Dogfight Lock-on Flaming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kifsator, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Xervous

    *cough* remove ghost reload *cough*
  2. GaBeRock

    The noobs sill always stay at the same level of mediocrity, because they'll never switch to their nosegun. This is also a nerf to people using G2A wing mounts to soloheavy air. (Hornets lower the ttk against galaxies by a lot.)
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  3. Xervous

    I know full well that the removal of ghost reload is never going to happen, it's just something I toss out there for "what if?* lines of thought.

    nosegun + AB: clear winner in this case as they lose nothing
    rocket pods, hornets: can't really spam them against targets you'd also like to use your nosegun against.
    A2AM: wouldn't drastically affect their use, though it would further discourage pilots from alternating between nosegun / A2AM. I can still see the A2AM being used to open or finish a fight, or just be spammed straight through.
    Coyotes: would become mostly separate from the nosegun. Of course this wouldn't reduce their spamability but it would prevent better pilots from alternating nosegun/coyotes.

    Thus, mostly A2G ESFs and skilled pilots that use coyotes would suffer the hardest blow from this. Pods/hornets don't need further nerfs, so it would be better to focus on the specific things that actually need adjustment.
  4. Quipster

    I would, but sadly, you're NC scum. I can't be seen flying with you, unless I'm also shooting at you.

    Hope to see you in the air sometime... :D
  5. WTSherman

    If it's such a boring mechanic, why is it a mainstay of both space sims and flight sims? :p

    Of course, in both space sims and flight sims they're usually much better done. You can fire them at the same time as your nosegun, you can fire multiple missiles on a single lock, they have flares that actually act like flares (which you can also rapid-fire, but you have a limited quantity), and you usually have a fairly small supply of missiles that you have to either conserve carefully or rearm frequently (Ace Combat aside).

    Space sims and flight sims also usually have much better/more intuitive flight models that make shaking locks easier, but also make the use of missiles more necessary if you want to secure kills efficiently.
  6. Riku

    Wow, that would be the creme de la creme of irony and hypocrisy, it's not like the self proclaimed pros don't give me enough reason to laugh already :D

    We already are "server buddies", I got a VS and TR on Miller :D Cheers
  7. Flag

    People who waste their times having to proclaim who's sufficiently sky-knightly are a waste of time. ;D
    Assuming they're doing so without a shred of irony of course.
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  8. acksbox

    There should be an option to completely disable all chat with other factions so I don't have to add scores of people to my /ignore list.

    What a farce.

    Sims are simulations. Since homing weapons exist in both the real world and many fictional universes, anything that tries to simulate the experience of combat in a setting where they exist will be missing something if they don't exist. In these realities, how fun weapons are is about as irrelevant as it gets. They are supposed to be as effective as possible, which always means as unsportsmanlike and one sided as possible, because the people using them would much rather win than lose, much rather kill than die.

    I don't think it's a boring mechanic, as verisimilitude is a great source of enjoyment for me. Working within a system grounded in either reality or a consistent, coherent, fictional setting, is generally far more fun for me than arbitrary, lowest common denominator, fan service.
  9. Chrotenise

    I personally hate how tomcats which have been certed into reduced lockon have no real counter. If you're engaged and see the warning, you can flare up and get rid of the first tomcat. However, 5 seconds after that there is no more barrier for the next 50 seconds. If you can't find your opponent directly and engage him, you're screwed
  10. repinSniper

    Incorrect. You have no more "barrier" for at the most ~17-18 seconds max rank to ~ 32-33 seconds with only one point into flares.

    Too many over exaggerations and guesses abound on these forums... which make the majority of people who don't do the research believe whatever anyone with an agenda tells them, and jump on the bandwagon.
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  11. Ziogatto89

    So a newbie has a chance when using only a nosegun against a pro with a nosegun? Not in a thousand years.
  12. Flag


    In other words, don't go alone.
    Bring friends.

    But I know people won't do that, or even if they do they'll bring the coyotes or tomcats.
    And then... well I've already said what happens next.
  13. [NNG]WillTerry

    Dem big words. Someone went to college.
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