[BUG] engineer + implant Minor Cloak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by andrelvamaral, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. andrelvamaral

    The engineer when he is like the Minor Cloak implant he when he comes out of the invisible shooting instead of being the weapon he pulls the ammo box.

    video link follow

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  2. FateJH

    If you're saying that the Engineer switches to the ammunition package on his own, your video is not very convincing. You always walk before coming out of Minor Cloak so it's not possible to isolate the ammunition package.
    If that's not what you mean, then I can not parse your words into an argument that matches the video.
  3. andrelvamaral

    FateJH test you gamer
  4. FateJH

    When I get home, though I'm not confident I know what I'm looking for. I asked for clarification so I don't just write any behavior off.
  5. then00b

    I don't think it's the implant, I don't run it at all and I keep pulling out ammo randomly. It's not super common but it does happen.
  6. then00b

    Ah, tried out the implant now, yeah everything you try to do makes you pull out the ammo pack for some reason.
  7. DarkStarAnubis

    I just tried on one of my toons who has Minor Cloak and I couldn't reproduce the bug.
  8. JobiWan

    This is a bug since minor cloak came out, it's not just engineers, it activates your class ability, EG heavy assault will turn on their shield, infils will cloak, engineers will throw ammo, etc.
  9. Liewec123

    never had this happen, and i run minor cloak on engi all the time :S
  10. FateJH

    I'm back. I had no such luck in reproducing any funny business on my end (except for Infiltrator cloaking, but we already know the cloak and the implant don't always play together happily).
    Perhaps this is an interaction with some other part of the game's keybinds or settings.
  11. JobiWan

    I think the original bug was if you cloaked with your knife drawn, maybe try that.
  12. typnct

    when you de-cloak as an infil and keep that option on you basically press F, that's why you throw ammo as an engie, just turn decloak on fire off, same with heavy, he activates his shield etc...

    to fix this simply disable that option, cheers
  13. Zhakathoom

    I have this many times doing whatever on my engineer. Most noticeably when I swap to an engineer at my sunderer and try to repair it: Most of the time it starts by tossing out an ammopack before pulling out the reptool and going at it. I 100% do NOT press my "special ability" key, which I have bound to left alt. Deploy is the default "E" and my reptool is "MWD" so I don't think any of those should interfere.
  14. Liquidrider

    Not trying to bounce an old topic, but this bug still exists. But I discovered it is related to the Settings [Decloak upon fire] setting. To add some context.

    With [Decloak upon fire] checked:
    - Pressing the Fire Mouse Button and the engineer swaps to an ammo box. Regardless of what they have equipped. This only occurs when cloak is initialized.

    With [Decloak upon fire] unchecked
    - Pressing the Fire Mouse Button nothing happens. And there is no auto-swap to the utility.

    I suppose it more of an oversight than a bug, but I would suspect [Decloak upon fire] should work on all classes not just infiltrators. This would also explain why the auto-swap is happening to some people and not others.
  15. Liewec123

    interesting, if that is the case then it seems like they coded the "decloak on fire" to simply activate the class ability XD
    which ofcourse for infil would decloak them, but for engi its "GOT AMMO HERE!" :D
    might test with heavy and see if it activates/deactivates shield

    i run cloak all the time on my engi with no issues but have never used the "decloak when firing" option
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  16. Netsurfer733

    If that's the case then this really old bug needs to die. Really hope they can fix this - I'm surprised it's been around for so long. Came back to the game after forever and this is still interfering with one of my fav loadouts... I don't want to disable decloak on fire.
  17. Liewec123

    Its still bugged? Ouch!
    I've moved away from minor cloak now-a-days,
    other implants have been added/got buffed that have pushed minor cloak out of the slots!