Since the patch before the latest one that came out today/yesterday I have had serious FPS variances. I just optimized my FPS on my PC last month so I have a "default" location to stand and measure them. When at that location in the warpgate on Indar, I get roughly the same FPS ~58FPS (with vsync and smoothing on and 60Hz monitor refresh). Since the other patch came out this has remained the same. WHat has not remained the same is out in the field during game play. I have taken sudden FPS plunges from about 58FPS down to 7FPS usually it only drops to 18FPS. I run with my FPS showing. When it drops down during battles, it does not show that either my GPU nor my CPU are limitting the FPS. Before that patch I might have dropped down to maybe ~33FPS with a flag showing it was being limited by GPU or CPU. Since it is not showing GPU/CPU limitters, this would indicate a non-hardware related issue; on top of being suspicious that the only thing that changed was a patch. What might cause this variance? and how can I correct for it? I am having a *really* hard time playing the game right now. Even at an empty site with 1 other enemy I am dropping to 18FPS as soon as gunfire or any type of action takes place. It is pretty unplayable right now. I can post my specs if needed.
Actually it could be nearly anything unforunately. Some sort of process in taking a huge amount of time and slowing everything to a halt. Without some description of what your PC is, namely CPU, GPU, RAM, OS, any programs you might be running at least. Further speculation is kinda meaningless
I wonder how many dozens of these threads here an on reddit it will take before they own up to the fact that something in the Killcam patch has screwed client performance back to the stone age of pre-optimization update.
WIndows 7 ultimate 64bit, i7-3610QM 2.3GHz, 8GB RAM, 2GB m660MX Nvidia with v335.23 driver. You can see the graphics card specs in teh attached. The attached was from actual game play - at the *very* end where it drops off, that is where I exited the game to grab the stats. If you see in the GPU usage % there are 2 major negative peaks. This is where the framerates drop in the game. The second one can actually cause the screen to switch on/off like you are doing a desktop resolution change or something. The earlier patch caused that to only occur when going to the map screen. Now with the latest patch it happens during actual game play too. Before the earlier patch it never happened. The game is run in full screen, i just needed to window it for screen capture. Here's the data:
Having the same problem where my FPS goes as low as 20, from an average 60 and a peak of about 200 depending. I've changed nothing on my system, I've followed every single advice including least likely solutions such as forcing all options on Ultra to utilize GPU more(This does NOT work for me or the difference is negligible).I've got double your RAM and double the GPU(680GTX EVGA x2). My CPU is I7 3770 @ 3.5. Turning SLI off does nothing too. It's just PS2 being blasted Patch after Patch back to before the 1st PU. I think SOE has taken "You have to destroy to build" a bit too literally?
After some playing around with this yesterday, I've isolated it to a Planetside 2 issue with how either their VSync or Smoothing algorithms are functioning in game. I'll play more with it later see if I can figure which. I found that the reason for the screen flicker for me was due to the NVidia Optimus kicking in to conserve energy when the game would stop taxing the system. So game tells system "hey I don't need all that fancy graphics, just give me the basics". This happens on the large negative peaks. The NVidia driver then says, "oh I don't need the power hungry graphics processing anymore, let me switch to power conservation mode". Then NVidia kicks in Optimus (google for more info). So the first thing I did was to get a utility called NVidia Inspector. It allows under the advanced configs to disable Optimus for planetside2.exe where I set the "Enable application for Optimus" to false. This fixed the issue of the screen flicker. Next was the FPS. By merely disabling the VSync and Smoothing I was able to prevent the system from going below the 30FPS even in heavy battles as it used to before the bad patch. I'll play with it more, but one of the two options is definitely crippling the FPS via software, not hardware. So now I jump from about 35FPS upto 130ish (which is why i had those options enabled to begin with), but the good news is the game was actually playable this way at least. What I'll probably have to do as a work around is to continue to use the NVIdia driver advanced options directly overriding the software options. So, for example in the NVidia Inspector I can limit the max frame rate directly which I can set to 60FPS to match the monitor's refresh rate.
since the latest two patches a have horrible fps. system: i5 3570k @ 4,5ghz GTX 770 8GM RAM normally a don`t get under 45-50 fps, two minutes ago at allatum i had sometimes under 30. i unparked the cores, have the latest (wokring) driver installed (332.21) and changed nothing at the system, still i lost 20-30 fps
My FPS is all over the board also, from 120 to around 24. Windows 7 Home Premium i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40 GHz NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 16GB Ram
- Reduce your resolution ingame - Reduce Render Quality to ~85% - Disable VSync (your won't be able to get stable 60fps anyway) - Enable Smoothing
My game ran fine on High settings, 100% Render Quality, Vsync off, and no smoothing 2 weeks ago (I have been busy in RL and didn't have time to play) I come back and it is terrible, almost to the point of unplayable. It is only this game that there is any issues, my other games run just fine. BTW I did try what you suggested Artifex but it made no difference in my FPS.
Likewise though I got a AMD FX 6300 8 gb of ram and a Nvidia 760 22 or lower FPS anymore when i had higher after the OMFG patch by like 40 frames
Since the last two patches this game has been a network hog and I cannot get anything done, keep in mind I use internet with a 15ms speeds, and sorry for explaining this all in one run on sentence