Emerald: NC Faction Meet, July 13

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname707, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Badname707


    With the server merge now behind us, it's time to start thinking forward, and working to establish our faction as the dominant force on Emerald. To move us closer towards this goal, the NC alliances of Waterson and Matherson, NCC and NCU, are hosting a meeting so we can get to know each other and discuss what we want to see more of from our faction. Though all NC are welcome to sit in, we ask that only designated outfit representatives speak for the duration of the meet, and that outfits limit themselves to no more than 3 speaking representatives.

    We will be meeting at 8PM (EST) on Sunday, July 13. Please visit and get signed up at ncheadquarters.com/forum for more details.
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  2. EliteEskimo

    I will be interested to hear what Stew 360 will have to say during this event. :D
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  3. Badname707

    I'm almost considering personally inviting Wisdomcube, just to see what happens.
  4. SeanFree

    Last NCC meeting I was at effectively dissolved it so have fun organizing that.
  5. Badname707

    The NCC being referred to is Waterson's alliance, NC Command, and it certainly hasn't been dissolved. Matherson's NCC, NC Coalition disbanded and was replaced by NC Union, Matherson's NCU. The intention of this meeting is not necessarily to discuss the affairs of either alliance necessarily, but of running things like joint ops, discussing how command chat can be improved, discussing alternate channels of communication, as well as introducing ourselves and talking about the state of the faction in general. If there is something in particular that ought to be discussed, bring it up on the NCHQ forums in the link provided, and it will be discussed at the meet. Don't worry, it will be a moderated discussion; we won't be putting up with any ********.
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  6. Badname707

  7. Chewy102

    He plays on Emerald as NC and looks to be an outfit leader. If he wants to be in the meet then I welcome him to come. He has the same vote as everyone else even though some may not like it.

    ALL NC outfits of Emerald are welcome to the meet. The more that come the better. So far we need old Mattherson outfits to get in on this meet. NCHQ has tried twice so far to get Mattherson outfits to have a sitdown with Waterson outfits and though a few of them have gotten on the NCHQ site (and a few of us on the NCU site) only 1 outfit that I know of has came to either meet we held for them. And that was yesterday on the NCU TS.

    What really got NCHQ going is us sitting down with each other and talking. Next best thing to a handshake if you ask me in getting to know someone.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    It was definitely no coincidence that Waterson NC's common 7/9 and 8/9 facility alert scores happened when our outfit leaders and representatives got together and made the effort to coordinate.
  9. Chewy102

    And that was before we got a population boost. Maybe a reason we got that boost to begin with when players seen us winning.

    Teamwork OP indeed.
  10. Badname707

    Currently on the agenda:

    Making command and /L chat work efficiently
    Running joint ops
    Alert Strategy
    Leadership Platoon days
  11. EliteEskimo

    At the very least make a strong effort to reach out to VCO, they have large numbers and are decently organized. From what I've been able to gather they have the a consistent reputation for being a good outfit on Mattherson NC.
  12. Badname707

    I haven't spoken with them explicitly about the meet, but I'm pretty sure they will make a showing. We've been working with them since the merge.
  13. IberianHusky

    Please make the NC less stupid. A smarter NC means a stronger TR, and a weaker VS. Please stop double teaming the underpopped faction. We would gladly help you put the VS in their place.
  14. Badname707

    Don't worry, after we're through with the VS, will make sure the TR gets theirs too.
  15. JibbaJabba

    TR: Stop being afraid of the VS. You keep running from them towards NC thinking it will be easier. It won't. Nobody is double teaming you but if you keep picking a fight with both then the net result is the same. Being overpopped, VS is the *default* target for NC if all other factors are equal. We have the same common sense that you do.
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  16. DK22

    I'm TR, can I come and spy? :)
  17. Badname707

    I don't know, how do you feel about wearing a dress?
  18. Badname707


  19. Chewy102

    To the meets, odds are someone would find out and you'd be kicked. But if you want to be on the NCHQ forums then feel free to sign up! We can always use more ambassadors for events and such if we ever need to get word out to the other factions about something. The pubic forums are open to anyone that has an account be they NC, TR, or VS. We only ask that you be up front about your faction and outfit.

    It isn't like you would be the first in an case.
  20. Badname707

    Current outfits confirmed to show:


    There are many more who've been alerted, but we are just waiting for confirmation from their leaders. Expect this list to grow rapidly over the coming week. If your outfit isn't listed here, make sure you let your officers know to sign up on the site!