[BUG] Drifter Issues?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by CorticalHomunculus, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. CorticalHomunculus

    Hi there,

    Been trying to get into LA a bit more, been having fun lulzing around with Drifter jets. I noticed after GU13 that I keep getting seemingly "stuck" on open ground and it's honestly slower than sprinting. Used to be able to glide smooth but something is messed up.

    Is anyone else noticing this?
    • Up x 3
  2. WookLordz

    YES. It sucks. They need to fix it.
  3. CorticalHomunculus

    Good to know I'm not losing my head.

    Does anyone who uses the Twitters want to shoot this the way of MHiggy?
  4. TheSpectrum

    Just making sure I wasn't crazy as well, please fix the drifters!
  5. Iridar51

    They are fixing this today, in GU14
  6. Iridar51

    Lol. They "fixed" the drifters. Just don't try to shoot while drifting along the road, or you might open a portal to narnia. When you shoot while drifting along the surface you still stuck, then get unstuck, then stuck again... you move in stuttering bursts, and shooting itself starts after a delay.

    What is it with bad games, "released" into beta? I play Firefall, and I swear, there wasn't a day server worked stable on the evening, bugs, falling under textures, game server errors... yet they feel perfectly fine selling in game items for real money, even if it's still beta.

    Reminds you of someone?
  7. K2k4

    Was anybody in this game actually having problems with light assault having mobility?

    Please fulfill this wish and return the way the drifters were working in GU12. Thank you.