is not having them blow up your tank. the xp is pure gravy.
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  11. isilyan

    Yup but how do you get non Outfit ppl to understand that?
    With the maxium Renderdistance of Mines, in the current state of the game?
  12. vilehydra

    It's actually quite entertaining to find a AI mine and use it against the person who placed it by shooting it as they wlak around the corner/through the doorway.
  13. isilyan

    Yup when Mines are defended they should work that way imho:)
    I just feel that the Xp system could learn alot of ppl, something about being aware of Mines, and how they work:p
    Why not have an Eod medal? Would it drag the framers to hunting mines?
  14. FateJH

    Wouldn't mind them being worth 12-20xp for a "safe defuse," as long as the mine your destroy doesn't belong to your own faction.
  15. Accuser

    Back in my day, we blew up enemy mines to protect friendly vehicles with no reward. And we did it barefoot in three feet of snow!
    • Up x 1
  16. isilyan

    Yup there abouts:) A bit lower than the Beacon kill Xp bonus.....
  17. isilyan

    I will gladly play Meatshield for my Outfit any day Sir:p
  18. Absoluth

    80% of the players are now heavies with flak armor. They don't even need to bother to stop and defuse, as they can just regen their shield later, after taking out the enemies behind the mine 'thinking' they're protected.
  19. isilyan

    Yup the Flak buff aganist He, also made 1 Prox Mine alone, a crappy option:(
    Not sure if it was good to include Mines in the Flak buff......