Does the Valkyrie have a new feature that I don't know about?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stormsinger, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Stormsinger

    So, I logged onto a random alt to collect my daily certs, and noticed that a rather amusing item is on sale. This sounds like it has the potential for some serious OPness.


    Speaking of which, i've been looking into acquiring more toys for my Valk - the one vehicle I don't have eighteen berjillion hours in. Anyone have any recommendations? Besides the above, of course.
  2. Opapanax

    I fly Valkyries and use the item you're talking about. The targeting cockpit item ie just cosmetic on the outside of the cockpit. It does nothing for the pilot or gunner. At least I haven't noticed any boon for using it.
  3. HadesR

    If it needs targeting help then you are doing something wrong :)
  4. Ronin Oni

    I think he was pointing out that "cockpit" was cut off after the 4th letter so the item says something quite different on the front store page

    As for what to do with Valk, try lashers on 1 side and engineers on the other. Usde Wyvern cause AFAIK all other guns still suck, and you've got some decent firepower in a relatively hard to kill aircraft.

    It's also pretty good as a squad spawn point