[Suggestion] Dumb fired rocket launchers with no gravity.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VioletZero, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. VioletZero

    For all factions.

    One thing that annoys me about rocket launchers in game is that you're either going to have to deal with a lock on (I don't like lockons.) or deal with absurdly difficult task of rangefinding and correcting your rocket's course making up for the gravity.

    So, what I suggest is a rocket launcher that is dumbfired, but it flies in a 100% straight line. Nothing like the raven or anything though.

    Of course they should be much less powerful than other dumbfired rockets, but I would love to see just a dumbfired rocket launcher that flies in a 100% straight line.

    What do you think?
  2. Exploding Acorn

    So what would make the Lancer an ES launcher if every faction has it?
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  3. Pikachu

    Snipers are going to hate you.
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  4. Pikachu

    It has 4x the velocity and no acceleration. :) I'm all for testing this idea out.
  5. Nexus545


    It's bad enough HA try and get around their range limitations by trying to snipe with them.
  6. Niramartlu

    I think, if i currently can shoot wiht my rocketlauncher of falcons better, than a huge number of snipers in the game - you can snipe infantry with falcons up to 200-250 meters, 100% - with no-gravity launchers i would be quite indestruckable target for enemy tanks and infantry, both like a heavy and a max.
  7. VioletZero

    If I see a sniper as an HA, what I do that is far more effective than throwing a rocket their way is to use single shots to suppress them and move into cover.
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  8. Nexus545

    That's reasonable, in fact it's what the class is for, suppression and anti-vehicle.
  9. Elkybam

    Not sure if that logic applies to BulletSpamSide2.
  10. WTSherman

    How about we just give rocket launchers calibrated leaf sights, so you can still see your target while compensating for drop?


    It would make RLs much easier to use at range, and would be much simpler than coding a system for letting us zero the current sights to different distances.

    Which by the way these would be awesome on UBGLs too, so we don't have to use that silly inaccurate crosshair.
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  11. Jalek

    Even the NC6 SAW is good for this, if the user sees the sniper first. If the weapon had select-fire, people might use it for long range more often with it's initial shot accuracy.
    Nah, they'd still just spray in that direction and take the headshot.
  12. Celenor

    I would say the lancer would have a LOT faster travel time than a dumbfire.

    Also, I really think the benefits of asymmetric balance are purely emotional attachments to Planetside 1. It has no place in a game where all it does is cause balance arguments. Everyone should get camera guided AV rockets, or no one; rinse and repeat that for all major weapon types.

    That doesn't mean there can't be ANY asmmetry; after all, in this very example, you will have Lancer being a high velocity no-gravity weapon compared to rockets being low/medium velocity. But the overall idea of a no-gravity weapon won't be restricted to one empire, which makes the game too hard to balance.
  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    a recoilless rifle (like the carl gustav launcher) would be a cool addition to the game, but should come with some tradeoffs:

    + no projectile drop
    + very fast velocity and launch speed
    - only 50% damage of regular rocket launchers
    - relatively longer reload due to the projectile's cumbersome casing
    - almost no splash damage (small explosive ordnance)
  14. Fellgnome

    Going to have to disagree. This is not effective/basically suicidal against decent snipers who will just shoot you in the head or even double body shot and get a much faster kill on you than you will on them with single shots especially at distances your bullets have dropped off to minimum damage.

    Unlike BF4 there is no actual suppression effect either, only random flinch and it's not reliable going to keep someone off target. Especially if they use battle hardened.

    They can also simply cloak before you get decent damage on them, move, then shoot you while you're not firing on them.

    Not that shooting a dumb fire is a great idea either. Really the best thing is to keep moving erratically enough they can't lead on you and/or getting behind cover.
  15. ColonelChingles

    Sure. Just give me a tank shell that does the same. :)
  16. Pikachu

    Tank shells already have quite flat trajectories at AI range.
  17. _itg

    If this is what you want, give AV MAX a try. You get rocket-like weapons with little or no bullet drop, depending on the weapon and faction.
  18. DatVanuMan

    How about this:
    NC-11 RailMile for NC. High damage (1300, ignores 60% of the resistance, high velocity (1,100) (Duh:p), and a longer reload than the dumbfire rockets. Will eliminate 75% of a Prowlers HP from the back, and will leave a Lightning with 10% health. A Harasser is left with 10%, and Sunderer is destroyed with four hits. Has a two second delay, and has 0.1 meter splash. Anything caught in the splash instantly dies (If it is human:p), and makes the user 15% slower on equip.

    TR-MRL 45 for TR. Each missile deals 800 damage, there are two rockets, and they ignore resistance. However, the second rocket will have less velocity and will be less accurate. Very high RoF, and you are able to use something similar to lockdown, which enables the crouch mode upon your character. Doing this will result in the second rocket firing more accurately, and reload speed is decreased by 25% percent, and you take 15% less damage. However, velocity is decreased by 20%.

    VL-2 for VS. Each projectile deals 650 damage, -10% resistance (Will deal 10% more damage), but then deals 100 damage every two seconds, for 20 seconds. Has very little drop, has a 4-second reload, but the projectile is INCREDIBLY slow; a Vanguard is nine kilometers slower. Also, when repairing a tank that was damaged by this launcher, reparation is 2x faster. If you manage to hit a non-infantry unit at 200 meters (Good luck with that:D), that vehicle/MAX/aircraft is disabled for ten seconds.
  19. Inex

    You're suggesting a less powerful rocket that has an easier time hitting targets. That's what lockons are.
  20. Colt556

    I believe infantry-based AV as a whole should be nerfed into a near useless. Worthless outside of coordinated spam. However to compensate I believe HA's should get fairly powerful launchers that are good even at long range and can kill enemy vehicles reliably, but every round they fire is considered a consumable and requires nanites and can only be resupplied at a terminal. This is a combined arms game, that means infantry, ground vehicles, and air craft all working together. If infantry are fighting a tank and lack the firepower to take it out they should call in air support or use a friendly tank for support. Infantry shouldn't be able to do everything as that makes vehicles redundant and ruins the combined arms nature. Infantry should be forced to rely on vehicles and vehicles should be forced to rely on infantry.