I just unlocked EMPs. Frag Grenades seem all too easily avoided while EMPs are more likely to at least strip enemies of.their shields. It also removes their minimap, so I'm not just hiding myself but the entire battlefield. I'm wondering if carrying additional grenades for this purpose is better than nanoweave. Note that this would be used in an infiltration role rather than sniper or CQC. At the moment with NW3 I don't feel much benefit from it at all . Thoughts?
I use Flak Armor to help me survive the mines when infiltrating. I use my EMP grenades far too rarely for a bandolier to pay off, compared to how many mines i have survived thanks to it.
I don't get hit by AP mines very often, which is why I tend to NW. Just trying to figure out some different but useful ways for.that slot other than the 'default' two. Thinking after I posted, I might also be able to hack terminals to resupply, anyway. So those points would be better spent in raising my hacking.
Nanoweave only becomes significant at rank 5, where you become capable of surviving headshots from enemy snipers at sufficient ranges and an extra bullet from most weapons. Even one rank will make a shot-count difference against the NS Commissioner as well, so at least be aware that you're going back to two bullets/one headshot if you take a bandolier instead. As for EMP grenades, I find them extremely inconvenient. They collide with allies and provide no opportunity to escape the blast radius, it takes too long to throw them mid-combat, and it's extremely easy to hit yourself and completely drain your own cloak energy and UI even in the most ideal of circumstances. Although they can affect players through walls, indirect fire with them (without hitting at least as many allies) is nearly impossible because of how quickly they explode after any collision, and you still need to get to the cover your opponents are hiding behind to finish the job. I much prefer frags for their indirect fire capabilities alone. If they got buffed to do something that a few bullets can't, however, I'd likely change my mind. For example, actually draining the shield energy from Heavy Assaults and not simply turning any activated shields off. Right now we can't use EMP grenades as a preemptive measure against HA players at all - it's more effective to sneak into melee range and double-tap them with a high-powered weapon and knife before they have a chance to react.
I use maxed out bandolier with emp grenades pretty often and I find them to be one of the most useful things I can bring into firefights, if you know how to use them. I cant even count how many times those grenades have saved my a$$ even against multiple enemies by allowing me to escape when being spotted. Sometimes few carefully tossed emp grenades can help you to clear a room full of enemies(3-6), the distortion effect makes you much harder to see while cloaked and with no shield you can slaughter them all with right positioning.
EMP isn't bad, but you just get caught too often in its AOE. Flak armor lets you survive mines, and so far it has been damn useful.
I find they synergies very well with the scoutrifle. Also: great team tool in general. Grenadebandolier is worthwhile. Bolt/Smg, flak probably more worthwhile
I use the grenade bandolier. Its awesome whe you are deep in enemy territory (which I try to be).. Being able to EMP twice in one battle can be freaking amazing. You just need to chuck it far away enough so you arent caught in the blast. Also, remember it has the surprise factor. You know its coming and the enemy doesnt.
EMP is made of win and awesome, you just need to practise a bit with gauging its radius, which is huge. It's a great support tool for your squad when the enemy is fortified within a base, and you just really need to clear whatever's inside that doorway. Enemies also can not see a big red flashing grenade sign to let them move away from the blast, and when they're hit they can't see much at all. I regularly infiltrate with success by using a camo that lets me blend in better with my enemies along with a mask that hides the bullseye on my face. Getting into an EMP'd group and swinging that knife... great fun indeed =)
EMPs are great for halting enemy advances. No one rushes into the fight while they are EMPed. If they do, they dont last long. Gives your allies a chance to re-group and sort their sh*t out.
I've used the bandolier + EMP setup quit a bit and I have to say it can be quite effective. I just like EMP better than frags in general. I like the health shearing effect of a guarenteed shield drop over such a large area without the delay or warning that makes frag so easily avoid. The fact it drops their HUD and only costs 5 more resources is a bonus. However if you're playing close, like in an SMG kit, nanoweave or flak is probably more the way to go. Personally, I find having multiple EMP grenades becomes more useful from mid-range, so if you run a scout rifle or no-scope sniper often, then that might be something worth investing in. You can arc them up to about 40m away, and when the HUD goes down from EMP most people typically seem to look for a close threat. Without their HUD they also lack damage directional indicators so when you do open fire it can take them a bit longer to figure out where you are and even lead to friendly fire incidents if someone is jumpy. (You don't get the kill XP but it's still hilarious when it happens.) Up close there's the potential risk of hitting yourself, being noticed quicker due to close range, and the effect time wasted if you use them from a safe distance and then have to advance. Not to say I don't use them up close, it just seems to entail more risk with a little less reward, and sometimes when you're up close, a frag can be more benificial in displacing enemies or bouncing around corners.
I always thought EMP's were total crap ... (b/c I've never been hit by them while fighting... EVER). Then I unlocked them yesterday and accidently hit myself and a bunch of 666'ers around me. Radar didn't just dissappear, THE ENTIRE UI DID. ...including any and all "blue doritos" Now imagine that combination... paired with half the players around you wearing non-faction specific Camos, and the other half are 666 & SWAT players who usually don't care what they have to shoot through to hit enemies in the first place.... And now everyone in this cluster**** also has no shields. Yeah... It was like a Daytona turn over a greased iceslick on Free Beer day
Love EMPs, use them with my SMG, for room clearing, 1 clip can kill 3 people before having to reload if you get good beads. not having to contend with shields is huge from a TTK perspective. Also lots of fun with scout rifles and the medium range BAR. turns the medium range BAR into a body shot OHK weapon.