Drop-podding is horrible. Get rid of it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilJollyT, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. EvilJollyT

    It is bad on so many levels and in so many different ways. Also, I'm not sure it's being used in the way that SOE actually intended it.
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  2. ih8Darian2

    Everytime I spawn a lib, drop pod :(
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  3. SpetV

    I have nothing against it, and I'm rarely using it since I play more solo than with a squad/platoon.
  4. Wezdor

    It shouldn't be completely removed, but the cooldown on Squad deploy should be increased to 15 minutes at least. Instant action is fine as are spawn beacons. It's Squad deploy that is majorly problematic.
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  5. Raichu

    Eh, I haven't had any problems with it since they removed the ability to drop on a specific base for instant action
  6. Astealoth


    I killed a vanu Lib with my drop pod today, I laughed pretty hard. What's so bad about drop pods?
  7. CrashB111

    ******** pilots don't like when someone takes them out while they are hoverspamming.
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  8. Mr_Giggles

    Last thread about pods somebody posted a reddit (?) link saying that they are looking at it. The idea is to reduce steering of the pod and make it so that defenders spawn closer to the base while attackers drop outside of it.

    Good enough in my books.
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  9. FateJH

    The problem is not drop podding in totality but drop podding as a method of spawning in on the same base where you are/last died.
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  10. Malorn

    We don't plan on removing drop pods, but a polish pass on them is in progress. The following is what is planned, but of course is subject to change.

    1) Drop pod maneuverability reduced so they drop closer to their origin points.

    2) Instant action origin points changed such that attacker pods spawn in a doughnut shape around the facility while defender pods spawn near the center.

    3) Squad spawn changing to be like redeploy but does the quick-deploy-to-squad behavior that currently works at the warpgate.

    4) Squad beacon will go on cooldown when a player becomes squad leader.

    Feedback is welcome!
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  11. StolenToast

    I think the one thing everyone can agree on about drop-pods is that they do too much damage to a sundy. As far as I can tell podding onto a sundy and dropping both my C4 is enough to kill a brand new AMS and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
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  12. Morpholine

    Additionally, the podder can often drop his mines/C4 before he renders to the defenders. This is the other part of the issue with pods.
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  13. Wezdor

    Thanks for the response, Malorn! We really appreciate you taking your time to let us know it is being worked on :)

    I think the changes you listed are great, because the main problem was with the Squad deploy anyway, which you now said will be reworked into a fast redeploy.

    Oh, and if at all possible, can you guys at SOE try to respond to more threads that are very largely discussed or have important content? A single response to a thread helps a lot more than you might think :)
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  14. SturmovikDrakon

    Might as well just add a visual Sphere of Influence on bases!
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  15. IamDH

    Just a suggestion here
    Wouldn't increasing the speed of the drop pod falling decrease the ability to land on planes?
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  16. sSie

    Oh no a lib hovering over a base. What a tragedy, think of the children.

    if you get killed by a drop-pod as an ESF/lib pilot, especially after the instant action nerf, you deserve it. period, end of story. don't come crying on here that someone ending your hoverspamming spree with a lucky drop.
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  18. Xebov

    I dont see any problems with the current drop pod mechanics as they work fine and dont give any unfair advantage. Picking air out of the sky is in most cases only possible because the aircraft is simply hovering over one spot instead of moving around so its mostly the fault of the pilot and not the player inside the pod.

    The area of movement for pods is allready very small, i dont see how you want to reduce it further without making pods useless. One reason to use the pods is to get your squad members into a better position (a roof or into a tower) without being forced to place the beacon directly infront of it (and thus instantly loosing it).

    Im not sure about this one. I see the point on this idea, but i also see the tactical part of the current system.

    Just to clarify this. You want to change the squad deploy to work like insert at the warpgate so you get the closest spawn to the squad? The strength of squad deploy is that you can get directly to your squad, even if its at a ops behind enemy lines or in the middle of nowhere. Removing this strength will make it simply useless.

    This is a bad idea. If your squadleader has a disconnect or needs to go offline you will end up with a squad unable to place a beacon wich is not nice. Also i consider it teamwork if the leaderposition moves around if someone is in a good position for a beacon. I have a better idea for this one. Give every squad an internal beacon timer, once a beacon has been placed the countdown starts and the next beacon for this squad can only be placed after the countdown reaches zero. The timer should be smaller as a beacon cooldown so you get a limit for the beacons per squad but squads with several available beacons can still benefit from it, but cant no longer spam beacons.

    When it comes to drop pods (beacons and squad deploy) it comes mostly to achieve one of two goals. You either want a squad member to get into a good position (on a roof or tomer) or you want to get your squadmember close to enemys (to blow up tanks and sunderers mainly). There are players that are upset about the blow up part. But one thing should be made clear here, to do this players need team work, they work together to find vehicles and destroy them and the plyer acting as drop point or placing the beacon often gets nothing for it. And alot of the sunderers i blwon up over the last 8 months where mainly either unmanned or manned by afk players. If a sunderer is realy defended and gunners are aware of whats going on it gets harder to kill them, even if you land directly on them.
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  19. Tekuila

  20. MykeMichail

    I was cloaked as an infiltrator and about to drop a bouncy betty into a large group of TR when a drop pod landed on me last night.

    I found it quite ammusing, although annoying.