Easy way to earn a ton of Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mech0311, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Katzura

    If you can buy the exact same gun with ingame currency as I bought with real money, it is not pay to win, I might get it before you yes, but you are still able to get everything ingame (excluding deco items) with ingame currecy and all you have to do to get that is to play the game. If we go by that if someone gets something faster than someone else it is Pay to win, then what about those who started a day after me and therefor are after me in the progression curve? Should he complain then seeing as he doesnt get the fancy new toys at the same time as me?

    Nobody in this game gets a permanent boost in power by adding money, all they do is cutting down the time it takes them to be able to field the weapons they want to use.
  2. Daejin

    Funny... As a Lone Wolf, I can probably out Cert-Gain 90% of the outfit/squad members on my server. Any faction. I mean, if I actually try to earn certs, I will not only fully support my faction's front line, but would get around 15k-20k score/hour which is a LOT of certs. (I'd say how many certs an hour but, every time I log on I start with anywhere from 5-10 certs already gained, then my total would jump up randomly from achievements throughout my session.)
  3. EvenDeeper

    See those guys who can play 12 hours a day most of them don't have jobs, I convert my time into money and then that into goods and services :D
  4. EvenDeeper

    Bolded/Underlined for Truth!

    Remember kids get the bouncing betty on your engineer and just spam those 3 things till the enemy medics just ******* give up.
  5. Aerius

    I average 50 certs p/h on ground. Play for 2 hours, buy rocket pods. The guy with SC had an amazing 2 hours head start on you, so unfair@!@!
  6. Jestunhi

    Player C (Pax Emptrean) doesn't know what a Pay2Win game is, so he claims PS2 is one.
  7. Pax Empyrean

    You can't even spell my name without screwing it up.

    I said you can buy yourself power to the extent that more certs means more power, you hopeless illiterate git. I make a point of avoiding the "pay to win" phrase because there is no consensus on what it means, rendering it rather useless.
  8. Yeo-Yin

    remember that there is 2 definition of a "pay 2 win".

    1) a game is a pay 2 win if you have something (an item, a buff, whatever) which you can only buy with rl money and is better than any other item/buff/whatever buyable by ingame money.
    2) a game is a pay 2 win if you have something (an item, a buff, whatever) which you can buy with rl money (not "only but with rl money") and has an impact on your strength/power/capability to win.

    In the second definition, no matter if you can buy it ingame or if the item/whatever is not powerfull, as long as it has an influence on your power it's a pay 2 win.
  9. Caracal

    there is a general consensus on the definition. your opinion on what it means its outside of that consensus. reread the thread to find out what the definition of P2W is. It was mentioned multiple times, but it hasnt seemed o sink in yet for you.
  10. Dbars

    I thought it was a HE tank with maxed out reload speed?
  11. Munq

    If you can't beat a rocketpod ESF with afterburner & default gun you are bad and you should feel bad.
  12. Pax Empyrean

    No, there is not general consensus on what it means. Some people think it means you can buy weapons that are entirely inaccessible without paying for them. Some people think it means you can buy weapons to put yourself ahead of the power curve, even if those same weapons could be obtained (eventually) by playing normally. There are a lot of people in both camps, such that there is no clear majority. Your consensus is imaginary, as evidenced by the large number of people who have started/contributed to threads about how the game is "pay to win" using a definition that you apparently find heretical. With such commonplace disagreement, there is no consensus.

    It looks to me like you've decided that there is consensus, so no matter how many people think otherwise their opinions can be disregarded because they are not in line with the consensus. Stupid circular reasoning.
  13. ClickMe

    I have a much easier way. Buy rocket pods... spray lmb randomly without aiming... profit.
  14. Cab00se187

  15. Glenndal

    This is yet another reason weapon and class skill currency should be disjoint.
  16. Caracal

    we arent taling about 4000 certs per weapon, its 250-750 certs for a weapon in an MMO. I think you are forgetting that it is an MMO. This game is intended to be around for years. The game has been out for, what, two weeks? And, I already made enough certs to purchase a weapon and some upgrades like c4, sprint, and a couple sights.
  17. Pax Empyrean

    Shows how much you know. Maybe if you spent less time 'tarding off in the forums, you'd know how much these things cost. The most common price for weapons is 1,000 certs. Some weapons are cheaper, but you'd have noticed this already if you ever paid attention, which you evidently haven't.

    The guy who buys a 1,000 cert weapon is 1,000 certs ahead of the guy who unlocks it manually.
    • Up x 1
  18. James161324

    Playing in a outfit while the best way is the worse way to gain certs. If you want certs follow the zerg and just kill *****
  19. Caracal

    you are acting like being ahead in certs actually matters for anything...
  20. Fox234

    It does. Certs=upgrades.