Don't BUY any new camo until Next Patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Torok, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Dragonblood

    cool story, and you joined the purple team that wears mostly black and grey........sure.
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  2. Wobberjockey

    giraffe camo has been proven to rase K/d by 50%, increase SPH by 80%, help prevent cancer, and improve your love life.

    you are vastly uninformed
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  3. Lazaruz

    Could we have an option to select a default camo set for each continent, or something like that please?

    I don't like spending that much time in the vehicle/equipment menu, and I'm afraid that the VS & NC will make fun of me if I use an Esamir camo on Amerish... :(
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  4. deggy

    Faction coloration stole my girlfriend and raised my taxes. It's clear to me that I should have been using Giraffe all along.
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  5. Goretzu

    Either that or put in someway to change a vehicles camo once you've spawned it.
  6. MorganM

    Ya know what? I've had this problem all the freak'n time. Doritos can be slow to pop up, it's dark, and I can't tell if it's a TR guy wearing dark Amerish camo or a VS guy or maybe a friendly wearing dark digital. It's especially bad with vehicles; I can see an NS vehicle but it's too far away to make out faction colors and despite any amount of smashing my Q key... no dorito. I don't know if it's lag or a function of them running stealth but whatever it is... usually ends up with friendly fire.

    Only way I've found to fight this is shoot first and determine faction later. You know pretty damn quick when a shot lands if it's friend or foe.
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  7. Littleman

    "The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire."

    That said, three things:

    1. The blue doritos do often take a moment to pop up when they very well shouldn't.
    2. I don't have the luxury of inspecting every uniform in close detail before opening fire. I see someone in camo, and then see red somewhere on them, as a TR, I assume they're friendly, even if it's a dirty Vanu with a red decal on their shoulder... like a TR heavy would (reason #1 why their camo is overkill or the TR's/NC's underkill.)
    3. See: Murphy's law as quoted above - bullets naturally gravitate to the heads of friendlies.
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  8. phreec

    I hope that and the new bundled camos staying 500SC will be the case.
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    Here is my TR Medic:

    Here is my NC Medic:

    Here is my VS Medic:

    Any questions?
  10. JudgeNu

    Id like to see the bundle at 500 sc but I think camo bundles are at 750 atm. ( just a select few )
    It could be that they are just going to bundle them all up and keep the price at 750.
  11. MurderBunneh

    If you haven't been spotted are wearing all black and it is dark tell me how camo doesn't help?

    I have seen VS medics try to rez me while I am playing medic and wearing the Grey Scale camo and the NC scout helmet. I look astoundingly close to a VS with that combo. The combo also works really well if you are playing LA and using the composite armor. There is almost no yellow.

    Really I don't even know how the Scout Helmet was even approved it is obvious it is meant to look VS.

    Camo helps with recognition. If I can make you wonder even for a split second that would be all I need sometimes.
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    i kill everyone i see :D camos dont matter :eek:
  13. Rocket Black Man

    I've heard good things about the Giraffe camo- is it really worth the SC?
  14. Bindlestiff

    I wear my Esamir camo everywhere, as I really cannot be bothered taking it off. If I had a bright pink / lumifiber camo available I'd wear that everywhere too. Camo is next to useless in this game.
  15. Chivalry

    It blends in well with Indar's color scheme, but virtually all other praise is nothing more than a running gag.

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  16. Ttariel

    I should be more neutral on it thats true.

    I guess im just salty when it comes to SOEs pricing haha
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  17. Torok

    Gotta give you that :D
  18. Giggily

    My character is currently wearing the bulkiest armor in shiny bright teals and greens and I wear a giant reflective fishbowl as a helmet. I do better now than when I tried to wear actual camo.

  19. NBA JAM

    How about just stop supporting this horribly designed game period. I spent money on it when it first came out hoping that it would help them develop it further. Boy was I wrong.

    Since then its just been a constant downhill slope. I come back every now and then to check on the updates and the state of the game only to find there's 10 new ways to die in under 1 second. Waiting till PS1 goes free in the next couple months.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    It really does cut down on the TKing doesn't it, I am loving my VS industrial Mix bright teal camo.
    My TR in shiny red comic book camo also gets TK'ed way less then when I'm in my NS aspen snow forest.
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