So I appreciate Devs putting in the work for some more implants. After all our vets need something for their gambling addiction. But I gotta say, not quite satisfied with how they came out of the oven. While I love doing long rambles about minute details, I want to get through them all. Juggernaut Outside of an backstabbing Infil or the vehicle stabbing, the only other use case for the Melee attack is to finish off an enemy due to empty weapons in CQC situation. And while yes MAX tend to walk close given how every enemy could carry C4, it is usually not a good idea to even let them get into throwing distance, which is still a tad bit further than MAX fist can reach. Let me suggest and alternative: Juggernaut Melee attacks create a mini EMP blast that disarms C4 and mines. 4 second cooldown. MAX only. The blast or rather beam should have enough range that Defector in Aegis shield can touch its outer edges, where C4 can get caught on for reference. But also require more or less precise aiming. It is not the one for all solution, but hopefulla a tool for the careful and skilful MAX to handle single Bricks of C4 and Tank Mines yeeted in their face. Air Drop So when I exit a vehicle, I have 12 seconds to empty my Jet Fuel Tank enough to benefit from a higher recharge? For an Air Drop I don't really the benefit except for being more mobile after stopping fall damage, but for that I can just take Ejection Seat. With a Flash I might get some worth out of it, but really, very narrow. How about doing something like this: Fuel Compressor Upon exiting a vehicle, your tanks get fully refilled and gain a temporary 10/15/20/25/40% bonus fuel over the normal maximum. 20 second cooldown after triggering. Light Assault only. Example Skirmisher 5: You leave vehicle with 3600 fuel + 1440 bonus fuel. As long as that bonus fuel hasn't been burned, the pack doesn't refill. Once it is burned it only refuels back to 3600. No arbitrary time limit, meaning even if starting at a distant sunderer, LA can converse this benefit. Since Ambusher now also runs on fuel, this will shorten the CD after their first jump. Feel free to adjust the bonus fuel percentage. Karma and Rapid Response Looks amazing. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to roll some boxes for them. Living on the Edge, Overcharge, Take A Walk Cannot give a qualified opinion, because I don't engage with medkit playstyle (which seems to be the focus of Living on the Edge), Overcharge (because HA is not my class) or Underwater Combat (for various reasons). Bonus Ideas Since you might be looking for more stuff to put into the Implant System, have a few freebies: Knife Juggler Headshot Kills with sidearms restore one NSX Fujin. 4/3/2/1/1 second cooldown. Rank 5: Headshots with NSX Fujin return it after 4 seconds. The NSX Fujin deserves some love since it is the most akward "grenade". Tripwire Flare Shield Generator, Motion Spotter, Ordnance Dampener and Spitfire A-T explode in a flash when destroyed by small arms fire. Short Flashbang effect Tripwire Alert Enemies destroying your deployable or vehicle get spotted. Defector Explosive Absorption When using Seraph Shield or Time Bomb you don't gain extra armor. If killed by explosives during Time Bomb it triggers rather than being defused. Seraph Shield grants 60% reduced damage from explosives instead. Rumble Seat Stabilizer While sitting in rumble seats, your weapons fire doesn't gain the momentum of the vehicle. Impact Feedback Get a map ping (i.e. yellow motion spot) for your scorpion, mines and grenades explosions. Oath of Revenge Deal 5/7/9/12/12% extra damage against the player, who last killed you. Rank 5: You spot the enemy upon being revived. Doesn't apply to vehicle damage or vehicle weapons. PS: I am gonna do my reports on any bugs in seperate post. This was mostly me rolling around the ideas in my head.
I read air drop and laughed, recharging the jetpack before you need it is such a pointless implant. Your idea is much better EXCEPT the overcharge should last a limited amount of time, 30 seconds or so, enough to use it, but not indefinite. Reason- in a situation where people need just a little more jetpack, it makes it WAY more powerful. Maybe even once per life or vehicle, or until rearming from a terminal.