Empires you don't want to have a fight with because they are boring on your server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Horrida Messor, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Horrida Messor

    I was wondering how things are on other servers. Right now on Ceres I feel like NC is worse enemies than TR simply because when I participate in fight with TR - they use many tactics, but when VS fights NC - NC just pulls MAXes and babysits them with EVERY classes. I've seen some hilarious kills when HA's just shot couple of rockets in MAXes general direction. NC just swarms around them. And I see it EVERY BLOODY TIME.
    Before that TR was pretty boring with tank spamming 24/7. Sadly enough NC is over popped on Ceres and most of the fights are against NC zergs :(
    So I was wondering - Which faction YOU hate to fight against because they are boring and use ONE tactic over and over?
  2. z1967

    NC on Connery. Can pull platoons out of their rear and stop any advance we put forth. Oh, and JENK (also VS) armor/air zergs that cause half of my platoon to crash :|
  3. HadesR

    VS on Connery = Predictable .. Spam it with air / armour and if that doesn't work .. spam it some more ..

    That's even 12 v 12's .. 2 people capping 10 in vehicles :p
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  4. MajiinBuu

    I don't really hate to fight a certain faction, but the TR on Mattherson seem to be harder to fight than the NC. They seem to do the best galaxy crashes, dumping troops onto our sunderers (effectively ending the battle). Usually it's a few certain outfits that give you a hard time. Not the zergy ones, the ones that actually use tactics and push against a larger force, and actually succeed. Of course, my faction and outfit is the best and I imagine our enemies tremble in fear as soon they realize who they're messing with :cool:

    The VS teamkillers are my true enemies. TR are a close second it's like all the bad players went 4th faction and left the faction and all thats left are the best of the best hardcore TR players....
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  6. Flashtirade

    Obligatory TR Connery post.
    But really, they're either there in force or they're on another continent.
  7. Horrida Messor

    I was in a couple of 12v12 fights with NC today - they had 3 MAXes and 6 infils sitting near them with BoltDrivers :D . That was actually hilarious.

    We aren't scary! We just make them rage.
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  9. King Feraligatr

    It's been said before, but I'll say it also. The Vanu on Connery are awful to fight. They just steamroll us NC when they want to. I like fighting the TR better due to us having a chance to beat them. On the other hand, the vast majority of the NC on Connery seem to do poorly and it leads us to getting decimated against smaller forces, further amplified by the Vanu steamroll. I could say more about Connery, but you'll have to ask me.
  10. TheStonehawk

    Actually not really. I'm more bothered by Nightmare, NNG, HAYABUSA, and Better Than this rabble, than you guys. Typically if NNG and Hayabusa are on, I just go fight TR for awhile or log off and go read.

    Black Widow Company and the 903rd are really dangerous TR outfits. I love fighting them though because they host a pretty good battle. =)
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    I play on Connery so

    NC they suck and are very unorganized unless it is Recursion or Havok or outfit X then you are ******
    TR just pull air. Always a ton of mosis. They are the only faction I have ever seen pull mass ESFs but they can't do anything but that
    VS is a Zerg or sometimes two zergs but have no REALLY good outfits besides FC which is a pretty small outfit
  12. Killerdude8

    VS on Connery, They just Zerg everywhere, Even the Organized Outfits just Zerg around, Rarely can you find a non Zergy fight against the VS on Connery.
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  13. NovaAustralis

    Yeah, those NC newb zergs suck so bad.
    Those TR 'pro' outfits always ruin a good even fight.
    Then there's those pesky VS who are always ghost-capping...

    Sheesh! I just can't find a good empire to fight!

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  14. Bob III

    Yes! I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks that the VS spam vehicles too much on Connery; also they seem to over use MAXes, there is always MAXes no matter how small the fight.
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  15. bPostal

    I guess I'm lucky on Miller. Most of the time the VS are underpopped but they don't just lay down and die. Both themselves and the NC are always good for a fight and it doesn't get 'boring' by your standards until we get into a biolab.

    Could just be my personal experience skewing my perception but unless we're (TR) extremely overpopped, it's a good time.
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  16. iPlague

    NC on Miller. Holy Baby Jesus the amount of liberators backed up by reavers I see these days:(
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  17. Prudentia

    As a Miller VS there is 2 choices.
    40% TR with Pounders. And more Pounders. well and Shotguns. and ~800rof weapons.
    40% NC with scatMAXes. and normal weapons.

    guess who is more fun?
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  18. AzureKnight

    What i've seen on Connery. May differ from what others have seen:

    NC: Out pop a place but never push and end up losing more than they started with in most alerts. Strategy involves farming and zerging nil enemy popped areas. When TR show up, stay and farm some and either beat them with numbers or leave from boredom. When VS show up, hide in the shield and camp until you lose the area. Don't try to actually defend or push to points, instead just sit in spawn rooms and let someone else on your team go for caps. Air? What's air? Oh yeah, that's that one thing they pull in huge numbers once every several HOURS. And oh wait, if it has the word "bio" in it, that means drop what you're doing because the NC will be in that bio dome with probably half their faction's pop.

    VS: Zerg, zerg, and zerg some more. They'll prove Magriders are indeed much more powerful than your MBTs because they can go everywhere you can't. Strafing doesn't make us strong! J/k!! Oh... did we forget Dalton spam? Yeah, let's throw at least 3 libs in to any situation. Try and counter them with anything and that counter gets wiped off the face of the Earth. Don't even try to pul air around them. Their base is almost capped? Less than 1 minute left? Time to MAX Crash! Zoes apparently are weak but their level 80+s know how to wipe out entire platoons with just 3-4 of them. Oh, are they overpopped? Well, they must be able to outskill them because half a platoon of level 80+s can fend off up to a 50-60 unit zerg. The later it gets, the more the just downright best Connery players come out and unfortunately, most are on VS. Still don't know how I got half a clip that Scourge at point blank yet he spun around and offed me in two shots with his LMG meaning I died instead. :mad:

    TR: they'll always be under-popped. So they ignore everything and a large chunk focus only on the worthless crown. Not point in holding it, they just want it because The Crown. 1-12 enemies appear there, time to 48+ zerg! They have the population? Then they steamroll up until the level 70+ VS decimate their numbers. At least they have a decent air force, by far better than the NC's lack of one. Defense time... They push from the spawn room and get as far as about 10-20 meters from it and hold. a few press onward to the point but since it's only 5-10, they get wiped by the point camping 24+. Very little AA from them means their tanks get wiped fast. Everyone opts for lock ons rather than skyguards or AA turets it seems

    All in all, I hate fighting the VS the most. My death count comes namely from Future Crew it feels as almost every death in a battle with VS has their tags. For whatever reason, they cap pop me in what seems to be one to two perfect headshots from 30+ meters out with almost any gun they use, even while I'm strafing. Out of every fight after about 10pm, what happens is a base starts getting capped and then magically a 48+ zerg pops in there and saves the base with sometimes less than 5 seconds left using their previously mention MAX crash method..
  19. Crackulous

    All 3 factions are rather boring to fight on Briggs.
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  20. come1l

    I hate to fight TR and kill my teammates but sometimes I have to do so.
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