[Emerald] Why does SSGO, DA and AC tk so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ajma, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Liberty

    I can assure you that once a hackusation comes out, there is literally nothing you can say that will make anyone in AC or DA anything but delighted to either A. laugh along with what is going on or B. make a long winded reply in hopes of adding fuel to the fire to keep things going. :)
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  2. Nurath

    I don't actually know so forgive the lazy assumption, but big herp-derp zergfits generally run with a swarm of less than 'aware' players, the slow witted, the not very good who are just happy to be seeing all the flashy pretty and to make noise with their pewpew.

    All rudeness aside though (forgive me, tongue in cheek), PS2 is just one of those games that can get chaotic. Without even trying to I've had games where I've got weapon locked, because there seems to be as many friendlies running into kill-zones and lanes of fire as there are enemies.

    If any particular outfits seem to be implicated more it's probably because they possess on average the most players on your side in any given fight.

    Quietly rage then get on with things, no real other alternative but to quit.

    On the flip-side some players just take the game (and everything else?) far too seriously. Genuinely little butt-hurt children or man-children.
    You cannot do much about these either aside from a hopeless report, fight back, redeploy or to quit.
  3. Leeloo

    Wow, I just checked and I have an 11% TK rate for my last 940 or so kills.

    Luckily, if you look at the details, that is only 3 TK per DAY (or 1 TK every 2-3 hours) as I am not a killing machine :D

    Plus I play medic so it's all good, because I always res them... and I suspect, most of my TKs come from killing infiltrators running knifing our bunch so I mow everyone down and selectively resurrect only my side :rolleyes:
  4. Crowne

    so you guys are craving attention. Hell man, even lab rats crave attention, it's all good. We've all seen it many times before.
  5. illithic

    Here is my take on what I think this guy is trying to say.

    In every game I have played I see the same thing. People claiming that somebody doesn't cheat, that there is no way they could cheat, people saying that nobody in *insert team* could possibly cheat. I can't understand people saying this. Cheats can be very sophisticated, so much so that it is possible to cheat on stream and get away with it. Even professional players who have put up great performances at LAN have later been found to be cheating in online tournaments.

    It is very possible that there are members who use cheats in some of the top outfits. They may not be cheating all the time and they can still be excellent players without cheats... but they can still cheat. I've seen it plenty of times in the past playing games competitively and suddenly people are caught by anti-cheat or just finally slip up, people you knew well and never suspected as cheaters.

    Now don't get me wrong. This is not an accusation. I'm just being the voice of reason. You can never prove that you aren't a cheater. It doesn't matter how much you stream or how many online tournaments you play in. Even LAN doesn't prove you don't cheat, it just proves that you are capable of playing at that level without cheats, doesn't mean you didn't cheat in the past or that you won't cheat when you get home.

    You might think most good players realise this but far too often do I see people thinking that just because someone streams they can't cheat. Of course, you shouldn't go around suspicious of everyone. In fact you should never think of somebody as a cheater until they are banned or admit it. When you play everyone is legit. It's the only way you'll improve and at the end of the day unless money is involved it doesn't matter. Unless they are blatant you can perform just as well as them.

    Food for thought.
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  6. Liberty

    Craving attention would be starting the threads. Showing up for free ego strokes and poking fun at players who in their mind believe the only way someone could "be so good" is to use cheats is just a guilty pleasure like trashy reality TV shows.

    You watch the threads and shows for the same reason, to see the bottom of the intellectual barrel struggle to come to terms with themselves. The real jewel with threads being that you can make them an interactive experience.
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  7. Flapatax

    As soon as you use "the dictionary defines..." in an argument, you've lost. Or you're in highschool. One of the two. Either way you aren't very good at making a coherent, original point.

    This kind of thinking lets people sling mud without any proof, putting the burden on better players to prove they don't cheat. It's a ****** mentality and that's why I ridicule anyone that uses it.

    It's far more likely that the vast majority of players in the game are trash (see Noivad's stream) than people in extremely high profile outfits who stream regularly with a strong sense of competition (see Vonic's) cheating.

    In other words, stop pretending you're offering some sort of compromising viewpoint, you're just as bad as the rest of them.

    Someone help this guy out.
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  8. Yuukikun

    I love the part where you cherry pick and ignore the part where i say i wouldn't expect anyone else to waste time typing sorry to me. I guess you're just too mad about us that you fail to read properly.

    PS: Learn to quote too. Quoting means you use the exact words the person used. If you don't it makes you look like a real idiot. But then again, you hate us right? That's probably why you love making up bs to try (and fail) at making any thing close to a constructive argument/discussion.

    Glad you hate us so much though, your whining is good entertainment.
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  9. steverogers

    Craving attention? They're replying to a thread that's a direct accusation to them. What did you smoke? Please give me some..
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  10. Tycoh

    There's so much pretentious elitism radiating from this thread that we can smell it from the Test Server Forum.
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  11. Bobman23

    All I've got to say is DA - stay off my server (*cough* please *cough*). I don't want your drama. Connery has enough of it already.
  12. Crowne

    I was responding to...

    I'll let you work out the math on that one Steve.
    Edit: oh, before Yuuk gets his panties in a twist, I added the bold and underline. This was to make it easier for you since you weren't quite following. It was not meant to imply the bolding and underlining within the quotation marks was actually part of the original because, you know, they're quotes man, they have to be exact! aaargh!!!

    and here I thought you were laughing because naive really should have an umlaut. Apparently naive doesn't have to be spelled naïve. I find that more interesting than a single thing anyone in your outfit has said thus far.

    Guess you missed the part where I was happy to say some folks in AC are just clearly good, and that I appreciate the challenge provided. I guess my saying something like that doesn't provide you folks what you need for your little drama though. See? That there should be sufficiently argumentative for the little chihuahuas to keep yapping at.

    You're welcome, and enjoy.
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  13. Flapatax

    Please just post your character's name so I can assess your right to an opinion.
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  14. MonnyMoony

    Some people are just born with genitalia on their head.....that's really all there is to it.

    Just think how empty and fruitless their lives must be if they get a kick out of killing an onscreen avatar in cold blood, an avatar that can respawn at pretty much the same location 10 seconds later.
  15. Crowne

    :D and perhaps TK me for my insolence!

    By the way, dictionary.com defines insolence as contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior...
    oh noes, I've just lost! :p
    You guys are brilliant.
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  16. current1y

    That attitude isn't isolated to emerald and has nothing to with being an elitist. You can't expect to receive a sorry for every person you get tked by 100% of the time.
  17. TheShrapnelKing

    No, I simply expect a better conduct from people. An apology isn't necessarily required, but the sheer jackassery of revenge killing people for accidents is ridiculous.

    I didn't quote because your post is right above me.

    And yeah I do hate you, specifically your attitudes, though some (Harvester) are admittedly worse than others (Vonic, who's some kind of emotionless FPS-playing robot apparently).
  18. TheShrapnelKing

    It's not about the fact he didn't apologize, it's the attitude: it's OK for me to intentionally TK you because I'm more valuable then you so just shut up and take it. That is elitist.

    It's more common on Emerald because that's where the most competitive American players are, and they are more likely to have that attitude. Sure, Connery has Future Crew, but other than that, pretty casual.
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  19. Flapatax

    You don't really understand. I go through a door and catch a few bullets that finish off my 5% sliver of health? Yea, whatever. Things happen.

    You continuously lob tank shells at a tower your empire is attacking, swarming with friendlies, and you blow me up because you're too greedy for kills and can't aim? I'll probably C4 you. If you don't send a tell from your safe chariot after killing me, I'll definitely C4 you.

    Pretty much no one in DA kills people because of an unlucky mistake, especially if they apologize in a tell, V-8, or prox chat. If you 100% me when there are no enemies around though, yea I might go after you.
  20. Posse

    Still lower than every single other outfit except for AC.

    (and it's probably because of a ******** double TK I got with a rocket yesterday :()

    So what? The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.
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