[Suggestion] EMERALD is snowballing into VS heaven..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by supernauttt, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. dstock

    Wow, I have a short break for my split shift today and didn't think I'd find anything entertaining. So glad I logged into forumside.

    As mentioned, I don't have a lot of time, but I just wanted to say: wow.

    My 2 certs: A huge portion of this comes down to player attitudes and perceptions.

    OP says he and his cohorts aren't biased, because they've all seen the same thing. Ahem, you also all play the same faction, likely together, so your experiences are similar if not identical, and it stands to reason that, especially if you communicate while playing (wait, sorry, I just re-read and saw OP is NC), you'd come to similar conclusions. As the game gets older, I'd expect the majority of players making the leaderboard at a fight to be higher and higher ranked, and now 2 years into the game, if most of the high-performing players are also high-level, I'm not surprised whatsoever.

    Lots of people complain about pop on Emerald. My 'server ancestry' is Jaeger --> Waterson --> Emerald. I've seen it all (each faction as the over-pop side), and the people still crying about this are pathetic. It all comes and goes in waves, so either start bobbing along, or find a different ocean.

    I started TR, and played it for a year plus until it became 'cool', everyone flocked to the TR toys, and I got horribly bored playing as the over-pop faction, so I rolled as the then under-pop VS.

    ... I was going on a short rant here that I don't have time to write. The TL|DR is that I like playing as under-pop, because it makes the game more fun for me. I don't have any input or concern whether other players feel the same, this is one aspect of the game I have control over, I get to do it my way without stepping on anyone's toes, the end.

    What I wanted to say, though, was that as I was typing out the beginning of the rant, I realized the crux of the issue here:
    It's fun for me to play under-pop, because I have 2 years of experience playing the game, thousands of certs invested into a character on all 3 factions, and a small group of comrades with the same basic setup who I get along with. New players don't have any of this, and I think the real issue with the pops currently is that VS seems to do a much better job of taking fresh meat and turning it into an effective soldier.

    Emerald NC, as this thread so accurately portrays, excel only at being childish, oh, and shooting themselves in the foot. The first part is mostly about TKs, the second part seems to stem from maturity issues in the leadership.

    Generally speaking, the TR has 3 flavors of player:
    1) Noobs- These guys rarely make it past BR40, typically play solo / don't have an outfit, and occasionally turn up on the forums to vent.
    2) Scrubs- This is actually a catch-all, no finger pointing or anything of the sort, but I mean players that may have plenty of experience, but no idea what they're actually doing. Story above of guy in TR platoon, 'Pull lots of Sundies so we have enough infantry presence to fight this armor zerg,' you have my thanks, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
    3) Elitist pricks- I find myself in this one. We play in small, tightly-knit outfits, typically with a playstyle theme (infantry, air, vehicles, 'realism'/roleplay). We rarely recruit pubs (no open squads, minimal outfit recruiting efforts), but (surprisingly!) welcome people that ask to come along, or find themselves playing alongside us. I'll openly say this is the worst group of players out of the three, because, IMO, it falls on us to better the whole of TR. Personally, I try to help noobs (all factions), and I open my squad when I'm sober enough to lead via in-game voice. I think most decent people do the same, across all the factions.

    The difference between VS and TR is that the VS #3s appear to take the time to initiate their #1s into at least #2 gameplay. Additionally, they have a heavy focus, seemingly, of taking their #2s and helping them find the right outfit to become #3. There's one enormous, obvious exception to this rule, but that's been well-hashed above, and I'd rather not be flagged.

    That's the population difference in a nutshell. I think my outline for TR actually applies to all three factions, generally speaking, but I have way more XP on TR, and that's the one I'm most comfortable discussing. VS simply does the best of developing their noobs into competent players.

    That's it, and it's the short version. Closing notes:
    People posting here that they play VS on Emerald and other factions on other servers, please grow a pair. You're missing out on a lot of fun. Hell, send me a PM, come play with me, find the joy of fighting the zerg.
    People posting here that they play in massive, competent VS outfits, and take time to play cross-faction when we need it: Thank you.

  2. supernauttt

    OP says he and his cohorts aren't biased, because they've all seen the same thing. Ahem, you also all play the same faction, likely together, so your experiences are similar if not identical, and it stands to reason that, especially if you communicate while playing (wait, sorry, I just re-read and saw OP is NC).

    yeah so I guess I am representing a fairly large sample from the entire NC pop on Emerald. sooo yeah whats your point. and we play all factions just to be fair, since the game launched. but seeing how biased and stereo typical that first few sentences were I wont bother reading the rest of what you said as I assume I get where your going.

  3. supernauttt

    The VS in particular on Emerald don't need to be told what to do or what's needed, even individual players contribute to the team/faction.

    YES EXACTLY WHAT YOU JUST SAID THERE. you know why that is? you think those players who know what they are doing just are drawn to the color purple? NO no they are not. they have MIGRATED there that is what the whole post is about.... good players seeking more good players.....you summed it up perfectly
    • Up x 1
  4. supernauttt

    you are missing the whole point of this post and conversation....it has been proven time and time again that your 3 faction stereo types are not true. all factions have equal distribution of skill level. UNTIL RECENTLY when slowly but surely over the course of years good players are migrating to play with other good players why that turned out to be the VS is up for debate, but the fact is it is happening.
  5. supernauttt

    yeah that last statement is true only because BOTH of you are attacking us. lol? you get it? of course we are easier we are essentially 2v1 everywhere. not enough NC to defend our bases
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I don't know about anyone else that plays VS I picked this faction for 3 reasons.
    1. Purple
    2. Spandex
    3. Disco
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  7. BaronVonVirtu

    God damn, if you guys think the terrible *********** that is VS today is snowballing the server you would have put a gun to your head during the Mattherson VS glory days.
    • Up x 3
  8. ajma

    Is there a way to tell the average BR for a given faction in a given server? Because I've killed a ton of BR 100s (TR and NC), even from zergfits like PHX and AOD.
  9. supernauttt

    it actually wasnt nearly this bad back then...if anything TR's enclave days were worse than the old VS.
  10. ScrapyardBob

    There are some really important bases on Amerish that will make/break you within the first 30 minutes. Bastion is one, West Pass Watchtower is another, as well as SNA on the east side. If your faction doesn't seize those key locations within the first 30 minutes, you'll need to bring 3:1 odds later on.

    VS are not all powerful - TR has been winning a lot more alerts lately (as in past few months).
  11. dstock

    You would have had to keep reading to find the point, lol. I was trying to explain in that brief bit that you can't be unbiased, because you participate in the game. Also, I've only mastered monotypical typing, still working on that left/right switching.
  12. Devrailis

    Somedays, it seems the Vanu just phone it in.
  13. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Yeah, we're as tired of that as you are.
  14. Pokebreaker

    As I have
    As i have Drastically improved my gameplay on NC (which has been my only character since the start), I have been constantly fighting the urge to try VS. One reason is that I've never been one to bandwagon, and the other is that I'm afraid if I try it, I may not be able to come back.

    Those who started off as VS (or any faction for that matter), and stuck with them through thick and thin, I respect. Even those that make alts just for progression, I respect. It's those that migrate for easy wins\OP equipment\easy killsthat turn my stomach. However, this isn't new to this game, nor any game where you can pick a faction. Remember the old 4th faction days? Remember M.A.G.? Hell, even some mmorpgs have the issue. Certain players will always migrate to the winning side, because who doesn't enjoy winning, right? I'd rather quit the game than to become someone like that. To each their own though, it's a personal choice...

    From what I've heard from those who play alts for completion purposes, as well as some migrants that have come back; some VS weapons are a bit more friendly to new players. Not saying the others are Hard Mode or anything, just a bit more friendly. So with something that is viable in combat, and also more friendly to new players, it makes those items a MONSTER in the hands of experienced players (those that came up from the beginning, migrated for the ease, or play alts after reaching BR 100 in others). Don't get me wrong, some players make every faction look like easy mode, because they are just good players overall.

    My point is that with way more middle to upper-end outfits on VS than any others, it is no wonder TR nor NC want to fight them. Every time certain outfits show up, most TR\NC players know they are going to be farmed into frustration. Some leave, some stay, and then some switch to the clearly dominant side... So why bother in the first place, right? Although TR win more than NC, it at least feels like more of a skill balanced fight, which brings it down to numbers and strategy (or lack thereof on both sides). I double mind fighting both, and I actually think I have more kills against VS, by a small amount.

    Just my opinion though, I'm a nobody anyway, but you won't see me jumping factions. I may be silly for having loyalty, even in a video game, but that's just how I am...