Huh - Well, guess I'll stick with composite. Prefer it for the simple fact that it covers up the yellow bikini-look for the NC heavies chest and overall looks beefier on all classes... in a good way, for NC. I may change my mind if I can compare it with camo at some point, but that's just where I stand right now.
Meh, I was hoping for that uber high tech armor that one of the best contributors to fan spam made, cant remember in which episode of CC it was, but it was awesome. It was darkish painting with a NC soldier with some typical carbine standing next to some rock/stuff (accurate description I know) with this awesome armor on.
the 'low-tech" NC look should at LEAST look this good.
Sadly it seams that the art departement as been biased toward the VS , ive seen some super cool looking NC concept art from a girl with a lots of talent , she as been taken as a Aprentice at SOE and Guess where they put her to work on ? YEP Vanus stuff they have confirme it in the last comand center episode she work on VS stuff exclusively it seams , so yeah Nc migth get few cool stuff from the player studios it seams to be our only hope now ...
How about adding some optional new visuals to aircraft as well? I mean, fins are dandy and all.. but how about stuff like this?
Perhaps I was right. I want to see the TR Heavy and Engineer versions, if they look like what the stats webpage shows I'd probably buy (hey, and don't make it TOO expensive please).
They are available now for preview on PTS, and they seem to be pretty cheap too. (200 SC for MAX, 150 SC for HA, 100 SC for all others, infils don't seem to get any.)
If they follow the trend, infiltrators will get new armors with the Infiltrator update, like the MAX did in the MAX update.
bah, guess i'll have to wait some more months for Player studio to open up for EU and Armor Skins aswell :\
I've been on the Test server and i've gotta say i like them, they are cheaper versions of the Composite armor and sometimes they have a lorelook which is lovely, like the Light assault which gets this ***-kicking NC Star on the shoulders, booya! Gj Soe they are better than i thought, but not badass, Guess we'll have to wait for Player studio for those.
So much yes, I actually built a cylon raider front headlight setup for my motorcycle, so for me that skin upgrade would be a case of:
The "new" Drakon VS armor is very disappointing in my opinion. It's the composite armor, minus a few things, and the addition of these little whispy I-don't-know-whats around the knees. Feathers? Spikes? Fronds? Bleh. Fail is more like it. Anyway, the art team must really be stretched thin if this is what they (SOE in general, not the art guys/girls) are pushing to the live market for sale. I was really looking forward to the option of having some less bulky, more streamlined armor to choose from, but this is just composite with some items deleted and a few minor detail additions. Particularly the MAX armor.
SOE didn't add these armour sets on game release because they didn't think they were different enough from default armour. Now they add them because they've seen there is enough demand for them from alpha players, and you complain about it. Find something worthwhile to whine about will you?