[Emerald] Why does SSGO, DA and AC tk so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ajma, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Kentucky Windage

    A word of advice OP. If you call them out they will come. I believe you have an opportunity to make your case here. Hell, you even have the leader of one of the TK'er(supposed) Outfits replying to your post. Present your facts. I'm sure Ender would have no problem taking disciplinary actions against all of those within his organization that conduct themselves in the fashion you presented to us in your opening. The floor is yours.
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  2. Crowne

    Not sure what to say about the teamkilling other than I would ascribe it to immaturity, as others have. Mind you, I know 6 year-olds that are more mature than some of the college students I've heard on chat so I'm not equating immature to young.

    Unfortunately, where immaturity is involved, no amount of discussion will help you. SOE, if they were at all interested in actually curating the community, could do something. They may choose not to, though, for various reasons.

    Unintentional friendly fire happens. We've all been on both sides of that, and we all hate to be on either side of it.
    I consider intentional team killing to be harassment and report it as such.

    Same general impression here. I've encountered AC players that are clearly just good. It's a lot of fun to play them, forces me to up my game. I appreciate that.
    Others though, particularly late night, are nowhere close to resembling legit players. It's a tarnish on the entire outfit, and eventually comes to represent the entire outfit. Unfortunate.

    I've come to the conclusion that SOE tolerates them for pseudo-marketing purposes. They wanted, and I would guess still want, to promote some kind of MLG side of the game and that's something squads like DA and AC provide... just speculation on my part.

    I realize a number of people will insist there's no way anyone in these outfits is using third party aids. I disagree, and I'm okay with that. I hope you will be too.
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  3. Visigodo

    Have you ever considered that you are just bad at the game?
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  4. Flapatax

    Why ask questions you know the answer to, Visi?
  5. Klypto

    This is obviously the intelligent choice.

    There is no way that this will escalate until it incurs the wrath of their entire organized squad or platoon that is now team killing you.

    Yeah right, you will be weapons locked way before they are.

    What if I told you...

    That you're probably bad at this game.
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  6. Shanther

  7. Crowne

    I'd shrug it off and chalk it up to your inexperience IRL relative to mine. You're not exactly the first spring chicken to cross my path.
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  8. z1967

    The highest (theoretical) BR achieved is by daddy, who has a BR of ~258. Its pretty hard to beat a super stat-farm-pad-inator like daddy, who has been using lolpods since the game's release.
  9. Crowne

    How would you define just bad at the game? Rhetorical question.

    Of course many people are better than I am. Said as much in my initial post.
    Part of what makes me good at the game is simply the fact that I've been around long enough to understand how things work, what to use when, placement, etc.
    Part of what makes me bad is not having the same reflexes as some. That's just biology, age, pre-occupation, etc.

    Of course there are plenty who are better than either of us.

    From my initial post:
    Definition #2 of naive from dictionary.com:
    I've been in situations before where the clan's leadership chose to pull out of a tournament because they felt the other team was cheating. I thought they must have no grit, couldn't accept others were just better and trounced us. I wanted to stay in the tournament and tried to rally the troops to do their best, accepting the outcome if negative.

    Wouldn't you know it, later in the tournament, those who had organized it disqualified the team my leaders felt were cheating. Turns out, I figured we were bad, they were good, and not surprisingly those with more experience knew better.
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  10. Flapatax

  11. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm not getting how this is relevent. Plus DA's TK rate has gone above 1.5 since you posted this. This stat varies all the time anyway since for some reason it's not an overall stat.

    I never said you TKed all the time. I'm just saying that apparently an accident is no excuse for not being revenge killed in your books.
  12. TheShrapnelKing

    Then it's just animosity being a *******.
  13. Yuukikun

    No matter how much you practice your additions, it won't help you understand how to integrate differential equation systems.

    In other words, no matter how much experience you have at being bad, it'll never help you understand how great players play.
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  14. Jonesing25

    Lol, I like how the DA/AC member automatically tries to pull out the elite stats page when they feel accused of something, while completely ignoring what the OP's point was. I believe his point was that he was TK'd and no one apologized or even responded when asked why they did that. All someone that TKs has to do is type 3 letters to, at least, make the victim feel as though it was an accident. sry. DA/AC won't interrupt their pro-killstreaks long enough to accept that other people are playing the game, though.
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  15. Jonesing25

    Lol, did you finish reading his post? He ended the discussion and there was no need for a reply. Thanks for representing yourself accordingly.
  16. Eyeklops


    I was guarding the doorway and started feel a little burning on my behind. When I looked back and saw you giving me the crazy eyes I knew you had to be put down. Sorry dude, it had to be done. Don't look at me like that again, or the results will be the same.
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  17. Jonesing25

    usually the response after getting rhetorically dunked on
  18. Yuukikun

    You need to really have mental issues to think pulling out that we have one fourth of the average player's TK rate is not related to a DIRECT* accusation of ''Tking so much'' (see title if you're too ******** to remember).

    And now you're going to bring how the OP talks about intentional TK right? Well guess what, if we have one fourth of the TK rate AND a good part of our TKs are our own outfitmates for lolzies reasons, that doesn't leave a lot of place for those so many intentional tks now does it? It's sad that you couldn't figure this one out on your own. Guess you didn't have any or failed your high school statistics class. Well i guess it's understandable considering you think planetside.tk is an ''elite stats page''. I haven't laughed so hard since the Canister OP thread.

    But you're right though, how silly of me to use real evidence to disprove completely stupid and false accusations. I should've posted an image of a unicorn instead.

    About the ''you should've said sorry'', well from all my deaths by TK, only a few people ever apologized. And i don't care, it's just a waste of time and you are being completely useless to your team while you stop and type (which a lot of the time leads to death) just to stop the dead player's tears. I will only apologize if i really did something stupid and killed a guy when there was no enemy around. And i don't expect any more from others.

    Also, seeing how this OP needs to make a thread about how he got TK'd by the popular outfit, we can easily conclude that he's bad (if he had any skill or interesting discussion subjects, he wouldn't need to leech on DA/AC in the title of his threads to get attention), which I could also conclude that in the time my dear outfit mate would've sent a sorry tell, he probably did more for the team than what the OP would've done for the rest of his ''life''.

    But you're right though, how silly of me to use real evidence to disprove completely stupid and false accusations. I should've posted an image of a unicorn instead.

    You sure look cute with your smack talk when it's quite obvious that you have nothing smart nor relevant to say. Just look at your 2 other replies, they both show how clueless you are.
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  19. TheShrapnelKing

    ^This is why I hate DA. Elitist *********.

    "'The seconds of my life it would take to apologize, which I don't want to do anyway because I don't care about TKing cuz I don't care about my teammates, are more valuable than your life so you should just shut up and live with it if I decide to TK you for no reason."

    Uuggh...SOE give me server transfers already I want off this ******* server.
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  20. Crowne

    I sense much anger in this one. :rolleyes:

    Some of you guys believe in certain absolutes that I wouldn't personally subscribe to. Not the end of the world.

    As I've mentioned before, and others surely have as well, there is a very thick line between intentional and unintentional TK's.

    Personally, I feel really, really bad when I unintentionally TK someone. Perhaps those of us that do, find it difficult to understand those of you that don't.

    All things being equal, I think some of these folks have the elitism of the brand enmeshed with their own self-esteem. I don't really think that's anything I really want to mess with. I do hope they find a more dependable anchor though.
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