[Suggestion] Dueling, sparring or something

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegendarySalmonSnake, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. LegendarySalmonSnake

    A new option in the spot key menu that invites a teammate to a sparring match with you. Sparring can be done anywhere including warpgates and VR. If the teammate accepts, the match is announced in the chat as well as on the screen similar to alarm modules. There is a grace period before the match during which both players are highlighted on the map for each other to identify and the grace period is counted down on the HUD.

    When the match starts, both participants are treated as enemies for each other on HUD/by spotting. Neither can deal damage to anyone/thing else besides their opponent, their vehicles/deployables and won't accumulate grief points for doing so. The duel ends when one of the players reaches 1 hp or their vehicle is destroyed after which they are safely ejected. When the duel ends both participants have their weapons briefly locked and the result of the match is announced like before.

    A feature like this would be nice while waiting for queue, other people in queue, squadleaders mortal needs or for training purposes and most importantly when your outfitmate calls your skywhale ugly.

    With some UI work, this could also be expanded to include stuff like best out of X, multiple participants/teams, temporary handicaps/buffs, cert betting (lel) ...

    totally not original, bugs and exploits galore, etc.

    Also I'm disappointed that I still can't opt out of knives and serve my opponents the wrong end of my selected guns and a knuckle sandwich. The latter especially as a MAX. >:[
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  2. Lucidius134

    would this be interactable with the bounty system at all? I can see people exploiting it for directives but people already can do that.

    Additionally, associate a cost to it like bounties or tie it into the bounty system perhaps?

    You could add a window that restricts certain things like in runescape dueling, disallowing the use of primaries if agreed upon by both parties and such.

    Additionally, tie it into the weapon trial system and perhaps allow people to use weapons they do not have yet so they can get a feel for them? I dont see the need for this to be tied direclty into the trial system and instead you should be able to duel with them with attachments as much as you want as you dont gain EXP or anything.
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  3. LegendarySalmonSnake

    It's hard to remove all the exploits out of a system like this but it shouldn't allow you to "steal" bounties off of teammates because you won't actually be killing them. Also the more hassle free the better so no costs or rewards for it cause you know sparring.

    I don't understand why weapon trialing doesn't include all the attachments but having sparring as an option in the VR would help.
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  4. Lucidius134

    Exploits are always a concern. I don't think that should shut an idea don't entirely though. Just thought I'd bring it up.

    The weapon trail system needs to include attachments. I feel like this is an opportunity to expand upon that code. Even if it isn't improved, we can include it in the separate dueling system.
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