Emerald VS, and the lack of fights.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Vertabrae

    Been playing my TR lately, and I've noticed this weekend that I've seen more fights against the NC rather than the VS. So tonight i hopped on my VS for a few, and talked to some people.

    Seems like more than a few VS have noticed NC and TR fighting each other, and avoiding VS. One person told me he, or she, was getting bored with VS because lack of fights means less certs. Had a little chat with some VS who were attacking NC at crown, and quite a few said they were hoping for a drop in VS pop soon. So it seems that as much as many TR and NC are tired of the VS, a fair number of VS are starting to get frustrated as well.

    Keep in mind, I'm not talking about reason why, op gear or any other crap like that. All I'm asking is are there other VS that are starting to notice a lack of fights, or maybe just getting bored with the VS?
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  2. Inex

    Have those VS thought about attacking somewhere other than Crown?

    The VS can't outpop every fight. Wander away and start up a new fight. Sure, you'll get a good dose of 'Redeploy-side' and will probably lose every fight you pick. But instead of fighting a ghost town with the Indar zerg, you'll be fighting a scrappy underdog battle in Hossin.
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  3. Sunflash

    Not sure if we're actually playing on the same emerald VS? I mean, I keep having to change areas because there's zerg vs zerg combat which is boring...

    No fights I /prefer/, maybe. But plenty of fights.
  4. Vertabrae

    IDK. I only know what I heard in /y when I talked about it, and what I heard from the 10 or so people who messaged me about it. Went to 3-4 different fights over about a 2 hour period and just threw it out in chat. Not really a poll or anything, just wanted to see what VS players had to say. I know the majority of people don't use the forums, and most of us that do are pretty regular. So I kinda wanted to hear what the common VS player was thinking.
  5. Ceiu

    I just straight up avoid VS on Emerald. Generally speaking, it's just not a fun fight. You're usually grossly outnumbered and, more often than not, the people on the VS side are obnoxious jerks.

    Even at their worst, battles with TR are far more rewarding and entertaining. The players are generally better to deal with and I can count on one hand the number of times an even battle is randomly won via zerg.
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  6. NXR1

    Well nobody likes being spawn farmed by PPA or instagibbed by orion or farmed by light PPA shooting a sundy, maybe if people stop fighting VS and everytime VS attack a place they leave, VS will either leave VS or realize they need a nerf. (and by they i mainly mean PPA)
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  7. minhalexus

    Disagree with both of your claims.

    I prefer fighting the VS in general, and rarely is there a lack of fights.
    For some stuff, I like fighting the TR, for others, I prefer the VS. So I prefer using the AI Harasser against the VS, but the AV Harasser against the TR.

    There is always fighting going on, if anything, there's only a lack of particular fights such as tanks, air, infantry, AI, AV.
    But since I have certed all three aspects of the game, there's really no lack of fights.
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  8. BeefySleet

    Fighting them ends up playing out the exact same way every time, you attack a base, and then once it becomes a reinforcement spawn destination, about 4 VS outfit platoons spawn there and zerg the attackers down, while spamming trash talk in /yell.

    If they're attacking your base, get ready to be farmed by 40 mag riders with PPA secondaries on hills overlooking your spawn, along with about 30% more pop due to their zerg numbers, oh and of course all the while spamming more trash talk in /yell constantly.

    It's just a trial in frustration, its never a fun fight, and ultimately not worth it.

    The problem is compounded by the fact that due to ZOE being overpowered for 9 months, all the players that switched to VS during that period all levelled up enough to stick with the faction permanently. This makes it so that every second VS player you kill or are killed by are level 90+ (usually 100) and have all the best weapon, armor and vehicle unlocks, which makes it even more difficult to win the battle.
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  9. Paragon Exile


    We're constantly getting teamed by the NC and TR in alerts, and in other timeslots we're pretty evenly divided on both fronts. I've never seen this "avoidance" you and others speak of.
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  10. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, that pretty much sums up emerald VS.

    My delete key is getting pretty warn out. ;)
    All I do when I play VS is redeploy from defense to defense.
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  11. TheMish

    Yup, I'm sick of them.

    The easy solution is to disband every major outfit in the VS, and move out all the leaders.

    You'll shatter the VS on Emerald, and hopefully end the horror.
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  12. NXR1

    Its great cause NC accuses TR and VS of teaming up, nobody is teaming up you just pay attention to battles against you more and dont notice where there are 4 96+ on the TR NC front you just notice the 96+ and 48-96 on the TR VS and NC VS front at the time you check
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    Makes me feel good that a faction is so good compared to the others that they develop a hatred for them instead of Learning how to play.
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  14. Paragon Exile

    We have not ridden a Magrider to glory in a while. There are still so many NC and TR to butcher and demoralize with bad puns and PPA.

    So lonely ;-;
  15. LodeTria

    On emerald as NC (TR if their pop is really bad & I'm not playing NC today), I don't really avoid the VS but almost every roughly even fight normally ends up 60/40 after awhile. If this is redployside or just people trying to find a nice fight I can't tell. I'm not gonna say it's just a VS thing because NC & TR do it aswell, but it feels as if every VS fight is like this, whilst TR fights sometimes stay even. I imagine the TR & VS feel the same when the NC decides that to shove 96+ into a 1-12 fight like a bunch of wollys.
  16. LIKE A BOSS!

    Sorry about that took a break from PS2 got burned out. Will be comming back in October :)
  17. Dracorean

    I've notice that allot of VS swapped over to TR and are now fighting the NC, they aren't too difficult to find either, Earth Special Forces (VS) and Capsule Corp (TR) yesterday I've noticed they were pushing hard in Amerish, platoons worth of people. I've also notice that the TR are beginning to push NC more in 2 continents.

    Though I don't think much is to be said of the TR anyway, I mean I've seen Vanu performing their typical zerg pushes down one or two lattice lines until being stopped by a NC counter push. The threat level of the TR is still lower then that of the Vanu, well to me anyway.
  18. Saber15

    VS's overall design makes them fundamentally obnoxious to fight - without even factoring in the toxic users - so I almost always prefer to fight the NC.
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  19. xDesideratus

    NC and TR have a weird tendency to only fight each other, until we take enough territories to get them good and angry, then they both mindless zerg us. It's weird because you'd all get farmed a lot less if you defended in the first place, instead of letting us take all the defensible bases and then jamming your bodies into a meatgrinder.

    I can't complain though~
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  20. Xasapis

    We need more drama like this on EU severs.
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