Enforcer and Saron need balanced

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by axiom537, Sep 10, 2015.

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  1. WetPatch

    Cant discuss things like a proper functioning adult so now you've taken to trying to derail the thread?
  2. Flag

    And when the GK gets nerfed I'm going to laugh in your face.

    As for why VS wins more alerts? In the sub-selection of Miller, it's mainly due to VS trying to a lot more than NC and TR, and TRs ability to not cooperate. It isn't because of things like the Betelguse, Raven, CARV, or any weapon currently in the game, it's player behaviour. Back when TR actally did well in that regard the scenery was different. TR in general had world pop advantage (remember cross continental alerts?), and one of if not the most broken weapon mechanically changed the balance (old lock-on striker).
    And TR, bereft of much of the challenges tha NC and especially the VS had to contend with at the time actually managed to cooperate. That didn't last though.

    But I digress.
    GK isn't overpowered like weapons have been in the past, but even so it's too strong across the board, even more so since it's one of the easiest weapons to use in the game, almost bar none.

    But you won't care. So go back crying about the Betelguse, that seems to be your thing.
  3. Flag

    Said by someone with over 11k kills with the Banshee.

    Good one.

  4. asmodraxus

    Could someone that has extensive usage of the Gate Keeper please advise how it is not an upgrade over the Halberd?

    275 m/s
    60 RPM
    3.25 second reload speed
    ammo pool of 30
    Magazine size of 1
    1000 infantry damage (unsure of AV damage what with the various resistances)
    Has bullet drop

    Gate Keeper
    500 m/s
    160 RPM
    1.75 reload speed
    ammo pool of 300
    Magazine size of 30
    170 infantry damage
    Has limited bullet drop with limited bloom

    The only thing worse is the damage per shot...
  5. Flag

    Because Betelguse and Lancer.

    .... or something something.:confused:

    I mean, it's not like it's overperforming or anything...

  6. Shaggath

    Seriously guy stop post an go make vid with gk against ia.

    The ttk is worst then saron and enforcer.

    First you need an idiot who not try to hide when they take the first shoot ......
    After that you need to be alone because the idiot who stay like that take normally an easy bullert from a sniper.

    So gk can kill ia it's possible but in reality is more end killing when a guy is near death or nothing or suppressive fire.
    The splash have 70 damage and little radius then saron and enforcer.
    It's direct hit or nothing the target who not move from 1 mm to avoid the 15 shoot required to kill with spash it's afk or disconnected.

    It's and heavy 70 damage under 0.6 and 25 damage after 3.
    Saron perform better against ia and can dump in close range and kill with splash in less then one second.

    Or say the truth now tr have a counter to mag, like nc have raven and this is the real reason.
    Nc don't care because gk or not all av weapon can deal with vanguard like all nc weapon can deal with prowler.
    There is no change.

    This is a dakka weapon who normally give time to hide.

    Just think what a prowler can do with a saron and with a gk.

    First scenar long range one second windows
    two hit from main canon : 1250*2=2500
    three hit from saron : 284*3=852

    -> 3352 damage.

    Now cqc case :

    2500+one saron clip 1700 -> 4200 damage.

    Now same scenar with gk

    Long range and cqc same : 180 rpm /60 -> 3 hit.
    2500+510 _> 3010.

    In all case saron is better.

    it's just they got used to dance in plain vs terran and take the time to aim and land shoot where normally is all about peekaboo style with something near to hide and little windows to aim.

    Now gk is a counter to this crappy playstyle and some guy don't want to step up ....
    Mag is not the problem mag is a great tank to play peekaboo style and use the world to hide quickly and take safe pos.
    You can go where prowler and vanguard just stay stuck, you can climb with magboost where ia can't go .. you can mount barrier put to prevent vehicule access ......

    The big question, before gk how they manage her fight against nc ?? they totally avoid fight and only focus tr ?
    Because raven is too op and never miss against mag ?
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  7. Mongychops

    Cool story about the Ravens, but if you saw Flag's post before yours, you'd have seen that in just 10 days the GK and GK-H have destroyed over 3000 Q4 Magriders, but Ravens haven't even destroyed enough to show up on the charts in 30 days (1105 minimum).

    The platform a weapon is mounted on does matter. The GK is on a tank with high enough main gun DPS to make its supposed damage trade offs meaningless against the Magrider, and the GK-H is on the fastest, most evasive vehicle that can pursue or evade most other vehicles, controlling the range of engagement. While Ravens are on a platform that moves at walking speed.
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  8. Shaggath

    For the guy who try to talk about the prowler mobility with her ten more stock speed down to five with racer.
    This is true if you go in straight line in a slope.
    You can try but a prowler can't follow a magboost who want to flee and a prowler can't flee a mag.
    It's just a stupîd argument base on nothing.

    The prowler mobility seriously.
    If you have really test the prowler you can know the real average speed is near 40 because world slow her top speed.
    There is no magboost to avoid that.

    I can do a picture if you want ?
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  9. Shaggath

    Stupid value du to weapon design MongyChops.

    First remove Gk-h, vulcan stay better for harrasser.
    So you have a weapon with substain coupled with a mbt canon who just stole kill due to her low profile damage...
    But you need to play with the weapon to know that.

    Your chart show kph kpu when you need real damage to have some real statistic, it's true you take the kill but the real dealer is the main canon.
    How you chart show that ????????????

    I think vanu just need time to stop dancing in a middle of nowhere with nothing to hide in this case this weapon is really scary.
    It's something mag do and vanguard never do.
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  10. Shaggath

    it's just if you put a weapon with low velocity and low profile damage you just have something garbage.
    It's a fracture.
    Decrease velocity -> increase alpha to stay competitive.
    But I don't think you want to see a weapon like saron or enforcer on a prowler.
    You really need to understand low profile damage give you the time to react where heavy alpha with prowler canon it's something who can blow anything in one volley.
  11. Mongychops

    What are you even saying?

    If the GK DPS and burst damage sucks compares to the main cannon, surely the main cannon would get more last hits on the vehicles, since it is a higher proportion of the damage output, and has more alpha damage in a pop-out style of play? How does a low damage output weapon "steal" kills from the big damage output weapon, if its effective DPS (due to accuracy) isn't good?

    The chart doesn't show KPH/KPU, it is literally showing that in just 10 days, the GK & GK-H have killed more Q4 Magriders than most weapons do in 30 days. While those "OP" long range AV weapons; Lancer, Vortex, and Ravens, don't even kill enough high BR MBTs to appear on the charts in the full 30 days.

    Then you go on to call all BR 76+ Magrider drivers incompetent? As if the Magrider main guns relatively low alpha compared to the other MBTs, and both ESAV secondaries at medium range rely on you being exposed most of the time to do their full damage output. Sure, playing medium range in cover with FPC+Halberd is a powerful playstyle with the Magrider, but otherwise you're basically saying that neither of the Magrider's ESAV weapons should be able to take on a Prowler with GK.
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  12. Metallic123

    Think people are upset lock down prowlers now have gunners
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  13. Haquim

    No, thats just you being better than them and having a Vanguard shield. You propably wouldn't survive this in a Prowler.
  14. asmodraxus

    Ever considered what the DPS of a fully locked down prowler is when it has a gunner?

    Consider this interesting little fact

    The Prowler has been balanced around it not needing a gunner for the last 3 years. Just imagine what nerfs :eek: will be incoming to the Gate Keeper, the main gun and Lockdown now that TR are running with gunners. After all the mag got nerfed in GU for running with gunners whilst the Prowler and Vanguard got buffed for not.

    DBG failed to look at the statistics and adjust the main guns prior to the release of the gate keeper, now expect nerfs at some point. Or conversely maybe the Vanguard and the Magriders main gun need their respective DPS increased along with the Enforcer and Saron to compete.

    As for those TR that keep on saying we never had an effective long range option

    Please explain what is the Halberd?

    Then explain why the Halberd has more DPS then the Saron at range and why the Gatekeeper should be better.
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  15. SwornJupiter

    If that were seriously true for even a second, then there would be a clear equivalence of DPS in respect to:
    1/2 Prowler = 1/2 Vanguard = 2/2 Magrider

    However that's not the case. A 2/2 Magrider comes out on top every time, followed by the 1/2 Prowler, and finally the 1/2 Vanguard (which is why the shield is so critical for the vanguard's survivability).

    But guess what? All tanks essentially got buffed this patch. All tanks now have a new weapon that does increased DPS on top of their main cannon. In order to achieve true balance, the devs should be tallying numbers between fully manned tanks. Running without a gunner is a conscious choice a lot of players make, and thus it is a disadvantage that is of their own making and fault.

    Now it's no question that the Prowler is the king of long ranged combat - but with GU36, the Magrider and Vanguard have gained increased lethality in close quarters and medium ranged combat ranges. Provided all shots land, the Aphelion and Mjolnir will still out-DPS a Gatekeeper, so obviously as a Magrider or Vanguard driver, you need to force the engagement in a situation that is favourable for your loadout.

    In terms of the halberd...
    I don't recall TR ever saying that they didn't have an effective long range option. In fact, I believe the Halberd was the go-to long range AV weapon for prowler drivers (not that prowler drivers regularly had gunners anyway). The Halberd is reliable, but it lacks the stopping power that the Enforcer provided for the NC, and the versatility that the Saron provided to the VS.

    Hence, why you saw the Vulcan being actively used on the Harrasser playstyle: it was synergetic with the Harrasser. Currently, the Gatekeeper's intended playstyle is synergetic with the Prowler's playstyle (which is great imo), and the same can be said for the other factions. The Aphelion is an incredible flanking weapon (pretty much a vulcan), while the Mjolnir synergises well with the NC's 'brawler tank' playstyle (I'm just grateful NC didn't get another shotgun).
  16. asmodraxus

    At the moment the Prowler is the king of close range combat, long range combat and everything in between

    Vulcan does more DPS then the Aphelion / Mjolnir
    Gatekeeper more accurate, faster and more DPS at range then the Halberd which does more damage then the Saron / Enforcer

    Prowlers main gun also does more DPS then anything else (well apart from libs).

    Go figure that balance

    Prowler faster then a mag
    Same health as a mag
    Much much much more DPS then a mag
    Has a combat orientated special aka lockdown, mag has a boost for 1 second before instantly returning to its top speed

    But hey the mag can go sideways to dodge shots at about 500m now...
  17. Koldorn

    It's not overperforming, it's just easy to use.
    -PPA, 2014

    It's not overperforming, it's just easy to use.
    -Gatekeeper, 2015

    This well end well...
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  18. RadarX

    We certainly appreciate the feedback but we're going to go ahead and close this. There are no planned adjustments at this time.
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