[Emerald] Why does SSGO, DA and AC tk so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ajma, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Tommyp2006

    Note to self, pull smoke loadout anytime I see DA in a fight.
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  2. Keldrath

    Even I hate that ****. Especially when it's my own team.

    I don't care what the tacticool idiots think, IT DOESN'T HELP!
  3. yeHHH1g

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  4. z1967

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  6. Ender

    Time to name and shame, who was it and how many times did they do it. Since you included us in the title I have to imagine if it happens "so much" it was more than one incident. Please tell me who it was, or what your name is so I can look at your killboard and find out for myself.

    Oh snap, you got us. Nailed us down to a T. I recommend not doing that though, it probably won't end well.
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  7. hawken is better


    One of these is not like the other two.
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  8. Finalizer

    Hunt them down and TK them back. Don't forget to teabag them afterward. Oh, and play this over proxy to complete the effect.

    Some people are just dumb or trollish for no particular reason. Months ago, there was an RO guy who TK'd me while I was fixing my tank, just after he'd helped me kill some light assault trying to get the jump on me. But then it's probably not much different from some random ******* killing you while you're repairing some turret or stabilizing the generator, the outfit tag just makes it stand out more.
  9. ajma

    You're probably right on the last part. I do not retalliate, though, unless they have added insult to injury (literally).
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  10. Dis

    We prefer to go by our formal name of cl0p.

    Thank you.
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  11. miraculousmouse

    At least it wasn't a reddit post.
  12. Shanther

    This more then anything makes me want to TK people.
  13. Gammit

    I thought it was just the Emerald NC?
  14. KnightCole

    Yeah, between the NC TKs and other ********, is why I have quit this game.....when it becomes a more sensible game with a more mature playerbase, ill come back. But, since it never will, I am done lol.
  15. Get2dachoppa

    Kinda funny this thread popped up. Was intentionally TK'ed by someone from SSGO today. Hadn't even moved out of the spawn tube yet and got gunned down. Sent a WTF? tell, no response. Switched to light assault with my pump action. Watched them in the spawn room as they killed someone else much the same way. Then proceeded to kill them about 5 or 6 times until they got the hint and either cleared out or logged off.
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  16. KnightCole

    SSGo/DA/AC TK cuz they think the game should be played their way, anyone not doing so, they think need to be TKd.....its just a dick move, no other reason behind it....
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  17. Kunavi

    This... This is nothing. Join Miller TR, bathe in TR scrubs' bullets. TK them back? They'll TK you back 10 fold after a scrub Medic revives them for the XP regardless of having witnessed the TKing. Then the scrub's friend will come TK you too because HONOUR? I don't know any more.

    TR on Miller(The scrubs, I have to stress that) will run you over, block your retreat path, shove you or your Sundy off cliffs, C4 you if ALL THE TIME just to get that sweet Sundi destruction XP, blow your C4 up with a rocket in your face for the same reason... I can fill 2-3 pages just describing this ridiculous behaviour.

    Feel better soon.
  18. FieldMarshall

    I usually just TK them back until im weapons locked (and i have to swap accounts) or they log off.
    Sometimes if im in a bad mood, ill write their name down and check if they are online from time to time, then randomly TK them when they dont expect it, on an alt.
    Afterall, that is what they wanted when they decided to plant a bullet in my AFK head.

    Though i always send them a tell when they kill me asking why etc. If they reply with an excuse, ill just brush it off.
    If i dont get a reply, they are fair game.

    Learn to savor the tears of the teamkillers. Try and figure out what they dont like and keep doing it to them until they stop playing.
    Like putting them on ignore. Unignoring, sending them a tell then ignoring again.
    People craving attention by teamkilling really hate it when they cant send you tells about what they did to your mother.
    And get even angrier if you are the only one doing the "talking"

    I may be taking it too far. But imo, its exactly they asked for.
    So, bully the bullies
  19. Degenatron

    All I am saying is that it's foolish for anyone to assume they can act with impunity. TKing on purpose is a great way to put a mark on your head. That can be especially troubling for someone who cares about their stats. The best policy is "Don't start trouble."
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  20. Flapatax

    Intentional TK's are always retaliatory. We don't start nuffin'.