Does firing the Recon Detect Device (dart) make me show up on mini-map?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sylvan, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Sylvan

    I know the dart pulse itself shows up. But does firing the tool ping my location on the mini-map?

    Occasionally, while being evasive it occurs to me to fire the dart in a very different direction to misdirect my pursuers. But if firing the tool shows up on the mini-map, this is obviously counter-productive.

    Does anyone know if using the tool counts as firing a weapon as far as the mini-map is concerned?
  2. Problem Officer

    Not sure about sound detection but when you fire the dart, the scanning circles show up in-flight so your general location may be given away.
  3. Jawarisin

    chances are nobody will ever notice what Problem said though, maybe 1/5000? Don't even worry about it, might as well worry about a meteorite landing on your head. It doesn't do a red dot.
  4. VSDieHearted

    But the sound while firing recon detect dart is loud, really really long.
  5. Conflictt

    I know for a fact that it used to ping you on the mini-map, it's been a very long time since I've heard anything about it though.