[Suggestion] Enemy Platoons detected? How about friendly platoons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lokarin, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Lokarin

    Where is MY team, why can I never find MY guys?
  2. Lokarin

    Spent the last half hour redeploying where permitted... still haven't found a single friendly unit.

    Where are they?
  3. SinerAthin

    Join an outfit. Makes it a little easier to find the fight :)
  4. GTGD

    Sounds like a squad leader cert that allows you to see friendlies on the continent you are on
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  5. BlamTown

    After spawning, press P, and join a large platoon. Then press the insert button..
  6. Sukha1337

    As an avid Platoon leader I would love to have an option to see how many forces we have defending or attacking an area to soundly judge whether they need another 48 ppl there or not....
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