Eclipse VE3=Worst gun ever?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Akashar, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Mongychops

    Eh, I thought the Darkstar was just a Pulsar VS1 with; heat mechanic, a Compensator, and a little longer min damage range.

    If it gets the +5 rounds, it'll be interesting as a Pulsar upgrade at medium range, but I doubt it'll be replacing the Terminus as the go to medic gun any time soon.
  2. Mystogan

    To my knowledge ALL heat based Direcvite VS weapons are getting 3-5 more rounds, INCLUDING Beetlejuice:

    Higby's tweet:

    He didn't mention in any tweet (I just scrolled down all his tweets) that BJ is not gettting same ammo buff. So it will go up to like 43-45 rounds. And other from 25-28/30. Sweet changes, really.
  3. nehylen

    The min damage range (HVA) was before they added the heat mechanic. The Darkstar is a Pulsar VS1 -5 rounds in mag+infinite ammo +compensator.

    Considering the Pulsar VS1 is meh (due to a single bad stat -horizontal tolerance-, in my opinion), and that from what i read, GOKU forwards its newbies to Terminus/EMC i'm quite perplexed at the statement that the Darkstar is "amazing" by a GOKU member, unless they've seriously revamped it on the PTS and FnkyTwn is talking about that version, of course.
    I mean, the compensator alone on a gun that has very manageable vertical recoil is probably a reason to prefer the Pulsar VS1 over it!

    In my opinion the only VS1-based gun that lives to its "promise" is the Equinox burst. First shot recoil sucks, but at least you're not held back by horizontal tolerance RNG with it.
  4. Schwak

    It's 44 round cooldown from what I remember. Pretty sure a dev confirmed the shots before overheated a while back. As for the Eclipse, I don't think the heat mechanic was a good idea in the first place. It's one of those things where if its useful, its too strong, and if it's not strong enough, it's totally useless. The AR and Carbine that the VS get are just that, totally useless. I guess you can suffer through the AR since it has decent accuracy as far as I'm aware, but a LS carbine with only 25 bullets is crap. Most peoples shots per kill on good weapons are over 25 bullets. Tell me how a inaccurate carbine is suppose to manage on average 1 kill per mag? We'll it's not.

    Scrap the heat mechanic, it was a dumb idea.
  5. Akashar

    Totally my point in fact, when I calculated the kill per mag ratio I was shocked to discover that any precision under 30% did NOT give you one kill per mag, and even a 30% precision did not give you that if the target runs NW. Crappy weapon FTW!
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Really, all sub 750 round 143 damage AR's and Carbines need another 4-5 rounds per magazine to bring them up to par with 30 round 167 damage AR/Carbines and 24 round 200 damage AR/Carbines.

    The 5-8% faster reload speed and 1% better average accuracy doesn't in any way make up for a 10-14% smaller magazine size, and Higby was an idiot for thinking so.

    And no OP, the Dorkstar is the worst gun ever. At least the Eclipse has the UBSG which means you have something to fall back on when you overheat.
  7. Akashar

    I don't have the "dorkstar", but I can assure you that the ubsg has little to no use, as switchting to it is already to long, and at best it can finish off an enemy you did not kill with your full mag.
  8. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Really, because I would say 15-20% of the kills I've gotten on my Eclipse are directly related to the UBSG. Either I'll outright OHK them, I'll open with it and then finish them with 3-4 shots (HA's hate this), or I'll overheat and then switch over and finish them off with it.

    That's not to say that the Eclipse doesn't need another 5 rounds before it overheats... it absolutely does and the Solstice along with all other sub 750 ROF 143 AR/Carbines need a 35 round magazine.

    Also, to clear up some confusion FnkyTwn is talking about only one of our resident spergs that for some weird reason thinks the Pulsar is good and the Dorkstar is even better. Everyone else that's unlocked has used it for a few kills and then switches back to the Terminus or CME.
  9. Mustarde

    Lately I have been singing the praises of the Dorkstar and might be the "resident sperg" that my fellow ginyu warriors are referring to. The thing about the heat mechanic directive weapons are that they have very low DPM and thus are highly dependent on accuracy and headshots to reliably kill targets. That means they have a high skill floor, that many players who are average shooters will probably not exceed.

    Accuracy is an average stat based on shots landed at all ranges. 30% is decent for many players, but if you are missing 70% of your rounds at 20-30m distance, you deserve to not get the kill. My accuracy sits around 25-30% overall but when shooting within 30m I'm probably closer to 40-50% acc, which means I can easily kill shielded HA's and other targets using heat weapons.

    I haven't unlocked the eclipse yet, but the true power of it lies in the ability to get into a good position and kill mans indefinitely until someone can kill you back. The UBSG gives you the ability to deal with CQC threats, provided you can anticipate them. I can't recall how many times the only thing holding me back from more kills with the solstice and pulsar c was that I was out of ammo. In essence, heat weapons mean you get to equip both nanoweave AND ammo belt (but better).

    Heat weapons are not for everyone. The Darkstar has an average TTK and will not drill people like the terminus. Yet if you can control your bursts, aim well and maintain an advantageous position, you can hold a lane indefinitely, until the battle lines shift or the enemy max crashes through. Similar can be said of the Eclipse VE3, which lets the user camp and kill until he gets outplayed. They have a high skill floor, but this is fine in my opinion - it takes over 5500 kills to unlock one and offers an upgrade option that no other infantry weapon has access to - heat mechanic. And if you don't like using it, that's fine, you still have all the other carbines/AR's you used along the way to fall back on.
    • Up x 2
  10. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Mustarde I'm a
    Ginyu Warrior Poet
    You Baka Gaijin

    You are correct that I was referring to you however and yes the UBSG on the Eclipse is just as useful as the unlimited ammo, especially since I'm one of "those" LA's that likes to hang back and pick people off which explains why I use it with a 3.4x scope and my overall 28% accuracy with it. That's actually one of the reasons why I liked the Solstice and therefore the Eclipse so much, it's basically the perfect gun for how I play LA which is pick people at range or hose them down in CQC.
  11. Akashar

    I'm falling back on the pulsar as soon as I auraxiumed it, be assured ;). The biggest challenge with this weapon is that its only upgrade as you said is a gimmick. So as long as you play against noobs, you're fine, your skill makes the difference, but against people of nearly your level, in 1v1 situations for example, when you can't have the drop on someone because he's not some noob who doesn't know the map, this weapon has nothing over any other weapon. Yes, the UBSG can save your life in cqc but a skilled NC player will kill you nonetheless with his shotgun, your "bullet hose" has nothing on the TRAC 5, and I'm not even starting on the GD7-F or the lynx. So it's a perfect gun for killing noob for hours, yeah, thanks to the heat mechanic. It's nearly useles when you try it against a br100 squad. Mustarde, if you like this gun, it may be because you're one of the biggest fishes in the sea, and that's good for you.^^ I'm not on your level myself, and have to face daily people who laugh at weapons like the eclipse.
  12. Xasapis

    The Darkstar is not the worst AR you can find on the VS side, but it is easily competing for that spot. Getting killed by Darkstar should have the same psychological effect as if getting killed by Beamer, only in the case of Darkstar, you should feel worse.
  13. nehylen

    I'm a rather accurate shot myself, in a similar league as you on that specific aspect. I don't think it's a question of skill floor as much as of skill ceiling.
    In my opinion the Pulsar base has a lower skill ceiling than Terminus, as beginners tend to struggle more against vertical recoil, which the latter has plenty of, while the VS1 has mild vertical recoil.
    As you know, vertical recoil tends to become a lesser issue as you improve. So what's left is the harder to compensate horizontal recoil, and there the Terminus is actually much more constant.

    As i stated, the main reproach i have towards the Pulsar/Darkstar/Equinox (not the burst one), is horizontal tolerance. In essence the Pulsar base, while feeling accurate, tends to throw some rounds clearly off course at random due to high tolerance, which neither of the other default carbine/AR bases, or for that matter Terminus, do.
    So there's a very specific firing discipline on that base to find, where you'll both not be getting that first shot recoil too much, and not too many stray shots either, which is emphasized on the Dorkstar due to lower mag size. As such a high skill ceiling, in my opinion disproportionately high for the gun's worth.
    I ran into the same issue with the Pulsar LSW lately: took me 600+ kills of struggling with it to nail the exact trigger discipline.

    In my opinion it's also easier as a LA to capitalize on the Eclipse, as you can pace your fights more than as a medic, and you don't get penalized that much on the trigger discipline, even without the grip (default Solstice actually has better horizontal arc than foregrip attached-Pulsar). It doubt i would have any interest in that gun as an engineer though, both because of ammo packs and the fact that i prefer having higher dps on that class.
  14. JonboyX

    You can argue that with any gun to be fair. The trick with high alpha damage is achieving said 30% precision over repeated shots, in a short space of time. If it were easy, all NC would be using the 200 dmg guns.

    Anyway; you pays your money etc. etc.
    For me, I prefer less alpha damage trading it for a more forgiving burst 'recoil' and/or higher dps. I find that translates to more hits and more actual damage inflicted.
  15. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I would say that in the case of the Pulsar that it's a combination of the Horizontal Tolerance being so bad that it makes no conceivable sense (the only 143 damage AR's that are worse have 0.75 ADS or 845 ROF... yes it's that bad) and the fact that like all other 143 30 round weapons (that the VS just happen to have the majority of) it's damage per magazine is also lacking when you compare it to even the 200 damage laser accurate guns... that also have a higher DPS than the Pulsar.
  16. Liewec123

    nuff said. ;)
  17. nehylen

    True, but i've somewhat accepted the 143x30 as it is, reloading all the time and such. Maybe i'm wrong on that assumption, yet i know perfectly what we're losing (i love NS-11C/NS-11A).
    So at this point i'm mostly annoyed by the obvious dumbed down stats on guns which stray in wrong way from a standard for "reasons".
    It's not so much of a "buff my guns" at this point, more that as someone who loves theorycrafting and stuff that makes sense, i'm annoyed when it doesn't!

    Strong competition indeed, though it's 1k certs vs much more+6k kills in the case of a directive gun.
    I'm not sure if we can determine a specific gun as "teh suck" so easily anyway, yet in my book the presumed worse gun is the Inquisitor. Not because it that bad intrinsically but due to it being a semi auto with 531rpm RoF, inexploitable for most hands in combat situations, and carpal tunnel syndrome-inducing.
    Truly odd design decision that.
    • Up x 1
  18. Rhumald

    Sounds like a weapon designed for scroll-wheel-fire enthusiasts... and a weapon I'll have to remember to auraxium first, whenever I have a reason to play TR, just to get it out of the way.

    Lol, can I blame game mechanics instead?

    I spent about a week off and on auraxiuming the Carver (NC activated knife)... my accuracy is 38%... this is the only game where I've ever been below 50% with a knife... I mean, it's right there, you should connect with it. :/

    I haven't touched the mauler, by contrast, since I auraxiumed it in practically a single battle tower fight, a short time after launch, it's at 145% (XD. A more accurate number is the Piston, which sits at a comfortable 55% for me)

    Apparently a lot of the weapons I've never used are sitting at 0%, and I think more than a few of them throw off my overall infantry accuracy.

    Edit: Just went through and calculated, excluding the mauler, whose hit count was bugged at the time, and the tools which technically take shots which apparently never register a hit percentage, I'm at 31%
  19. Akashar

    Well, since the patch, the Eclipse is waaaaay better than previously! The DPM problem is totally lifted, and the fact that it doesn't have attachments can be eclipsed :cool: by the fact that ammo is unlimited. I might use it longer than previously stated, this patch did great for this weapon.
  20. nehylen

    No offense, but this is a perfect illustration of the placebo effect! :)

    The post-patch Eclipse still has 25 rounds in magazine: switch to semi auto, fire fast enough not to reset the heat bar and count. And yes...that's 25. Probably unintentional, and to be hotfixed, but still.

    The good news is you just got better!