ECUS - Light Cavalry | The Last Steel Legion

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by oberchingus, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. oberchingus


    Welcome to ECUS - EKUS - EQUS: The Last Steel Legion

    We are the original Harasser outfit and home of the Emerald Vehicle community. We leave the simpler things like capping points to infantry plebs. Our Teamspeak and vehicle squads are open to anyone who wishes to play with us casually regardless of skill level, but to get ECUS tags you have to prove you are a fit for our community. We have created a very friendly, loving family here and if you are a fit, you will be invited.

    Server: Emerald 99% Connery NC 1%.

    Faction: We play all factions regularly. Come join us on all 3 why don't you.

    To play with us, join our discord and make an appointment. Chat with us and see who's available to play. Most of us are inactive so while cumbersome, this is the best first step. Once you've got a partner, hope on teamspeak at We do not use discord for voice.

    Some ECUS Harasser history...

    For years, ECUS was a leader in the vehicle combat community on the Waterson, now Emerald server. To this day, ECUS, continues to teach interested maniacal players to be the best harasserbators they can be.

    In 2016, ECUS was featured in a Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS) article about Planetside 2. Hey Mom! We're famous!

    Check out some channels from our most dedicated videographers:


    Our original Recruitment video is still the greatest masterpiece I've ever created.

    ECUS created the Reddit harasser and armor communities:

    Long live Planetside 2’s vehicular combat game!

    Welcome to our community.
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  2. Bushdoctor

    So Glad I made the move from NUC to ECUS. After doing the everyday ops thing it wore me out. I started running Harassers with these ECUS guys and fell in love with not only the community but their dedication to being the premiere Harasser outfit in the game period. Always trying to improve oursleves and develop new squad tactics, ECUS definitely is a great place to go if you want to be part of the most fast paced and exciting vehicular combat in the game!
  3. oberchingus

    Bumping for all the tea in china!
  4. Snake00223nc

    These f*ckers took out 6 vanguards, 1 repair sunderer and 1 ammo sunderer over the course of >5 mins they pounced-retreated-pounced-retreated ect.. ect.. in their damn harassers, props to one of the best and most lethal outfits on waterson, 10/10 would recommend!
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  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    Where did ECUS come from? Every time I see you I think you're team EuCalyptUS.
  6. oberchingus

    Nah we're not a Eucalyptus tree...the tag represents the word for horse in Latin: ECUS TR / EQUS NC - and fitting as we're a light cavalry outfit focusing on the harasser.

    I think we found each other this weekend. You were in a lightning or alone in a vanguard on esamir I think?
  7. EGuardian1

    We certainly found each other. RCN6 and SET loves Harassers and we run into you guys on occasion. Frustrating, Fun, and hairpulling all at the same time :D

    One of you tried to run me over and I parkour jumped over you as you did a sweet jump off a rock on Amerish. I have video I'll render and put up tonight if i can.

    In fact, if you want, I can get you guys some video of your ops if you want. I have a really sweet rig and Shadowplay makes filming sooo easy.
  8. oberchingus

    Yeah, we've been having some awesome runs with RCN6 lately. You should hear our TS when it comes to duels. We never face just another harasser, it's always a person that we know or come to know. Only a handful of players get that kind of treatment. For instance: "MisterTwister is smoking hard to the West Northwest."

    I haven't seen too many SET harassers, but glad to hear they like them too. For the longest time, we didn't see any NC harassers. Only a handful of VS harassers come out to play.

    We always love to see harasser videos of our mayhem. And would love to have you join us for that perspective. We do some of our own recordings as well with OBS and shadowplay: Check out 'ecus fodollah' and 'bushdoctorslab' on youtube. My two Mao videos are from an op and the following week Feench put a hightlight video from another Mao fight:

    It's hard to find players that will duel us at least repetitively. Last night on Amerish, we faught aganst RNC6 for about an hour at least. One harasser is fun, 2 or more is the ultimate fun Frustrating, Fun, and hairpulling all at the same time as you so eloquently put it.
  9. EGuardian1

    SET and RCN6 work together alot. SET prefers Libs most of the time, but you'll often see me doing cartwheels in the air in my Reaver and Air Hammer (or running over infantry), or warding off pesky harassers like yourself with my Vanguard,

    Or when we do decide to have fun, I'll ride in the back of Twister's Harasser in my Falcon Max. Hilarity ensues.

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  10. MisterTwister22

    3:00 random vanu infiltrator!
  11. doombro

    That video is fantastic. Looks fun as hell. Never expected ya'll to get assaulted by flashes. :p
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  12. oberchingus

    Wraith Flashes demolish harassers but also provide us extra practice to sharpen our halberd skills. Feench (who was gunning for me during those parts) has become quite the ace in wrecking them.
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  13. crusaderx11

    so your the group of tr harassers that gank everybody. props to ya!
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  14. Bushdoctor

    Guilty :) !!
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  15. KoS-1

    Define gank?
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  16. crusaderx11

    Ambush. It's rather amusing seeing a tank column moving down the road only to get shredded by group of halberd/vulcan harassers. Our vanguard's god mode is highly over rated.
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  17. KoS-1

    You must be mistaken. Harassers have been nerfed into the ground. All they do is shoot spit balls!

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  18. oberchingus

    Bumping for the glory that comes from Howling Pass fights and MergerSmash!
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  19. EGuardian1

    Fodollah agreed to do some physics testing with me on the Harasser and Reaver.

    Our conclusion? Random Vanu wins.

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  20. oberchingus

    MergeSmash: Waterson vs. Matherson: Do you like Skyguard & Sunderer Massacres?

    I have an activity for the fans of ServerSmash: Count the number of lightnings we took out. I want to compare notes!

    For your viewing pleasure, rendered in 720p HD:

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