Engineers: Deployable Lifts ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cryosin, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Cryosin

    Keep it short and simple:

    What if engineers could cert into a deployable lift? This would allow an engineer place a lift on the ground instead of a turret.

    "In an effort to help support general defense at facilities, we’re exploring the idea of having the jump pads which allow players to quickly traverse the walls only be usable by the Empire in control of the facility.The current plan is to roll this out to all of the Tech Plant and some specific Biolab walls." - JGood

    With that kind of change in mind, I would like to make it easier for attackers to get over the walls. At the moment, only light assault can get over an Amp Station wall. This feature might also help other areas such as the crown.