[Suggestion] Empire Specific ESF Abilities

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BurntMyWater, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. BurntMyWater

    Let's create more faction flavour. We have ES abilities for MAXes and MBTs, so why not extend that to ESFs?

    NC Aegis Shield: Pretty simple. A nice big shield in front of the Reaver for protection from frontal attacks. Should be pretty useful for pilots who like to get in close with the Airhammer. Has a 30sec cooldown between consecutive activations.

    VS Spectre Cloaking Device: A short duration cloaking device. Would allow Scythe pilots to get the drop on unsuspecting targets and bombard them with impunity. The cloak wouldn't be very good, but in a situation like an air battle it would be difficult to see anyway.

    TR Lockdown: Increases ROF and reload speed by 150%. Also increases accuracy by 50%. Using this ability shuts off the engine and causes the Mosquito to nosedive. Pilot is locked into the cockpit and cannot exit until the ability is deactivated. It takes 1 sec to activate and 1 minute to deactivate. Also, when in lockdown you can use the afterburners to crash your mossie faster, while praying for the sweet release of death.

    Aren't these ES abilities great? Let me know what you think!
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  2. _itg

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  3. Campagne

    For a second there, you almost got me. :p
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  4. BurntMyWater

    Alternative ESF abilities

    NC Buster Module: The Reaver starts dropping shotguns from the sky. The shotguns will track targets, but do not fire. They hit people in the face. Has a 200% damage bonus against friendly troops.

    VS Ascension Core: All troops and vehicles in a 500m radius start to glow bright purple. VS Infantry get a 20% debuff to health because that's what you get for wearing spandex on a battlefield.

    TR TACTICAL SUPERIORITY: Mosquito begins to broadcast 'TACTICAL SUPERIORITY' loudly. The horn becomes TACTICAL SUPERIORITY. Firing the weapons is replaced by TACTICAL SUPERIORITY. You get infinite afterburner fuel so that you can spread the word of TACTICAL SUPERIORITY faster. Also, troops nearby have all their voice commands (V1-V8) replaced with TACTICAL SUPERIORITY.
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  5. Anonymous Qwop

    LMAFAO!!!!! That TR section literally made my day!
  6. Eternaloptimist

    .............on an airplane. I would love to see that. I suggested it as a joke in a suspected troll post recently. Must be more careful what I say in future..........
  7. cobaltlightning

    Perhaps. The ideas are decent enough, but you seem to have some hate for the TR.

    The TR's ESF Lock-down could instead let it hover and fire in like a 180 degree towards the ground, with a 50% damage reduction against all damage while active instead of increased ROF and reload speed. This would help offset the disadvantage of being a stationary target while in a fragile airplane. Must be at a near complete stop to activate, and takes maybe 1.5 seconds to get into it, but you get out of it in .75 seconds and near insta-charge into the direction you're aiming when those .75 seconds are up.

    Meaning you will end up nosediving if you're not careful anyway.
  8. Cynicismic

    I can think of better ones...

    New Conglomerate: Shotgun Mode: An ability that links with one the OP suggested. The Reaver does not drop shotguns, though it becomes a literal, massive flying Jackhammer that can break the sound barrier and fires a burst of a multitude of smaller Jackhammers of which are normal size - usually, each shot the big Jackhammer fires releases around 3,461 smaller Jackhammers. These then adopt Raven mechanics and seek out the fight with the highest population. They then track all targets - friendly and enemy - speed towards them, fill them with Jackhammer rounds and kill them. Jackhammers with no targets go to the next facility and kill everyone there, and so on and so forth. All in all, from activation of the ability and firing, the ability takes about two seconds to reach its full effect. The ultimate counter to zergs, whether they're friendly or enemy, and high population fights.

    The giant Jackhammer also has a permanent, invulnerable shield, too, because the Striker is 3OP5me and can shoot down aircraft too easily111!eleven1.

    Vanu Sovereignty: The MagBurier: You know how the Magrider can climb and inherently fly? Vanu Spandex Science Corp. have found a way to do the polar opposite for the Scythe. The Scythe can now fly under the ground and to unlimited depths. When activated, the Scythe drops its nosegun, and this is replaced by a massive, spinning disco ball that plays '70's Disco Fever and can drill through solid rock with ease - the Scythe actually speeds up when it uses this because the Spandex enchantment of the disco ball has meant that it spins really, really fast, and acts like a propeller for the Scythe. In dire situations, the Scythe can descend to the core of Auraxis and kamikaze-ram it, destroying the planet instantly, (because PlanetSide 2 physics), and releasing a VS-explosion that releases a swarm of disco Nanites that cling to the bodies of all soldiers, protecting them from the explosion, covering them in bright, luminescent pink spandex, and brainwashing them so that all soldiers on Auraxis are consumed by VS disco fever and humanity spends the rest of its existence dancing and raving through space to '70's Electronica and Mowtown.

    Terr(ible)an Republic: EMP Blast: The Mosquito can now generate an EMP blast that causes all equipment, weapons and vehicles to be disabled and lock down for 56.32 minutes within a 1m blast radius of the engines. This means that when activated, the EMP blast disables the Mosquito completely. However, all is not lost. An interesting effect is that the Mosquito is hijacked by a drunk autopilot AI system that is utterly unpredictable and may choose to do whatever he wishes. Most of the time, he decides to play the pilot and controls the Mosquito so that it shoots down all enemy aircraft within seconds, has pinpoint accuracy and can hit infantry with the Mosquito nosegun from 3km away, and this AI automatically converts you into the best pilot ever. You become better than all hacks combined. You can do anything.

    Sound good? Unfortunately, electromagnetic residue also disables this AI too, before it can take effect. Because PlanetSide 2 physics, the EMP residue also increases the gravitational pull that Auraxis has on the Mosquito by 4.68*10^16%, so you fall like a dense, overweight brick. Though look on the bright side; that is, you glow bright red as you plummet to certain doom.


    I should work for DBG...