Either fix PPA, or nerf Canister

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Alan Kalane

    Hahahaha, you've just made my day. :p
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  2. Frostiken

    Just so you know, between the huge COF and slow projectile speed, never mind the pitiful damage, the effective range of the PPA is maybe 20m, while the Canister can still land deadly shots at up to about 40m. The PPA will REQUIRE 4 direct hits at that range, minimum (which you won't get in any feasible timeframe due to the requirement to tap-fire), while the canister can definitely get a rapid two-hit kill and maybe even a OHK if you're lucky.
  3. Frostiken

    So? That still means that two of the weapons are underpowered *or* the canister is overpowered.

    And Higby put on Twitter that he thinks the Canister is the worst of the three, but who's surprised there, he has a massive hardon for never nerfing the NC, ever.
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  4. Frostiken

    I dare you to go post this in the 'NERF ORION' threads, then. I know you won't, because Anchor.
  5. SenEvason

    In my experience, I see an almost even deployment on Harassers between the Vulcan, Marauder, and Halberd. I need to go look at the actual numbers at some point.
  6. Yerk

    LOL. Behold, the two states of Vanu.

    Prenerf VS: Professor Vanu Mode.
    • PPA is balanced
    • Learn Teamwork
    • Learn Strategy
    • Learn how to use cover
    • Learn how to evade
    • Learn to use counters
    Postnerf VS: Waaahmbulance Mode.
    • Waaaah waaaah
    They did this with the Magrider and the ZOE. They will do this to the Orion. I love how they avoid comparing it with the other FREE LMG equivalents (Gauss Saw and Carv), instead opting on the Anchor which is 1000 certs worth and has very few veteran users.

    If you ask the Vanu, the 0.75x movement multiplier
    • means nothing
    • is not overpowered
    • doesn't really add anything
    If you ask if 0.75x should be taken away from the Orion?
    • hell no
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  7. JudgeNu

    This is a crock of **it.
    It is actually quite difficult to put c4 on a mag as they are typically moving.
    I have been ran over many times trying.

    LA Blues?
    Join the club.
    You cant be allowed to just sit there and spam with no worries.
    Mag mobility is superior than others tanks.
  8. Taemien

    Did everyone suddenly forget the Kobalt (a 100cert cost weapon) exists?

    Kobalt > ALL ESAI Secondaries.

    Has been like that since the ESAI secondaries were available. The only reason PPAs were used more was because it was more fun to use.
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  9. Astriania

    Top trolling 9/10.
  10. Bape

    This basically sums it up.
  11. Maljas23

    I love the title of this thread. It just tells you immediately what to expect.
  12. amega

    At least YOU get your certs back.!!!!! When LA80 was nerfd i didn recieved my certs back. So stay calm and chew youre candy
  13. Badname707

    If by 'wasn't as OP' you mean, 'not quite as good as the kobalt, but still a decent weapon', then sure, I'll give you that. Kind of like how the vektor isn't as OP as the tankbuster.
  14. ronjahn

    Get the cheese out everyone, we have a classic whine thread here. Oh? what's that? Do I taste a hit of salt in your whine recipe?

    Everything said in the above post is garbage IMO. Simply reaching and stretching to find something to nerf in retaliation for bringing the PPA in line with the other sh*t ESAI guns.

    Aren't blatant nerf requests prohibited in these forums? I wish mods would actually enforce that rule, especially when this one is so obvious.
  15. Frostiken

    Question: if the 0.75x ADS is so good, why aren't you all using NS-15Ms?
  16. Nody

    Have you even bothered to look at how the PPA is performing currently?

    26 Oct. - 31 Oct.
    3404 - Proton II PPA | KPH | Daily Average: 127.49
    4007 - P525 Marauder | KPH | Daily Average: 146.68
    3707 - C85 Canister | KPH | Daily Average: 206.52

    Nope; no issues here after the patch (as a hint it's dropped to 1/4 of the Canister after patch)

    26 Oct. - 31 Oct.
    3404 - Proton II PPA | KPU | Daily Average: 16.94
    4007 - P525 Marauder | KPU | Daily Average: 11.83
    3707 - C85 Canister | KPU | Daily Average: 12.77

    Looks good; until you realize that after the patch the KPU us also the lowest of the three (the weekly average is simply skewed atm). Oh and to avoid the the "noob" factor Q4 KPU is about 30% under the other two after patch. But hey maybe it's because no one uses it anymore; it's a common enough excuse right?

    3404 - Proton II PPA | Uniques | Daily Average: 1496.00
    4007 - P525 Marauder | Uniques | Daily Average: 418.00
    3707 - C85 Canister | Uniques | Daily Average: 447.00

    Err, nope, still the PPA is used by twice as many people after patch...

    So yes, if your definition of in line is 25% KPH of the Canister and lowest KPU of all ES AI secondaries and dropping then you sir is completely correct; it's exactly in line with the other MBT ES AI secondaries.
  17. Devrailis

    As someone who drives a MANguard Radar MANister combo, I can tell you quite confidently that the average NC gunner is not capable of even looking at an LA 5 meters away, never mind aiming and shooting at one.

    You give the NC random far too much credit.

    On the other hand, when I do get a gunner with half a functioning cortex, they are able to pull some pretty obscene kill streaks.

    Unsuspecting infantry can be head-sniped up to 250 meters away by our newly testosterone injected MANister.

    The MANister is a beast right now.
  18. Badname707


    My post is not garbage, take it back...
  19. minhalexus

    Mate, it just got nerfed, you're looking at 2 days statistics.

    I remember when the first day the ESSR came out, the Railjack was considered the worst of the 3. Then after a while people thought it was the best of the 3.

    Same with PPA, you can't conclude on 1 day statistics.

    Railjack is still performing the worst of the 3 statistically, but I would say that stats don't prove performance.

    Ease of use is another big thing that is not represented in stats. I don't know if the PPA is easier or harder for the majority, because you simply don't know that when it's only been out 2 days.
    But the Ease of use was what made the old PPA OP.
  20. Bankrotas

    Honey, I shrunk my PPA!
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