Dumbfire Rocket as Primary?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pemtaphalon, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Pemtaphalon

    This isn't a nerf thread, just something I've been noticing, I was playing today and the VS were trying to take the spawn base next to Zurvan, I tried to stop them, took one guy down then a barrage of S1 rockets blew me to pieces, it keeps happening, I'll be firing on people, then bam, multiple dumbfire hits, I've even started getting suicide bombed by point blank dumbfire launchers.

    Just wondered if anyone else is getting tired of being killed by rocket spammers and if anyone has any tips or advice on how to combat this irritation
  2. Xind

    Dumbfire spam does seem to be on the rise...I notice most of the BRs doing it are lower, so I assume it's newer people using the most effective weapon at their disposal.

    You just have to kill them before they can react, try not to attack from the front, or if you know they're in some place, chuck a grenade.

    It is quite tedious, and admittedly once someone dumbfires me, sometimes I do go on a dumbfire rampage out of spite.
  3. Sowahka

    Flak armor will prevent a lot of the deaths. Unfortunately the game is mostly comprised of new, bad, or barely average players. As HA is the easiest and a fairly versatile class (with their ability to damage vehicles at range and still "snipe") they are also the most played... most fights I'm in seem to always be comprised of 50%+ HAs.
  4. Pemtaphalon

    Yeah, I considered flak armour, but I spend more time taking bullet damage then explosive, I prefer the increased shield regeneration.

    alot of times it's just people aiming at doorways, so when you step through the door the fire, and even if they miss you, splash damage kills you anyway, I doubt there is a fix for it, I guess I'm just venting
  5. Pemtaphalon

    Yeah, most stats I see the HA kills are way up there lol
  6. ComradeWinston

    I died once to one of these morons, 99% of the time they miss and I gun them down. They're basically free kills, just don't stand still like an idiot. Rockets are slow and useless against anything moving.
  7. Pemtaphalon

    Not standing still, alot of time they do it in closed spaces, usually when you are fighting someone else, since your shields and health will be low, doesn't matter if they miss, splash damage will take you, also these rocket spammers stay in groups alot of times, I guess it's wherever there is an ammo pack so they have unlimited rockets
  8. Vorxil

    I don't mind it, it's good for clearing doorways and hallways when your out of grenades as well as taking out tightly packed infantry.
    Lesson? Spread out.
  9. Ghosty11

    Just an FYI dumbfire splash will not kill you, unless you are already low on health, I don't even think it will take your shield down all the way. The only way to kill with dumbfire rockets is a direct hit.

    I really only use rocket spam on MAXes, although occasionally I get caught with it out by infantry, and they get a rocket to the face, but I have noticed quite a few low BR's that pretty much use it as their primary weapon, if they catch you by surprise they insta-gib you, other than that they are easy to avoid and then kill, because they will be dead before they reload, as most of them can't shoot their LMG.
  10. Linedan

    Well, when I've done it, it's mainly been because I've rounded a corner into some infantry and it's a panic response because I know I don't have time to get my gun out. Rocket and run like hell. Either that or I'm trying to hit a group at long range.
  11. TheEvilBlight

    My thought would be to turn the dumbfire rocket into a shaped charge: eliminate the splash damage.

    If you can't hit, you don't profit.
  12. Zitroxious

    i do it sometimes, but its usually when im hunting a max and some infantry pops out of the same place.. and sometimes i use it at groups of people from a long distance..
  13. Pemtaphalon

    Yeah, I'd agree to groups hiding behind cover, but I'm talking about the exact opposite becoming common, groups of rockets taking out 1 guy
  14. Pemtaphalon

    Yeah, I'm seeing so many HA's just running around with it out at all times, even when they are in enclosed spaces, also sometimes when I die the death board is filled with different peoples names all using the dumbfire, I don't mind getting killed, I don't care about K/D, I'm a medic, I make my XP by healing, this is just something I'm observing, the dumbfire is being used as a primary weapon against single infantry
  15. TheEvilBlight

    I guess if they increased the reload time or make it so that you couldn't fire them "from the hip"...?
  16. Pemtaphalon

    Make it more like the AP tank shells perhaps?
  17. Pemtaphalon

    Or maybe make rockets take longer to re-arm form ammo packs, as I have said, most of the time it's 3-4 HA's standing on a hill behind a rock shooting camping doorways, so they just sit with an engineer and scramble for insta kills
    • Up x 1
  18. Keiichi25

    The basic HA Missile weapon is a generic, all around launcher though. It's suppose to be AI and AV, just as Grenades are, for the most part, generic AI. And unlike the days of old, the Rocket launcher is slow, has an arc in the shot. As for using it on infantry, I do it when I don't have my LMG up and knowing their is a group of people I need to hit semi-indirectly or was in the process of shooting a turret.

    It is another weapon, like the pistol or knife.
  19. ent|ty

    Can't believe these whiners.. wow. Perception is everything.
    "Wah i got a rocket in the face, nerf"
  20. MykeMichail

    I frequently tell Heavies in my squad/platoon to fire a volley of rockets into large groups of infantry. Its highly effective in many situations, but especially when there's many enemies bunched up without good cover.

    A longer ranges its certainly better than trying to gun them down because you can pop out of cover, fire a full volley, and be back in cover before the enemy has time to react. Compare that to trying to gun them down, which takes a lot more time at longer ranges, and makes you a prime target for every sniper in a 300 m radius.