Does the reward for alerts like continent capping affect everyone?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beartornado, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Beartornado

    Because I'll be honest, I don't like the idea of waiting 50 minutes to get into Esamir for the continent cap alert, play for 30 minutes, and then crash and miss out on that chunk of exp I would have gotten if I have to be on Esamir to benefit from it.
  2. 2Slow2Calm

    According to the patch notes, you don't have to be on the continent the alert is on to receive the lump sum of exp at the end.
  3. cfnz

    Yes. I doesn't matter where you are, including VR training room, you get the bonus at the end.
  4. KripTed

    seems like i didnt get anything at all when i played for 2 hours straight trying to cap esamir...
  5. ScrapyardBob

    The XP notification is way too short and sometimes doesn't seem to display. Best bet is to look at your certification number just before/after the alert ends.