Enforcer and Saron need balanced

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by axiom537, Sep 10, 2015.

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  1. axiom537

    Enforcer and Saron both only have 300 m/s velocity and they both respectfully have a drop and COF penalty. They should have their velocity increased to 500 m/s and have the drop and COF reduced to almost nothing, then they will be balanced with the Gatekeeper.

    If it's not OP on the Gatekeeper, then it wont be OP on them, their TTK vs targets is based off the individual damage of each shot, who many shots they have in a magazine and their ROF.
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  2. Collin

    Reduce the alpha meaning their damage to 170 and same ROF and here we go
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  3. Collin

    Damn VS victim complex
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  4. Liewec123

    gotta fix one thing, you said saron has drop but it doesn't (though enforcer has crazy drop)
    i do think gatekeeper is a little too strong,
    it currently has everything, pinpoint accuracy, low drop, high velocity and so much sustain.
    plus it can be mounted ontop of the most lethal long range AV in the game, an anchored AP prowler,
    choosing how to balance it would be tough for the devs.
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  5. Shatteredstar

    The problem is also nerfing it puts hurt back onto TR's long range av options which are abyssmal outside of (now) harassers and prowler. That is what needs fixed along with any GK tuning
  6. Flag

    If both the Saron and Enforcer (and halberd, since it's mostly fine compared to the two named ESAV guns) "need" buffs, then maybe the problem isn't with those guns?
    Coming from you of all people, that's rich.
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  7. asmodraxus

    Simple fix would be to indeed give them matching velocity, and the Halberd 450 m/s velocity

    Perfectly balanced

    Saron and Enforcer due to higher damage, have to deal with either drop or CoF issues whilst the Gatekeeper doesn't have the damage but has a higher RoF and no drop or CoF.
  8. Mxiter

    Funny to know that both of those weapons outDPS the gatekeeper with drop and bloom management (without mentioning saron mag dump ability)

    TR weapons looks like locked it low skill floor-low skill ceiling weapons.
  9. Ronin Oni

    I'd just start with dialing back GK velocity a little bit (still leave it as fastest, but right now it's 66% faster) and give it some damn reliable and visibile tracers and proper sound effects when hit by it so you know "oh ****, I'm being hit by a GK, let me get the frack out of LoS of that **** before I died in a few seconds"

    I'm not sure it'd even be balanced then, but I think it'd be a far sight closer.

    If you remove CoF of Saron, you need to limit it's RoF.... though, provided that RoF is faster than current CoF reset, I'm game.
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  10. asmodraxus

    And anyone saying that the TR AV would be abysmal with lower velocity or drop, can I just say


    or be happy with balancing it out and having to deal with faster projectiles coming back at them.
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  11. Ronin Oni

    Saron has the lowest damage profile as soon as CoF reset becomes an issue.
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  12. Ronin Oni

    Give all 3 a 450m/s velocity and I'd be happy :D
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  13. Liewec123

    that works out well though
    NCs get raven maxes
    TR get anchor AP prowlers
    VS get lancers

    all 3 have one long range AV option better than the other factions equivalents.
  14. ALN_Isolator

    Stop crying. The gatekeeper does MUCH lower damage than the enforcer/saron and needs something to balance that out.

    People say the TR have a victim complex, prove that wrong by not trying to nerf everything they get into oblivion.

    (Or you know, learn to play)

    ~edit: just realized the only reason the gatekeeper even exists is because you cried about how if you got within 20m of a TR harasser you instantly died, now you can cry because you're not used to the TR killing you outside that range. Pitiful.
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  15. Ronin Oni

    That's a fallacy.

    Saron with bloom management is the lowest DPS ranged AV.

    It pays for it's close range burst potential by having the lowest damage at range.

    And now that we have the Aphelion, that purpose is highly dimmed. I'd rather it was purely balanced for straight up ranged damage.

    Doesn't matter. Halberd Master Race.
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  16. Mxiter

    one is is free and instat at spawn
    one cost 450 at every infantry terminal
    one cost 450, can be spawnd in few bases and only if the empire owns a techn plant on the continenet.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    People should really do the math of how many GateKeeper shots = 1 halberd shot or 1 enforcer shot or 1 saron shot.
  18. Ronin Oni

    Don't forget the math of doing damage while the others are also reloading though.

    Considering no armored enemy dies before 1 reload anyways, that's pretty significant.
  19. Shatteredstar

    Umm NC also have Phoenix which is what 350 guided range and can be used safely inside spawns or behind cover, vs also has vortexes along with the lancers

    After around what 150-200 area things like striker and fractures being dumb fire are easier to dodge due to relatively slow flight and dumb fire and come with a high expose time and multiple hit requirement to do reasonable damage.

    Only one option (now two) for TR can effectively threaten distance or high mobility and that is the gatekeeper on harasser or prowler, one of which requires a tech plant to be able to pull in the field.

    Discussion of gatekeeper nerfs should come along with fixing the reasons why TR is so reliant on the strong prowlers for effective AV compared to the other faction options. The vs and nc don't nessisarily need MBTs to threaten MBTs or other armor groups at longer ranges because they have other tools to fall back on
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  20. SwornJupiter

    Just give it a velocity nerf. Most people who are complaining are saying that it is a 'point and click' weapon, so a velocity nerf will force GK users to lead their targets.

    Everyone happy?
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