Easy way to get Certs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lonesome killer, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Kalzakov

    i find when in a biolab defence i can earn 100+ certs per hour, normally im achieving about 70 per hour.
  2. Azarga

    Grab MBT get tons of certs.
  3. ackolaptuh

    So for new players try being a medic only and then switch to engineer and heal the bases that are taken up is the only way? I can't kill any thing and I die 40 times a minute. Just after 12 hours don't even make 25 certs. If i could drive a tank i could run over people I guess but too many friendlies get in the way and I don't have a joystick either.
  4. Faidwen

    ?? Run over people ?? There are easier ways to gain certs than running over people. IE: shooting them from your tank.

    Vehicles are VERY easy to drive, and do NOT require a joystick to have fun and be entertained for hours!
  5. IshanDeston

    As soon as i feel like i need to grind certs i will simply logout and go do something else. I am luckily not there yet, but i am approaching that cliff. I find myself looking at the cert number way to often lately.

    Honestly, i really would love to have the 3k certs back from beta. It was no where nearly enough to get everything or close to everything. But it did start me off nicely. Could dip into this and that, specialize into one Class i really wanted to play, while giving me a couple more options when there was no demand for my class or the situation called for something special.

    Sitting there and wondering if i want to heal people a second faster or if i should rather save my certs for something else... is no fun.

    25certs in 12 hours? I don't know what you did, but i highly suspect it was lonewolfing and capping on your own somewhere in the backlands of the enemy. Since capping speed is influenced by the Influence of the surrounding territories and the amount of people capping (up to the treshhold, the little number under the Letters) you end up standing around 15-20 minutes just to cap an outpost for 250 exp (or 1 cert point).

    Joining a Squad and participating in teamwork, even if its just following the Zerg around, should net you at least 20-40 cert points per hour, without much effort or boosts. Play a Medic or an Engineer if your not a good shot. Repair tanks and heal people. Rezz them if they are save to be rezzed (don't annoy people by rezzing them in a bullet hail). Drop a few ammo packs. Or generally provide cover for your teammates.

    Oh and if you are having trouble with driving. Maybe try the T button when your in a vehicle. I personally can't really drive in first person in this game (or any game, thanks to the lack of visibility), but by pretting T, unless you rebound the key, you will change to a 3rd person view. It makes driving around much easier.

    I however suggest not to try to run people over. You'll eventually meet an Engineer that is simply dropping a mine or two infront of him.
  6. Rothnang

    Anything that kills infantry is a raw cert machine. Infantry is plentyful, dies easy, and gives a huge amount of XP for the miniscule effort.
  7. DCWarHound

    The fastest way i found is playing Infiltrator with a bolt action,silencer and 12x scope.

    I remember getting around 60certs after an hour of play and about every bullet i had was a kill,most of the kills were people coming around corners slowly.
  8. DCWarHound

    The cert points for a base capture needs to be increased to 10-20.getting only 3-5cert points for capturing a large base which took around 10min just to cap is way too low.
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  9. 3face

    Buy xp boost if u can afford money,more xp faster certs
    cert/xp is 1:500 so if you kill a person u get 100/120-5(headshot/kill streaks etc) so thats like 4-5 kills for 1 cert .
    I think there is a booster that doubles your xp , so yeah .
    Btw i saw some replies that "money cant buy guns" well w/e

    For me the fastest way of gettin certs was going into big labs as Light Assault and kill zergs,you 're running out of ammo? go resupply. You got damage and need to be healed? go resupply but before that change to medic and heal yourself (press F) then change back to your main (i prolly shouldnt share this information lol).
    As Light Assault try to climb on everything ,not many people look up, so u have the vision advantage. Try to avoid the face 2 face encounters , most of the times you ll find people who are high ranked(donators or guys who play more than you) and bought certifications(shield capacitors/more hp and other stff) that makes them not to die after 15 bullets! lol~
    So ya avoid them(by killing them from top or behind) until you bought those certifications yourself.
    Aim head,strafe alot (unless you are TR :p),use jump jet,practise with it, you ll have the upper hand later on.

    The lack of item description is making this "cert grinding" even more painful. You ll go buy a sniper or a shotgun for 1k and find out that it wasnt what you expected. -If only i could see a mini clip of how that gun exactly worked!
    I know many people say 'just play the game' , but i m sure you ll change your minds after a month with all this random/greedy/buy system.

    Good luck! :)
  10. IshanDeston

    No. We don't need even more encouragement not to defend stuff.
  11. IshanDeston

    Go to the store, click unlock. At the bottom of the new window is a button reading: "Trail available" or something like that. Click that button. You get to try out the weapon for 30 minutes.
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  12. naizarak

    the only "fun" way to farm certs is by playing medic/engi and supporting your team during battle. anything else and you're just grinding and wasting time.

    why play a game if you're not having fun? i'll never understand cert/gold/xp/kd farmers...do people really have nothing better to do with their time?
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  13. Lambchopz

    It's going to take you forever to gain enough certs to get everything you want whether you grind for them or not, may as well have fun while you are gaining them.

    The most expensive things (weapons) are *mostly* side-grades anyways, all of the upgrades are cheap enough that they are easily attainable through just regular play. I don't know why people are worrying so much about it. Just play the game. Do objectives. Play your class correctly. The certs will come.
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  14. Gavyne

    Best way I've found is to always be defending during a bio lab attack. It's the most defensible place, and it's the best when you have a zerg vs zerg. It'll be constant non-stop bullet flying, rocket firing fun. I've gotten 300 certs doing the defense before as a heavy assault. Of course your mileage may vary, you need to have a good sense of defensive play, knowing how not to die so much while killing people. And I know whoever played the support class that fed me goods like ammo & healed me got tons of exp as well.

    All the talk about defenders needing bonus exp, I've found I get more exp from defending than I do from attacking. The other good exp is when 2 zergs are out open in the field pushing each other back & forth. Sometimes even better when you have a 3 way zerg on zerg on zerg.

    Also for additional exp doing the objectives help. They're topping on the cake. You're already getting good exp attacking/defending, if you go for the objectives by say overloading generators, or fixing them over and over, they add up. Pretty much try to be aware of your surroundings, and watch for objective flips. If the zergs are going head on, sometimes people forget the objectives are getting flipped right around them.

    I know many will say to bomb people in a plane, I wish I could find pilots that'll take people. Last time I hopped in, the guy ejected me mid air and I died. I'm guessing if you're in an outfit or squad that probably won't be a problem lol.
  15. oOCKYOo

    Had a 20 man platoon last night. 2 skyguards, 1 filled lib, 1 scythe to cover the lib and a full sundy. Rushed 7 small bases on indar a biolab and a techplant. took roughly 2 hours to pull off and made about 100 certs.

    What am I getting at? Join an outfit and do coordinated strikes/takeovers. You get more for anthing you do in a squad than on your own (plus some squad leaders have 10% XP squad boosters loaded).

    Edit: This was as LA. The medics, engineers and lib gunners make way more than most.

  16. Thentar

    Honestly this is it by far. It is even better xp if you go to where you are pushed back to your warp gate as you can do a pass, retreat and repair over and over. The other night my bomber got over 350 kills while dieing just 2 times and that doesn't count vehicle kills.
    I made, as the pilot, something on the order of 400 certs so he probably made something like 800 certs and our 2 deaths were from me being a bit to cocky
  17. GreenLantern

    According to legend, the "Q" key has the function "Spot Player." Just hitting "Q" lights up every player in your field of vision. But when I hit "Q," my character asks in voice if anyone has any spare batteries (Vanu Engineer). If I run up to a Liberator and hit "Q,", my character tells the pilot in voice that he needs a ride. I hear there's a pie menu that comes up sometimes when you hit "Q" such that you can choose which voice message you want to send to nearby players. I've never seen the "Q" key light up the colored Dorito over anyone's head, either on the screen or on the minimap. So what am I doing wrong here?
  18. alecholman

    you have to be close-ish to enemies to be able to "Q" them. You can't just press Q and have it light up. Also, sometimes they're already "Q"ed by other teammates, so why bother.
    If you press Q on an friendly, itll request whatever their special is (ie: heal, ammo) or do nothing.
    If you hold Q on an friendly, it will have a interface pop up that allows you to: add them, invite to squad, do other stuff that I forgot.